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Man, I haven't been on here in FOREVER. Work got really busy, my seasonal depressiong got a little more depressy, game season ate away at my time, and I'm working on some short horror for the site that I always write short horror for around this time of year (bogleech, if you're interested - he actually spent the last few months going through all different kinds of Digimon, though sadly not really from a Vpet perspective)

I'm kinda bouncing between tamas right now... The Gigapet is off because it's a ton of fun but once you've done it once... there's really no variation to go back to, and as you know from this log, I kinda just love raising new characters and hopping to the next gen.

I think a big part of my 'tama slump' right now is due to the fact that I went so HARD into it, which is usually part of my mental process. I pick up a hobby, fixate on it SUPER DEEP for a little while, then once I've learned what I want, I move on to the next thing (This year it was tamas, mugenbines, Gridman, a weird game called BattleClaw that I discovered during the Toys R' Us shutdown...)

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out a better way to pace myself with tamas, especially since I don't have enough time to run a ton like I did before. I decided what I'll try to do is run one vintage and one other tama at any given time, so right now I'll be running my Anniversary P2 (I know, not technically vintange) and the Uratama I only ran a few times. I'm going to try to avoid using enWarehouse too, because even though it's rad, I think it makes me start taking things for granted.

I was running my M!x's for the last week or so, but I find with the M!x that all the menus and dialog tend to take me out of things a bit, even if it doesn't really inhibit play. They're not the easiest to just pick up and run, but maybe that's because I'm running 2 at a time and that many color tamas doesn't really fit in a pocket. XD

But hey, I think I have a good plan, and I'm going to have all Thanksgiving break to crack into some of the tamas I kinda just skimmed. I probably won't post as many pictures since that's a heck of a chore sometimes, but hopefully I'll be around a little more!

ANYHOW, that's about all. Hope you're all doing great. I've missed this place and living in this wasteland of a state in the winter really knocks you done a peg, but I have a rad wife and a big 'ol therapy light and some egg nog and robots and tamas, so what else could a guy ask for?

(Well, a Diaclone Battle Buffalo, maybe, but I'm still doing pretty great!)

Hope you're all doing awesome. :)

OH ALSO - I totally forgot to preorder the meets when it came out and now I don't have a preorder and I don't want a dang PINK one. XD I really, REALLY want a green one because I don't have any green tamas and I think that'd be neat. The purple one looks good, too. FINGERS CROSSED I FIND ONE!

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ALRIGHT, Time for a new entry, SPECIAL MEETS EDITION!!!

Just got my green Magical Meets today, and I've added the app to my new phone (which I ended up getting because my old phone could barely run the app and my wife kept telling me to get a new phone XD), and booted up the meets for the first time!

But before that, first impressions!


I really like the case deco. Yeah, it's all sparkly and I'm a 30-something dude, but I like how the clear plastic cover has the black outlines of the colored stars and stuff in the back. It really makes it pop out a lot more than the basic patterns of the M!x. Buttons feel good, etc etc. Beyond that, it's a color tama. You know what you're in for.

The first thing I notice when I boot it up is that mine is a lot quieter than my M!xes. That's not a bad thing, but I wish they had actual adjustable volume levels. I mean, we can manage brightness adjustment, why not that? Also, I feel like the sounds are a lot more 'mellow' and warm than the M!x. Still digital sounding, but a lot... I dunno, calmer? I like it though.

And with every tama, we start out with an egg!


Which hatches...


Into a little girl tama!


I'm not really great with hiragana, but it looks like her name is Marupitchi


She drinks something that looks like tea/cocoa:


(I love the interior of the house so far. Both the living room and kitchen look great)

She has a bear to play with:


And I uploaded her into the app to see what it looked like. It's super cool seeing everyone's tamas running around:


Already asleep!


I know there's no growth chart yet, so we'll wing it and see what she turns into. For now, it'll be interesting to discover! There's not much new in the menu except the last icon in the chest which is a ca.... wait, hang on...

