Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"Do you really!?" She looked up at him with shifty eyes.

Little Kinsey was all D<

Yuzu spun around and looked at Shadow. "Shouldn't you be on vacation?" she asked.

"I've never been commplimented so much," she whispered.

"No.. I have no intention of getting in Beetlejuice's pants today. Maybe tomorrow.."

Sam forced me to join! D:

But you're so into it...-shot-

Name: Avery Jaden French

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Personality: She's nice, but at the same time very stubborn and sarcastic.

Looks: Avery has wavy red hair that reaches up to her rib cage. Her eyes are a bright, emerald green. Without the shinyness, of course. Her eyes are wider-than-normal, but they're really very pretty. She tend to wear more eye makeup than any other makeup. She's about five feet and seven inches.

Outfit: Right now, it's a a gray V-Neck shirt, her faded skinny jeans, and gray flats.

Power: If you touch her skin, be prepared for an electrical shock. It does come and go randomly and she has no control over how strong the shock is or when it's here or not.

Birthmark: She has a little grayish mark on her shoulder.

Crush: Noope.

Name: Rhett Aubrine-Baker

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a little vain, but if you get past, he's actually a nice guy.

Looks: Rhett has shaggy brown hair that skims against his neckline. He's about six-three. Very tall. Very skinny. Lanky looking. His eyes are are brown and he's always a little sleepy looking, but he's alert. I think I just described a dog. ):

Outfit: As of now, a blue shirt and denim jeans. White shoes.

Power: He can transfigure things. Like make one thing into another thing. But not permanently. And his power can get drained and then he can't use it for a couple of hours.

Birthmark: A funky cresent symbol on the back of his neck. You can't see it, because his hair covers it.

Crush: Haa. No.

Caius smiled warmly.

"Fair enough...hey and Little Kinsey might wanna see this."

He handed the leaflet to Nekro who gasped after reading it, "They went there!? oh god..."

Tomoyo glomped Avery and Rhett. Just because Luna wasn't around to be the welcoming committee.

Faith smiled back.

"What's wrong there?" Yuzu asked.

Little Kinsey was blank.

Tomoyo said, "Welcome to Secret Powers Burg!!"

Faith nuzzled back.

"They want alone time.."

OOC: He is old.

He's my pedobear.

Tomoyo said, "I'm the Welcoming Committee! Along with Kotone and Luna but I haven't seen them around D:"


Yuzu nodded. "Give them time. They may come back married and Faith pregnant for all we know," she said, chuckling. "I would never give myself so easily."

Sammie, I'm taking that very sexually. :)

Like always.

"I'm Rhett, then." Rhett spoke "And that's Avery."

OOC: He's mine though.

Of course it's sexually.

"Nice to meet you!" she said, smiling.

Now what? Sex?

"We'll hope."


OoC: oh hi, i'm lurking. nice to meet you.

Hi. Sam forced me to join.

I think I mentioned that. Y'knoww.

"Hi." Rhett nodded.

OOC: See, Sam. This is why I don't join topics that are like--over 5pages in because I'm all like "er...hi."


Divaa. Play nice.

Tomyo said, "I would take you to meet people, but half the community left on vacation, someone just died, and you know."

So they had sex.

and Faith was praying that she wouldn't get a baby.

"I think tomorrow."

OoC: YES. YES IT DOES. I'm happy.

Hi, stranger. Nice to meet you :D I'm Ana and I like juice.

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