Reb's Rough Loggin'


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Long time, no type. Insert more sorries here.

I actually had a very busy weekend. I had to work a lot and had a talk with my man about moving in together. Most of the money I had been saving ended up going to my new v-pet collection so now I'm in the process of selling some. I had over 20 Tamagotchis I had bought over the past 3 months so now I'm knocking it down to maybe 2 of each version I had duplicates of (incase one breaks I'll have a back-up). It sucks, but it's gotta be done if we're suppose to get a place together. Even if we don't, just seeing more money in my bank account would be a nice change.

Anyways, let's start with the Tama-Go. Violetchi had an eventless weekend. I have yet to mate her off. She's 9 years old now... I hope she doesn't become a raisin (oldie) because if I have to mate with her another Tama-Go I'm doomed. I'm not sure if I'm going to get another or not. I may mate her tonight or something. Who knows. Over the weekend I bought her a few things and now you can check out one of the faceplate designs I drew up.


She popped a bubble and it's bubble buddies sought revenge!


She enjoyed not failing at skating, which is always a plus.


I finally got to break out the fairy costume I bought her. She was so adorable. x3


Then the doll house played with her. That's right, the dolls marched out of the house and danced for her.

And if you couldn't tell, I like Shy Guys. :]

Now just today (actually less than an hour ago) I mated off Toast and Bread.


They played, what I like to call, "Love Games" (it's a reference to "Old Greg", a video on Youtube and from the show "The Mighty Boosh").


You can't see it real well but Toast made babies... boys to be exact... another set of boys...


Now they're one big happy fambly (...yes, FAMBLY!). :]

Once the parents leave the babies I'll be putting these tamas down and starting two new ones. Not sure which ones though but I have a few tamas that I need to figure out if they're v1s or v2s. So I'll probably play them to find out.


A pretty rough Monday -.-

So this morning I popped my tire on the edge of a wall at the end of my driveway. So there was an hour of me waiting around for AAA Roadside Assistance to get there and change my tire, and I was just playing with my Tamagotchis.

So within minutes of posting yesterdays log, I mated off my Tama-Go. I don't know what age it is that they become oldies but I don't feel like getting stuck with one. I noticed today that Violetchi won't poop now that she has a man. So he has no idea she's putting on this little poop-less front to try to impress him but I'm on to her! I see what she did there!


9 year olds aren't allowed to make a profile with so this was the next best place.

(At least it's not a bar...)


The first time this guy approaches her I was all "Not good enough for my baby!" D:<


He approached her again and I was like "Alright fine. You can have her." ;P

I fight so hard to find a good man for my baby. [/sarcasm]

Bread and Toast just chilled with their babies today. I took a nap earlier and forgot to check on them so at some point one of them had a pile of 3 poos and were sick! They're much better now, but today was kind of a hectic day for me. I ended up missing class, I had errands to run before and after work and couldn't even make it to the post office in time to mail off my Deka that someone on eBay bought. And now I'm too tired to post anything on eBay. ;P


Story time with Robyn! (I guess you guys didn't know my name was Robyn... Surprise! ;D)

So today my Violetchi and her husband (that she settled for) had a baby boy! I attract a lot of male attention from the Tama species. I'm a tama-mac, what can I say?;P

So anyways I fed them and they never pooped because they're gangsta like that. Actually I pretty much did hardly anything with them today. They were rather low maintenance. Anyways, here's pretty much everything I did with them today:


A family that eats together, grows fat together. 8]


Violetchi walked out on her family. She has better things to do.


Ridin' the Funky Pony Carriage, brought to you by poor tamas without cars. ;D


Violetchi's seeing another tamaman! And he's a Mexican dinosaur! How could she!? She always had a thing for sombreros...


Her husband questions where the Churros came from, but she'll never tell. ;x

So Bread and Toast left their boys with me today. I named them Fredy (couldn't fit another D in there -.-) and Jason, after the serial killers. :]

And then I took their batteries out and started up my orange tama! When I downloaded the last character (when I buy used tamas I like to see what the other owner had goin' on) I saw this:


That's right... Bellsprout! (Which means it's a v2).

I restarted him and got a girl so I named her Tank (after Tank Girl, which is a movie that you should all watch. Ice-T is a kangaroo man in that movie. ;D). I actually really like the v2 (mainly because the one I'm playing with is clear). Not too in love with the game Jump... hopefully I'll be better at the other games. Or I'll failing miserably and ended up raising a fatty because food will be the only weapon against the frownies that I'll have. Oh well. :]

I also put batteries in my tropical Tama but that's a v2 and I'm pretty sure my candy tama is a v2 as well. AND I'm waiting for a blue tama to come in the mail and I'm positive that's a v2, SO I think I'll be selling the tropical one and the candy one since I'm trying to only keep two of each tama I have duplicates of. [And remember kids, don't end sentences with prepositions!]

[by the way, thanks for the 500+ views and 5 stars! Feel free to drop me a line on my profile. I love hearing from you guys. Special shout out to my homie nickkannel. You can stalk his tamas here. From what I understand, they are bound for epic adventures.

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The real 7/27/11

(I accidently dated the last post wrong)

Cuteness time!

Just as a heads up, I'm leaving to go to New Orleans tomorrow, so this will be the last post until Sunday when I get back.

So my Tama-Go family did some cute things yesterday. Actually yesterday I was doing a lot of driving (which I'm not very happy about...) so I had to pause my tamagotchis because I couldn't care for them. But before I had to deal with that bull crap, I took pictures of them being cute!


Violetchi and her man are so proud that their child is pursuing a career as a duck.


Voletchi's kid was playing a little too rough in the play house and it collapsed on him... and I laughed because I'm a jerk. 8]


Then they slid on the slide with their baby, probably the cutest thing EVER! And maybe dangerous, but who cares? It's cute. :3


I bet you didn't know they specialized in synchronized skating. Also, babies can be used as helmets in this sport.


