Shadow's Tamagotchi log of epicness


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May 14, 2011
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To start of this wonderful log id like to say this

I was cleaning my room the other day and found my old Tamagotchis!

I dont have very many in my collection but i plan to buy more soon!

So i got bored and made this log


V4-Clear-Lost in my Brothers room


Music Star-Blue


My Pokewalker which i treat like a Tamagotchi-Out of Batteries

Music Star


As you can see Ive already had a family here

I raised a Violetchi named Lexy age 6 and mated with a Shimashimatchi and produced a male offspring

Hopefully the parents will leave tomorrow so i can start with GEN 2

This time around im trying to get a Kuromametchi or Togetchi

but we'll see tomorrow!

Tamagotchi V4.5


My first new generation on V4.5

His name is Cam

He took a short nap then he evolved into a Kuribotchi!!

I wanna get a Uramametchi! but I got to wait till teen years!

Cam just got accepted to preschool yay for him!


Important Tamagotchi Profiles

Ty-Me-Owner of my Tamagotchi's

Lexy-Violetchi-Joey's Mom-Plays Guitar for The Spammers

Jacob-Shimashimatchi-Joey's Dad

Joey-Son of Lexy and Jacob



Less Important Profiles

John-Tarakotchi-Drummer for The Spammers

Thu-Onputchi-Keyboard player for The Spammers


Today's Events

Lexy-I have to go in a few honey

Jacob-Ok me and lil Joey will be watching!!

Lexy-Ty's bringing Cam over keep an eye on him

*doorbell rings*

Ty-Im here, and so is Cam!

Lexy-Good let him and Joey play for a bit, i have to go now so bye everyone!


Ty-Good luck Lexy!

*Lexy meets John and Thu at the gig*

Lexy-Well are you guys ready

John and Thu-Yup!

*Band plays their heart out*


King-I hearby proclaim the Spmmers rank number one!

Lexy-omg this is awesome

Thu-My dream has came true!

John-Im the one who did the best

*Girls look at John*

John-What XD

*later at Lexy's house*

Lexy-Ty come here we need to talk

Jacob-We need to leave Joey in your hands tomorrow

Lexy-Were moving to Tamatown

Ty-Sure ill raise him just like i did you!


(Continued Tomorrow)

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Tamagotchi V4.5

Well its not tomorrow yet but i got bored and decided to take Cam to his first visit to Tamatown

There we played some games and bought a Stereo at the music store

Heres a pic



Ty-Hey Cam wanna go to Tamatown?

Cam-Whats that?

Ty-The homeland of all Tamagotchis plus theirs games

Cam-OOOO i wanna go!!


Cam-Wow I cant believe that i won 9000 points!

Ty-Lets go buy something at the mall


Cam-This stereo looks cool

Ty-OK then lets buy it then!

*Pays Cashier*

Cam-Ty, do my parents live in Tamatown?

Ty-Ummmm, we don't know if you HAVE parents....your a mystery Cam, your a mystery...

(To be Continued)

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Hello Readers!

Music Star

Well it looks like Joey's parents are still with him

i know they'll leave tonight, so that gives me a chance to raise Cam a little more

9:30 AM-Lexy got her final paycheck from the band bringing her to 2 million Gotchi Points that leaves 1 million for Joey

4:00 PM-Lexy has 999 in all stats so Joey has 250 in each stat when they leave

Tamagotchi V4.5


I woke up this morning and Cam was still asleep. I waited an hour or two and hadn't heard from him so i looked at the Tamagotchi and the battery was dead :p

Good thing i has more!

Well hes still a toddler and and didnt evolve today, because i put him on pause so i could clean and him not bother me.

So today has been a slow day, not much done. Tomorrow will be much more news with Joey's parents moving and Cam evolving

Plus i have school..AND STANDARDIZED STATE TESTING this week so wish me luck! <_<


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Hi Readers! Testing starts tomorrow :(

Music Star

Lets see..Lexy and her mate left Joey this morning but...

about 4:00PM little Joey evolved...and coincidentally he evolved into..Kuribotchi!

Which happens to be the same species Cam was


I'm gonna do some training now




Tamagotchi V4.5

I should of never paused Cam. But while i was in my band concert, Cam evolved into a Kujakutchi the peacock thing. Well that rules out Ura Mametchi :p

O well at least ill aim for Ura Togetchi. Cam looks like a girl now lol

In other news...

Im going to run some test on my 4.5 and see if the tamagotchi's have genetics

i know its confusing...

any way till next time


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