Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"W-What do you think is the matter with me?"

Morgaine kissed back, giggling with joy.

Drew looked up at him. She hugged her legs closer to her and looked away.

Death peered closer at her as though inspecting her, "Hmm. I'd say're feeling feelings."

M.A.1 licked her cheek all <3

Dimentio sat near the bars, cage, whatever she was in.

"I-I am."

She giggled again. "Your so good to me."

Drew sighed. "I'm safer here."

"But what feeling though?" He asked, standing straight again.

M.A.1 blushed at that, "All this only for you~!"

Dimentio flitted next to her, hugging her softly, "noo...."

Death's eye-glow brightened a little, " cant be that."

He grinned childlishly and pretended to purr

Dimentio was hurt by this, "But..i can change...i-i know i can!"

Morbid decided she could not dodge this any longer. "I've always had an admiration for Death. I never understood why. Maybe it was the way I was raised and the beliefs my parents planted inside my head."

She giggled and pretended to purr back.

"You told me awhile back that you could not change- because it was in your nature to travel. But for some reason, you never take me with you." She moved her legs away from her chest, her stomach rounded slightly. "What should it matter, though?" she asked simply.

Death seemed a little surprised at this, "...Am i the Death that they told you about?"

M.A.1 licked her cheek again, grinning happily.

"what if you got hurt...if i did take you to the places i go?"

"I do not know of any other Death," she said.

Morgaine sighed gently with happiness. "I need a nap."

"That still doesn't give you the right to leave me alone." Her heart felt shattered.

Death shook his head, "I my domain and myself as you imagined?"

M.A.1 nodded, detaching the hot water bottle from the tendril and placing it on her back again.

He sat down and lay against the sofa, closing his eyes.

" doesn't."

he was figdeting with his hands.

"No. It's better."

Morgaine snuggled up to him. She exhaled slowly and closed her eyes.

"My point made. No one can get me out of here. See how BB and Dafret hardly care?" she asked simply. "I am safe here. I am away from heartbreak, and the shunning of my family. I hardly see Paige and Cole. So what's the point in being in the real world when all that happens is pain? You think I haven't endured enough?" She brought her legs to her chest again.

Death's eyeglow flickered like a blink, "I-i see. Not often people say that. Most of the time it's "Arrrgh" or "It's not my time!" or the classic "Im too young to die!"..."

M.A.1 yawned peacefully, falling asleep.

Beetlejuice silently rose out the ground in front of them with a camera, taking a picture of the two.

"But Dafret has his own issues to take care of. BB just locks himself away anyway.". His french accent slipped back, " I 'ave put you in protect you from moi.."

"Everyone is raised different. I was told to admire Death, because one day, we all see him and he is impossible to avoid. There is no cheating Death." She smiled gently at him.

Morgaine fell asleep as well.

Yuzu giggled and watched him.

"Everyone has da`mn issues in this family but no one cares about the little fu`cking sister!" she screamed, stomping her feet in irritation. "It doesn't matter anymore, nothing matters, not even this da`mn baby!"

"That is true. Say, do you know about a Swans last moments?"

Beetlejuice pocketed the camera and sunk through the floor, rising up behind Yuzu.

Dimentio shivered, actually mildly scared.

She shook her head. "No, I do not."

Yuzu tensed a little, but didn't move.

Drew stood up, turning away from him. "Leave me."

"When it's a swans final moments, they'll sing one last song before gracefully falling. although you do tend to get the stubborn ones who wont sing when i go to claim them."

Beetlejuice hugged her happily, "Why so tense?"

Dimentio stayed sat down frozen, his mind jolted to a stop.

Morbid smiled a little. "Sounds pretty and romantic all at the same time."

"I just am~" She said calmly.

"I will be better off without people."

"Not when they refuse to go gracefully it isnt. But yes, the idea does sound romantic."

"You should be more relaxed. like me~". He melted into the floor until he was just eyeballs and a mouth, "Im so untense im like water!"

"B-but..." was all Dimentio could retort with.

"Have you found love?" she asked.

Yuzu giggled softly. "Maybe.."

Drew shook her head slowly. "Safe."

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