Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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OOC: Miles is doing some serious hard-core drugs.

And her boyfriend is a perv ^^


My phone died.

Can I call tomorrow? D:

I wasted all my phone battery on IMing Chris


Tomoyo was playing with Haruko, deciding what to do with the child's hair.

Leslie watched, her arms folded tight across her chest. She looked at her feet, then at Haruko.

Drew was teaching Paige how to walk still, sulking heavily when Paige couldn't get the hang of it.

Paige looked at Drew, and tilted her head. "Cheer up, Mommy!" Drew smiled slightly.

Fani was walking to Ross's house, in need for something she shouldn't, Ushio following.

Ross opened his door before she got there, his arms folded. He stared at her harshly.

Craig skipped in behind him. "I got your heroin Danielle, relax."

Kaza was looking for Yumi, not in the best mood of his. He had dragged along Emi, who had Ikuto with her.

Emi sighed and yanked away from Kaza. "Your 11. I'm 14. Why are you dragging me?"

He didn't answer, he just kept walking.

Nathaniel was eating more pie, sharing with Cora, who snuck Oreo's under the crust.

Megan danced over, taking a piece of pie, giggling like a child. "Thank you, Nathan~"

Erin was humming, swinging her feet.

Caramel was watching, his stalker instinct resisting to be used.

Cecilia was helping Esme try and use a bottle, but Esme refused.

"Please!?" Cecilia begged. "I don't want you to get sick because you refuse to eat!"

Esme shook her head, disappearing.

Nai was sitting around Silvermoon, pondering.

Stacey was in Dolan's office, sickened by what had happened to America.

Kinsey was as Stacey; sick to her stomach though.

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Luna was at a movie with Klaus and Joe.

Lilly was drinking soda.

Alexis was useless as a Magikarp.

Miyu was innocent.

Tsubaki and Kumoko should really have been killed off by now.

Madison lived in CANADA.

Aimi was trying to swat Karen with a fly swatter.


Madeline was stalking Penelope.

Fester hated his life.

Natalie was by the street with Evan.

Vladimir was obsession over an mp3 player.

Riley was staring at Nell. Lyle thought Riley was pathetic.

Uriah was in CannibalLand Themeparks with Jason.

Gregory was with Vita SOMEWHERE.

Victor and Jordan were also useless as Magikarps.

Zurui was staring at a lake.

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Fani was grateful for the heroin. She sighed and took it from Craig, injecting it inside her with a needle. She sighed with relief, then nodded to him: her thank-you.

Craig looked down, a bit guilty for what he'd done but he couldn't help it. "Fani... Your addicted..."

"I don't care. I need-" she cut herself off. "Ross, am I addicted?"

Ross nodded.

Cecilia was probably the only one at Leslie's. She was irritated, and on the verge of tears, her anger wanting to make her cry. She stomped her feet, and plopped on the couch, counting to ten until she relaxed.

Fani sighed a little bit. She went back to Death's, looking at Ushio. "I'd go do something with yourself," she suggested.

Ushio ran off, mildly happy.

Cecilia said, "Yha. Typical. Mom's to busy adoring Dolan being president, Leslie is helping Tomoyo with the whole single-mom thing, Stacey's with Mom all the time, and..." she didn't mention Thul'doon. She felt enough a **** as it was.

Albert was in the kitchen as usual, humming a little tune...which he never did..

Nekropelt shook his head, "Ridiculous...Tell ya what, i'll take you to the Stranglethorn Beaches later if you'd like?"

Fani was feeling extra happy. Heroin always made her like that. Gave her the opposite effect. She walked into the kitchen, staring at Albert. "Why are you so happy?"

Cecilia shook her head. "Hippies are there this time of year, Dad. I rather just study and take care of Esme..."

Fani's eyes went wide. "G-G-Giving what exactly? ANYTHING?" The first thing that came to her mind was an engagement ring and she shivered at the thought. "God.. dammit.."

Cecilia went to get Esme, then came back. "I don't have time to be a child anymore. I have responsibilities." She gripped Esme tight. "I need to take care of the people I love."

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