Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Amelia said, ""

Avril sighed. She went to go find Drokka.

Kinsey said, "...we're having a funeral... would you like to come?"

Rochelle blushed and sighed contently.

Willow was talking Aro and future-Carlisle about her wedding.

Lor'themar hugged her suddenly.

Drokka was at the lake, trying to wash the blood off his hands, "*********...i promised i wouldnt...she's going to kill me...then again it's what i deserve."

Caius nodded, rubbing his eyes.

Death leaned back in his chair a little, "Definitly need baby supplies soon."

Marin was eating at a random restaurant cus he was hungry

Amelia hugged back.

Avril stomped over to Drokka and pushed him straight into the water. She started shaking. "You promised!" she yelled.

"You can pick what to say on the thingy by the crave..." Kinsey said. "Can we bury her by my parents...?"

Rochelle said, "b..a..the.."

Willow said, "Where to have it..."

"A vineyard," Carlisle and Aro said together.

Willow clapped and scribbled it on the paper.

Lor'themar was happy.

Drokka leapt out of the water, freezing a patch underneath him, "I know i promised! I couldnt do anything about it seeing as though i blanked! The command to kill is still in me i just need means of controlling it!"

Caius nodded again, "T-they can choose..i'd rather keep my opinions of her secret."

"You want a bath?", Death asked.

So was Amelia.

"...but you had to kill a seven year old? You had to kill Caius's friend- possible lover?" She shook her head. "That's like if you killed Funai," she muttered. "Cold and ruthless."

Kinsey took her finger and lifted Caius's head up. She kissed his forehead and said, "Hey. She loved you. She knew she was dying, too, Caius." Kinsey took something out of the sofa and handed it to him- a stack of letters.

Rochelle clapped, then pulled her hands away from each other and she winced in pain.

"So what shall we do now?"

"Then maybe SPB isnt for me..I cant change from what i was made to be!". He was shaking a lot.

Caius blinked and read the first one.

"Well i cant bathe you..i wouldn't be able to tell the temperature."

He looked at his bony hands and sighed, "I can try though."

"Pregnancy test," she joked, nuzzling him.

"I tried to change you. I really thought that I could... make you loving and caring. I was wrong."

Kinsey slowly walked away.

Dear Caius,

I've seen my end. But this isn't the end... my heart will always belong to you. I'm to young for love, I've seen the pain and misfortune. I knew you were the one for me, and I am going to hate my life without you. Understand, I'll always be with you, no matter where.

Rochelle thought about something. She couldn't form the words for her ideas. She sighed.

Lor'themar stuck his tongue out cheekily

"A-at least you tried! Unlike some of the ****ers who would sooner string me up for everyone to see!"

Caius held the letter close, crying again.

"Unless Albert helps of course."

Amelia started to dance around, happy thoughts going in and out of her head.

"Maybe someone else can change you, since I obviously couldn't."

There was a breeze, and Faith's voice whispered Cauis's name.

She thought about all the guys that would be touching her. She nodded.

Lor'themar sighed happily.

Drokka's eyes faded to a pale red, "T-then..i d-dont know what w-will happen". He clenched his fists together.

Caius was all ? and ran outside

"Then again...that's a bad idea. How about Fiore?"

Amelia danced and danced. She reached for Lor'themar. "C'mon!"

Avril gritted her teeth. "I don't want to leave you- just don't be stupid."

Faith's spirit was outside.

Fiore appeared all ~~ "Hello~~"

Rochelle didn't clap, for the fear she'd bring pain upon herself. She just smiled.

Amelia thought. "Do you love me?"
Fiore was all 'waterbrokeplshelpmeorikillyoukthanx'

Fani curled into a tight ball.

I'm sure Rochelle got ditched so I have no use for her.

Megan looked at Zoey blankly. "...I've been above ground for to long."
"What exactly do you mean by that?" she asked, curiosity overtaking her.

Lor'themar danced with her.

Drokka nodded, trying to calm down, "U-unless i get...a calming charm from the Two Warlocks"

Caius tried not to cry, "Faith...a-at least you're free now."

Death handed Rochelle to Fiore, "I'll go get the baby bath and stuff".

Megan shrugged at Zoey. "I live in hell. Literally."

Avril nodded.

"I've seen your future, Caius. It's bright and happy." withRochelle *shot* <- That was moral obligation, dear.

Rochelle started screaming and crying.

Fiore handed Rochelle back to Death. "...I'll go get the stuff, okay?"

"...Oh." Zoey had to do something. She relaxed herself and forced warm thoughts and feelings of purpose and relaxation into Megan's mind. She made these feelings believed by the girl, too.

Drokka calmed down although his ears were drooped.

Caius nodded, "You'll still have a place in my heart"

Death comforted Rochelle, "Ok then. Shhshh Rochelle, im not leaving you"

OOC: Have to goes now. Byeee </3

Megan relaxed.

Avril hugged him tight.

thissoundssofuckingfamiliar.. "As always," she said, and left.

Rochelle's eyes were extremely shifty and watery. "ok.." she said.

Esperanza eventually got up, and stretched. She was still slightly sore from the shock.

Drokka hugged back but not as tight.

Caius sat down and stayed there for quite some time, thinking.

Death still hadn't clicked to the fact that Rochelle already had a good grasp on talking.

Ebil shrugged and somehow found a way into the test facility cus im lazy.

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