Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Fani and Ushio were arguing on whether or not waffles could float...

Death found a mirror, his hair was long-ish and dark brown and his eyes were a misty grey...and his pupil was a piercing yellow. He still had his robes but they were baggy as all hell

Fani suddenly stood up and left, sighing. She felt sick and scared. She went to Fiore's room and curled up on the bed, breaking down.



Fani turned away and wiped away her tears. "Perfectly fine," she said in a small voice.

Nai went to Leslie's. "Any idea where Shadow is? I need hiding."

"What, is your mother coming to visit?" Leslie asked, and when she saw the look in Nai's eyes Leslie knew she was right. "Ok, ok. Relax. She won't do anything around people... Right?"

"She did it around Dad all the time... Oh God, and when he died it was even worse. All my sisters moved out, Leslie because they couldn't handle her."

"Nai. Your 17. You have kids and a boyfriend. She's not going to hurt you."

"How do you know!? I have everything she doesn't!"

Death bit his lip and slowly opened the door but didnt step in, "you can tell me..."

Nekro poked his head through the doorway, "I think shadow went to silvermoon to go Hawkstrider shopping"

"I'm so... I don't know!" She buried her face in the pillows and sighed heavily.

Nai sighed. "Why does she want to see me? What's wrong with my other sisters, why can't she torment them?"

"Did she use her powers on you, Nai?" Leslie asked.

"No. Just... lots of physical strength is what she had..." She winced at the thought.

Christian went out for a stroll, trying to collect his thoughts, maybe find some source of inspiration for his new song. That was the problem with moving somewhere new: nothing is familiar, you don't know what there is. Therefore, you don't know where you can find inspiration.

Scarlet was in the back yard, playing with the kids.

Claire was in a baby seat, watching everyone happily.

Death bit on his lip again, unsure of what to say.

Something screeched loudly outside and bumped into the wall, followed by a Shadow-rant, "******* this blasted bird. Heel you stupid hawkstrider! heeeeeel!"

Fani sighed. "Your no help at all. I wonder what a real dad is like..."

Nai sat on Leslie's couch. "I'll be dead by tomorrow, Leslie."

Leslie was all WTF @ Shadow.

"Well not being fathered myself, one can only wonder how a father would act..."

Shadow walked in, completely covered in feathers

Nekro burst into laughter at the sight of him

"I really want family, Death. It's like... withdrawing from a drug."

Leslie folded her arms, and Nai didn't even care.

Christian looked around, trying to get a feel for this place. He saw people laughing and talking, shopping, some looking as lost as him. But still there was nothing. He sighed, and pulled out his ipod.

Scarlet picked up Sam and Blanch, one in each arm and said, "Your aunt Izzy called me today!"

"I understand that...", Death whispered, feeling so guilty inside

Shadow blinked, "d-did i miss something?"

Nekro was still laughing

Sam was all =D, "Yay!"

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Fani rolled over and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nai's mom is visiting," Leslie said.

Scarlet was about to say something, when she heard the doorbell ring. "Dafret! Would you mind getting it?" She called into the house.

"I suddenly feel like i've majorly let you down, Fani. It's been a good century or too since i've been a father..".

He sighed and shook his head, "I made a promise...and i can't live up to it..."

Dafret opened the door, "hello?"

"Whatever." Fani jumped out of bed and looked out the window. "It doesn't matter. I had Leslie do the research. I have siblings, I have grandparents... It's good to know. But my father... a whitelighter." She looked at her hands and shook her head.


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