....for real my wife is setting up our Christmas tree and some of the lights don't work and so we need to go out and get lights RIGHT NOW AT 10:16 PM AT NIGHT. XD

I don't want to her to be out on the verge of a snowstorm by herself, so... guess I'll put a pin in this for a second. XD

Thanks for reading! I'll post the next bit in an hour or two. Man, the things we do for love...

It's worth it though. :)

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OKAY. We got some tree lights.

ANYWAY, where was I....

Ah yes! The last option in the chest is a menu that leads to just a camera, and the camera just says this when you select it:


I don't know enough to translate it. Something about photography, but it doesn't do anything when you press any button. Maybe because she's just a baby?



Now she's a Chiroritchi!

I don't know enough about color tamas to know if either of these characters are new...

Anyway, having fun so far. Obviously nothing's really unlocked, but we'll see how it goes!

Thanks for reading!

さつえいじゅんび (撮影準備)

I think it's just asking if you're ready to take a photo.

I think that's a new character.

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So, smaller update. My wife and I went to an animatronic dinosaur exhibit today because I love dinosaurs and it was a lot of fun! There was a couple there dressed as Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler from Jurassic Park, and they asked us to take their picture. My wife said I should go as John Hammond next year and just point at everything and mutter "We spared no expense!" over and over. They had a full-scale Spinosaurus, which was the biggest land predator of all time. SUPER. COOL. When we got home, we watched a bunch of the new season of Mystery Science Theater 3k with my little sister who's crashing with us for a few days for school certification stuff.

As for Tama stuff...

Here's a guide for the meets! I posted it on the tips and tricks page too, but my posts for some reason never seem to get approved. *shrug* Anyway, here it is:

It's interesting how there's no tama town in this one and instead you have the tama hotel resort thingy. I haven't unlocked any locations (because I just found the guide now), but the new characters seem a bit more fun than a lot of the ones on the M!x, though I still lament the lack of 'ugly' tamas (as PK would say). I thought that maybe it was because it'd be hard to blend the sprites for a while, but the Anniversary M!x has Maskutchi and Oyajitchi, soo... C'mon bandai! Duck plant!

Overall digging the Meets. I don't think it'll really kick into gear until I'm a few generations in, though!

OKAY! A few busy days, but now it's time for updates!

First off, I'm on the second generation of my Meets, and the way stuff gets added on slowly is pretty cool. I haven't figured out things like pets and jobs yet, but here's a list of stuff I dig:

1) You take a boat to get to areas! And they're all like these weird cards than exist on the main island. It's nothing really groundbreaking, but it's something new and something cool!

2) You can have a farm! Sorta. It's one plant, and I married off my Gen 1 before I got to see what happened with the tree, but it's cool!

3) The various areas feel a little more fun to me. I don't know why, but I'll keep mulling it over.

Anyway, pics!


Unlocking Gourmet Street!

My Gen 1 ended up growing into a Memetchi! ....which is one of my least favorite tama designs ever. XD I don't think it's bad, I just think it's a little plain. I didn't mind her in this though, but it definitely hastened my desire to hop to the next gen.

Oh also, remember how I randomly ran into my tama having nightmares in my M!x? THEY HAVE NIGHTMARES IN MEETS TOO.


She was chased down a street by the big hand and then ran past the 2 ghosts. A little heart appeared between the ghosts (I guess they were dating? XD) and then the big shadow hands grabbed them, leaving her to get upset next to this weird living wall. what. the. heck.

Anyway, I ended up marrying her off to the surfer guy from the sports plaza (Oyogoogurutchi?) and the had.... TWINS!!!


I didn't even know that was a thing!


Family photo




I immediately set about unlocking the Starry Sky lab.


In the lab, I went to the observatory and saw.... a short animation where I giant space octopus tried to eat a UFO and then another, bigger UFO game along and blasted it with a ray beam until it released the first UFO.

....Meets is weird you guys. I really dig it. More giant space octopi, please.

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I'm so happy to see that there's so much weirdness going on with the Meets! :tarakotchi:

Aside from downplaying the "ugly" Tamagotchis, they seem to have been doing less weird stuff for a while, so this is very welcome news indeed. :D

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