Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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ooc: NUHUH.I don't remember.

Dr. Perry bolted off running in hopes of finding them.
Yuriah's spidey senses tingled, "Um. I think we should get going." she began walking faster.

OoC: I've been tacklehugged.

ooc: *tacklehugged*

Kiku cocked her head to the side. "Eeh~ but why, niitan?"

Dr. Perry was a fast runner.

" reason in particular. But, um, the exercise is good, right?" she was panicking.

ooc: bye~~

"... what's exercise?"

Dr. Perry caught up to them. "You-- the test results--" he panted, leaning on his knees, and handed over the fated clipboard.

Yuriah was about to stare at Kiku in disbelief, but then she noticed Dr. Perry. It's hard not to. And I almost just wrote "Dr. Pretty". "GO AWAY, I DON'T WANT YOU. I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY."

It rhymes.

Dr. Perry was quite pretty. "DON'T YOU WANT ME BABY? Look at these results, damnit!" he insisted, shoving them in her face.


"FINE, but if I don't like them I reserve the right to sue you. Or at least pepperspray you, for following me around." Yuriah reluctantly looked at the results.

The results said "You have cancer. And it's spread. And you're probably going to die." I know, they wouldn't know all that from one mammogram, but I'm trying to speed it up here.

"... I need to take you to the hospital." Dr. Perry said seriously.

Kiku was panicking. "What's going on? D: Niitan, niitan??"

Yuriah stared at the results, her pupils getting all dilated. She then thrust the clipboard back at Dr. Pretty Perry, grabbed Kiku's arm and attempted to walk away. "It's nothing. I'm fine. It's not important."

"Yes, it is." Dr. Perry said, grabbing her arm. "If you don't come in with me willingly, I'm going to have to drag you."

Yuriah glared at him, then grabbed Kiku's head and covered her ears tight. "So you're saying I don't have a choice, huh? But what do you care if I die?" she asked Perry.

"I'm a doctor. I'm supposed to care about my patients, no matter how stubborn they are." Dr. pretty Perry said.

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"I'm a doctor. I'm supposed to care about my parents, no matter how stubborn they are." Dr. pretty Perry said.

Yuriah stared at him blankly. "I'm not your patient. Not to my will, at least."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" Yuriah screamed, "Don't make me use my rape whistle!" she pulled it out from under her shirt.

"I'll flash my doctor's license and say you escaped from the mental ward."

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"I'll say it's fake." Yuriah was as panicky as she had been for the past half hour. In SPB time.

"I'm older and look professional and just told them you escaped from the funny farm, remember? They'll believe me."

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