First off, thanks Jhud! I'm glad people are enjoying the log, and I'm glad I can keep it positive. Life's not the easiest sometimes, and at work and in my free time I hope I make it a little easier/more entertaining for people. Also, as far as my wife goes, I'm lucky I have HER. She's way more organized than me, and she's super smart but way too humble to ever admit it. I marred up. XD
Started out in the DMV. We had to check some paperwork for me; I have diabetes, and I have to send in paperwork every year saying I won't pass out behind the wheel. I never have (and never will since I manage it well), but the paperwork always seems to get a little snagged up. We also had to do some paperwork stuff for my wife's car because even though it wasn't in that bad of shape, it was considered totaled because of how old it was. Not the best way to start the day, but I just said that DMV stoof for 'Day of Many Valentine's' and it was so lame that my wife cheered up. XD
We also got to spent a bunch of time at the Mall of America (she likes it, I'm pretty lukewarm since they lack good toy stores) , and she got to go check out a lot of stuff she likes while I played Pokemon Go and took care of my tamas. I DID end up finding 2 really obscure Gundam kits at Barnes and Noble (they have stuff from G-Unit now! G-UNIT! Nobody's even HEARD of G-Unit... outside of rap, I guess XD) so that was pretty good. We also got to eat at one of her favorite restaurants, so despite the wonky start to the day, the rest was great.
Also, I ordered a few more tamas since I got a bonus at work the next day. Well, I ordered an Angelgotchi, and then a Raku Raku Dino Kun (since my neighbors had one back in the day and NOSTALGIA) as well as the little dragon quest slime v-pets and a thing that like hooks up to your headphones and grows based on that? Got 'em all of of JapanYouWant, so it was pretty cheap. We'll see how the slime and the music one are.
OH AND THEN I TOTALLY BOMBED IT ON THE ICE WHILE TAKING OUT THE TRASH AND HAVE A GIANT BRUISE ON MY KNEE. It looks a lot worse than it feels. Mostly because it's kind of in the shape of New Jersey,
Anyway, UPDATES:
Not a TON of pics this time around since there's not a lot of new stuff to report and this week was super busy, but here goes!
Bilotchi married a robot. As much as I like robots, there's a part of me that's like "Bro..."
And then he had a son!
See, again, this is what I like about the V3 over the mix - even though I'm getting son after son here, I can still get almost any of the tamas on the device in the long run!
Well, the day of being left at home made the care dip down TOO far, so no Kusatchi this time. Instead, I got a Whaletchi.
Wait, that's supposed to be a whale??
I keep thinking it's like a mound of dirt with a little plant growing out of it...
Anyway, cool design! There haven't been a lot of cool animations to show off with this one, especially since it's hard to make money since the games are kinda frustrating to me. Still, I look forward to the next generation!
Working towards my Rust Tyrannomon! Currently, I have a Black Tyrannomon and a Monochromon:
Happy about something...
Yellin' at the wall
FINALLY got the one I wanted! Tentotchi!!
Duck/Ladybug. So rad. GREAT animations, too!
walkin' around
mad (I didn't get the other mad animation... will try later)
I really like the morino. It's such a good variation on the old P1/P2 sort of mentality. I've got the attack times down to when they'll happen, but since I'm usually in meetings for one of them, it makes it tricky. Still, despite getting stepped on a couple times, Tentochi is in the 'best' care tree, so I should be able to get to anything at this point... the weight thing is still a little nebulous, but I found some good guides...
And once again, let's close it off with a snowy day scene:
I really do like seeing these. I wonder what it'll be in the other seasons! A lot of you probably know, but I've had so much fun discovering all the things that these guys can do.
Anwyay, hope you're all having a great day! Thanks for reading.
Started out in the DMV. We had to check some paperwork for me; I have diabetes, and I have to send in paperwork every year saying I won't pass out behind the wheel. I never have (and never will since I manage it well), but the paperwork always seems to get a little snagged up. We also had to do some paperwork stuff for my wife's car because even though it wasn't in that bad of shape, it was considered totaled because of how old it was. Not the best way to start the day, but I just said that DMV stoof for 'Day of Many Valentine's' and it was so lame that my wife cheered up. XD
We also got to spent a bunch of time at the Mall of America (she likes it, I'm pretty lukewarm since they lack good toy stores) , and she got to go check out a lot of stuff she likes while I played Pokemon Go and took care of my tamas. I DID end up finding 2 really obscure Gundam kits at Barnes and Noble (they have stuff from G-Unit now! G-UNIT! Nobody's even HEARD of G-Unit... outside of rap, I guess XD) so that was pretty good. We also got to eat at one of her favorite restaurants, so despite the wonky start to the day, the rest was great.
Also, I ordered a few more tamas since I got a bonus at work the next day. Well, I ordered an Angelgotchi, and then a Raku Raku Dino Kun (since my neighbors had one back in the day and NOSTALGIA) as well as the little dragon quest slime v-pets and a thing that like hooks up to your headphones and grows based on that? Got 'em all of of JapanYouWant, so it was pretty cheap. We'll see how the slime and the music one are.
OH AND THEN I TOTALLY BOMBED IT ON THE ICE WHILE TAKING OUT THE TRASH AND HAVE A GIANT BRUISE ON MY KNEE. It looks a lot worse than it feels. Mostly because it's kind of in the shape of New Jersey,
Anyway, UPDATES:
Not a TON of pics this time around since there's not a lot of new stuff to report and this week was super busy, but here goes!
Bilotchi married a robot. As much as I like robots, there's a part of me that's like "Bro..."
And then he had a son!
See, again, this is what I like about the V3 over the mix - even though I'm getting son after son here, I can still get almost any of the tamas on the device in the long run!
Well, the day of being left at home made the care dip down TOO far, so no Kusatchi this time. Instead, I got a Whaletchi.
Wait, that's supposed to be a whale??
I keep thinking it's like a mound of dirt with a little plant growing out of it...
Anyway, cool design! There haven't been a lot of cool animations to show off with this one, especially since it's hard to make money since the games are kinda frustrating to me. Still, I look forward to the next generation!
Working towards my Rust Tyrannomon! Currently, I have a Black Tyrannomon and a Monochromon:
Happy about something...
Yellin' at the wall
FINALLY got the one I wanted! Tentotchi!!
Duck/Ladybug. So rad. GREAT animations, too!
walkin' around
mad (I didn't get the other mad animation... will try later)
I really like the morino. It's such a good variation on the old P1/P2 sort of mentality. I've got the attack times down to when they'll happen, but since I'm usually in meetings for one of them, it makes it tricky. Still, despite getting stepped on a couple times, Tentochi is in the 'best' care tree, so I should be able to get to anything at this point... the weight thing is still a little nebulous, but I found some good guides...
And once again, let's close it off with a snowy day scene:
I really do like seeing these. I wonder what it'll be in the other seasons! A lot of you probably know, but I've had so much fun discovering all the things that these guys can do.
Anwyay, hope you're all having a great day! Thanks for reading.
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