Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Amelia said, "Alright..."

"Amelia got married. It's our turn!"

Cecilia was po'd. Like her roleplayer.

Rochelle poked Death, and made him see a vision of the past. "power," she said, nodding her head.

"Then certain we have some spare crowns in the supply room here.", he said, shrugging casually.


Thul'doon couldn't cook eggs for ****.

Death looked at Rochelle, "Showing people the past...very good."

"I don't mind what you do," Amelia replied.

Willow set him on her back and zoomed off to Volterra to see the Volturi.

Cecilia blinked. "What are you doing?" she asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Failing to cook," Esme said.

Rochelle showed him the future. "...power."

Lor'themar nodded and went to get a crown from the supply room.

Marin was all Wheeee

"It's my first time cooking D="

Death would've smiled if he could, "Well well, Quite a remarkable power you have~"

Amelia waited.

Aro was waiting. He pointed to the vineyard. "Let's go."

Willow set Marin down.

Esme giggled.

Cecilia wrapped her arms around Thul'doon from behind and inhaled deeply. "...ask dad for help."

Rochelle smiled wide. "Really?"

Lor'themar came back with a solitaire ruby silver crown, "Here we go ^^"

Marin was slightly dizzy, "Remind me to brace before you go speedrunning"

"I-i can do it myself.."

The yolk swelled and popped, spraying thul'doons face with runny egg.

Death nodded, "Of course"

"Put it on my head," she said.

Willow giggled.

Cecilia got him a towel with one hand and said, "Ask. Someone needs to take care of us."

Esme wouldn't stop laughing.

She smiled warmly and hugged Death gently. "Dada.."

Lor'themar did so.

Marin got his bearings, "Ok, ready =D"

Thul'doon sighed, "kaay."

He wiped his face clean and gently threw the towel at Esme.

"Little angel", Death said, hugging her lightly

Amelia turned and kissed him.


Esme ducked in time and smirked. She continued laughing.

Cecilia said, "interesting family."

Rochelle started crying.

"Well, tell James I don't like him either." Uriah jabbed Jason in the eyes CAUSE HE DID NOT WEAR A BULLETPROOF VEST TODAY.
"No. No it's not."

"But you're my bestest friend! <3"

Joe was all YAAAY
Jason winced, holding his eyes. "Ow, f***! What'd you do that for? You're going to die anyway, you know..."

"Why not?? ;o;"

"No. No you aren't." Penny said irritably.

Kiku giggled.

ooc: I think I'm missing a post but IDK where

Lol. Blank likes babies.

Amelia smiled.

"I'm marrrried."

Carlisle looked at them, then shook his head. "This... is a mistake," he whispered.

Aro nodded.

Esme looked at the kitten and was all <333


"But I like to see you in pain." Uriah kicked Jason in the groin (best word ever), "I did even before I knew you were with James."

"It's just not."

"Are too."

Joe was like wut

Jason cursed and shot at Uriah blindly.

"Why??" Kotone didn't get it.

"No. Seriously. I'm not."

Whatever happened to this plot?

Uriah was not shot. He was all PUNCH in Jason's face.

Fester sighed.

"Yes you are ;o;"


OOC: Most epic shirt ever. Gr.

So was Amelia.

Willow kissed back, on her tiptoes again.

Aro tsk'd Cecil. "We're already short on members, so stop being late."

Esme grabbed the kitten. "Mine!"

Cecilia said, "Ours."


"OURS." She chucked a shadowbolt and Esme dropped the cat and ran.

Rochelle tapped him again, showing him that she was happy.


Tomoyo took Joe, Kiku, and Haruko to Asia. "I don't know what country it's in. DIVIDE AND CONQUER."

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Aro bit his ear. "Oh well."

Carlisle blinked, and folded his arms.

Esme giggled and fell over, her chest heaving as she struggled to breathe normally.

Rochelle hugged him.

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