Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Claire peered at Paige from her play pin. She was quite curious about this new person. She chewed on her fingers, staring.

Evan was stuck behind the washing machine somehow xP

Ebil sat on the crate, "Anyone home?"

Damien walked past, "Oh hey Ebil, Your spare bullets arrived. They're on the kitchen table."

Scarlet heard a knock on the door. She went to answer it, leaving the room. Then there was the sound of screaing, and then wailing.

Blanch found Evan. "What are you doing?" She asked him, pulling him out as best as she could. "Silly baby!"

Lumina was asleep on the couch.

Dafret was all o_o

Evan was all ;A;

Ebil tapped the crate with his foot, "Lumina around?"

"She's asleep. What's in the crate?...and why does it smell like money wasted."

Blanch kissed Evan's cheek. "C'mon little baby brother." She picked him up, and toddled back to the playpin, where Claire was now sleeping.

Scarlet was kneeling in the front hallway, clutching to a tattered, blood stained jacket. "Why!? Why!?" She wailed, burying her face in the cloth.

Scarlet didn't answer him. She curled up on the floor, looking suddenly very feeble, very small. Very sick.

A young man knelt beside her, trying to console her. "Scarlet... I'm so sorry..."

"D-did someone turn two pages at once?"

Ebil finally piped up, accidently loud, "Inside this crate is the king of all weapons. An engine powered, 6 barreled minigun which can fire 8000 rounds per minute."

Lumina woke up, and rolled off of the couch with grace. Doing a roll, she said, "Do you know what the meaning of quiet is?"

Scarlet said, "You were supposed to be there with him, Abraham!"

Abraham said to Scarlet, "Scarlet, I'm not his guardian. He was a grown man-- older than you! He knew what he was doing!"

Ebil grinned, "Sorry, but with a weapon like this how could i contain it?"

"So how big is this Minigun exactly?"

"Bigger than me funnily enough ^^;;"

Dafret listened.

Scarlet said, "He was my brother! How can you talk like that! How can you expect me to stay calm!?"

Blanch put Evan in the playpin with Claire.

Lumina rolled her eyes.

Dafret hugged her gently, trying to comfort her.

Evan pouted and curled up beside Claire

Ebil tore open the crate, revealing said minigun, "All it needs is a name~"

Lumina said, "Bessie."

Scarlet buried her face in Dafret's shirt, bawling.

Abraham tipped his hat, leaving silently.

Claire woke up, and started tugging at Evan. "Gweee!"

Claire kept tugging and squealing, grinning happily.

Scarlet felt devastated. How could this have happened?

Lumina said, "Bessie!"

Evan stuck his tongue out at her.

Dafret was still sorta confused about what had happened.

"The name is Sascha! the bullets can be called Bessie."

"Im surprised you didnt name it ze-", Damien said, being abruptly interrupted by Ebils hand. "Say the name and you'll be the guns first target"

"What the h***!? That's stupid! Bullets names Bessie!? RAGH!"

Scarlet just kept on crying.

Claire kissed Evan's nose. "Eeee!"

OOC: Yha. So. Nice short break there.

Paige orbed away, knowing that her neglected feeling was kicking in again. She sat under a tree and plucked the grass, irritated. "Mommy and Daddy have Cole coming... and Dafret has his own family... and BB has his weapon stuff... and I am forgotten," she said, sniffing and orbing to Italy.

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