Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Jordan nodded and threw a ninja sleeping gas smoke bomb thing towards Nell.

Riley was eating spaghetti somewhere without Nell. He thought she was going to meet HIM.


Nell was all "... the hell?" and started coughing. She passed out.

Kaito waited for the smoke to clear, then ran over and grabbed her. "Got her <3"

Miru smirked. "Alright. Good work you two. Take her back to base."

Uriah was watching all this, but he didn't really care.

Jordan pointed to Uriah, "He saw. What do we do?"

Miru stared for a moment before realizing who it was. "... Meh, take him too, I guess. I don't want him telling Aaron or anything"

Uriah walked away.

Jordan threw a NINJA BOOMERANG at Uriah's head. Uriah got knocked out. Jordan caught the boomerang when it came back and tied Uriah's arms together all :D

Miru smiled and picked Nell's phone out of her pocket. "Alright, you two take them back. Uh, clone the boy or something, we can't have him missing."

Kaito saluted and dragged Nell off.

Jordan dragged Uriah, following Kaito. "What's so special about the girl, anyways?"

Kaito shrugged. "Don't ask me. I don't have a clue what goes on in her mind."

Miru sat down and opened Nell's phone, calling Riley.

"Eh, works for me." Jordan said, walking.

Riley answered the phone. "Helloo?" How Riley has a cell phone, I do not know.

As did Jordan.

"At the restaurant D:" Riley said, which Ana knows how to spell now, unlike in fifth grade when she lost a spelling bee because she spelled it wrong. "Where're you?"

Gary was reading a porn magazine. He looked up from it and blinked. "You're back already?"


Jordan nodded, and dropped Uriah on the floor. "We picked up an extra, though." he frowned.

"I said that? D:"

Jordan bownodded, and stepped back. Uriah's eyelids were twitching.

"D: I'm sorryyyyy"

"And you better hurry, too, it looks like he's about to wake up."

Kaito dragged Nell off and dumped her in the designated whatever.

Klaus was asleep as a cat on a random bench.

"I-it's fine! Just get over here."

Uriah woke up, opened his eyes, then quickly closed them again, pretending to be knocked out still.

Jordan followed Kaito, dragging Uriah with.

Joe was sitting on the same bench, totally not seeing Klaus because he was busy with other random thoughts.

"Okaaaaaay~" Riley hung up and ditched the spaghetti, walking to the park.

Kaito gently picked a single hair off of Uriah's head, then walked off. "Remember to lock it when you're done, Jordan."

Nell was still out.

Gary went back to his porn, lol.

Klaus yawned and stretched.

Miru pocketed the phone and waited.

"Yeah, yeah." Jordan threw Uriah in the cell thing whatever and locked it.

Joe petted him.

Riley arrived, and glomped her.


Nell was slowly waking up. "... wha...?"

Klaus took a second to figure out what was happening. Once he did, he jumped up and scratched him.

Miru wasn't sure exactly, how to react, so she gave him a half-assed hug. "F-finally."

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