And their baby boy likes to play with dolls... nothing weird about that. Completely normal.

Tank became a Hotodetchi! Such a cute little blob. :] And I got a little better at Jump, but only because I bombed Bump. -_-


Apparently this is how blobs play with balls...

That's pretty much it. Not a whole lot happened because of the whole pausing thing. But I'll have plenty of time to play with them on the ride to and from New Orleans.


Back from NOLA!

Well I don't know about you guys, but I had a pretty Banana Rama Pajama Slammin' weekend. 8]

On my way out to New Orleans I took a short nap, woke up an hour into the ride over to NOLA (it's a 3 hour drive from where I live) and started playing with my babies.

Pretty much right after I uploaded pictures for my last log, Tank evolved into Nikatchi. We've had some ups and downs, but right now (she just fell asleep) her stats are full happy and hungry bars, 7/9? training bars, 3 years old and 19lbs. I've found that sadly, so far the only game I can win anything at all from is Jump. I suck at Heading pretty bad. I bought Tank some boots (how appropriate) and ninja star looking things (I think they're called "Darts"). I also got her a shovel and accidently dug without taking pictures (I'm sure you guys have seen enough of my digging pictures anyways). She dug up a slice of cake (everyone's favorite kind of cake, from-the-ground cake a la mode!)


Tank Girl suspects nothing...


PWNED LolWtfBbg!!!1!!one!!1!

I've got some good news and some bad news about the Tama-Go. Friday morning I woke up to an alone, crying, baby boy left on my Tama-Go from my Violetchi and her makeshift husband. I played with him loads in the car on the drive over. I seriously played with him for quite some time but apparently at some point I left him unattended. Along the drive to New Orleans, we made a few pit-stops for pee pee time and smoke breaks. While everyone smoked and made their business, I tagged the bathrooms with my local bathroom tag name. And by the time we got back to the car I saw this:


A MATTARITCHI! ("Bad news bears" as my ceramics teacher would say.)

I was pretty bummed because from what I understand this is a bad care character. But on the ride in and out I played with him like crazy! At one point I had 12000p and then I bought a rocket from Mametchi (8000g) and some other stuff... I probably made 20000-30000p over the weekend with him.

Good news is I changed his faceplate to my "Spooky" design and bought him a rockin' bachelor-pad background.

I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures. Most of the time I played with them was spent in the car (ride was too shaky for good photo quality). We arrived in New Orleans Friday afternoon (about 2pm), that's when I paused the tamas, and the ladies and I (my mom and her two friends) went out and ate at some local restaurant (forgot what's it called...) and then walked back to our hotel (we stayed in the Marriott) and I played with my babies and watched Get Him to The Greek on HBO while everyone rested. Friday night about 9pm, after the kids/tamas fell asleep, we went out to Bourbon St. I won't go into to detail (what happens on Bourbon St., stays on Bourbon St.) but I suggest anyone of age or becoming of age not mix 10 different drinks! I also rode The Whale (it's like a mechanical bull but shaped like a whale) at a bar called The Beach. I tried 3 times to hold on but my inebriated hiney fell off all 3 times. The 2nd time I actually had to let go on purpose because I was clenched onto it for dear life and it was starting to hurt. My inner thighs and chest are pretty sore for the clench. Mom and I came back around 2pm. About 11am the next morning I woke up, no headache, but a sad, nauseated belly. I paused my babies and left them in the room, then we ate breakfast at the Cafe Fleur-de-lis (pronounced "Florida-ly") about 1pm and shopped in the French Quarter Flea Market. I bought a bunch of crap and we then ate at The House of Blues. After that, mom and I split off again and headed back to the Hotel (we're pretty lazy compared to her friends, must be hereditary) and it was about 7pm. I played with my babies some more, then I finally threw up about 8pm (felt good to finally get rid of the horrible souvenir of the night before). After emptying my stomach I napped with mom while watching NCIS. About 9pm all the ladies decided to stay in for the night and just order room service. We all got deserts and watched In Plain Sight. Mom and I hit the hey early again and Sunday about 10pm we all left to head home. I played with my babies the entire ride out until they were more than satisfactorily happy. On our way back, we stopped by The Shed (the original one in Mississippi). I bombed that place with my tag name. And about 2pm we got home and I got to spend time with my man and my kitties! x3


Today was pretty wack.

About 11pm last night my Tama-Go evolved into a Korokotchi. He looks like a Chinese penguin. :]

I pretty much suck at training him... I have no idea what to do when he !'s me. When I put him in time out he throws a hissy fit. When I praise him he shakes his head like I fail as a parent... oh well! And for some reason I took no pictures of him.

Tank Girl evolved this morning into...


Spermtchi! Yay for backtracking!


She has her fathers lips. ;D

Also, in honor of Shark week (as suggested by nickkannel), I made a group hatch for Oceangotchis and hatched mine. :]

It's my first vintage tamagotchi that I've hatched. I actually didn't hatch it till like 11:30pm because I'm an adult and I do what I want. 8]

So I started it up, screwed up one of the screws (go me, starting off golden already), and this is what happened...


Round 1, fail. I don't know what that Japanese jibba jabba means so I changed the batteries...


Round 2, epic fail. So a second pair of batteries was not the answer...


Round 3, win! Finally, no more jibba jabba. :]

I'm aiming for the mermaid, Ningyotchi. Wish me luck! ;D


The art of procrastination... I has it. ;D

So my Tama-Go evolved into a Gozarutchi! I know it's like one of the worst care characters you can get (probably happened due to all the pausing I did) but he be cute. :]


Ninja bunneh will keel yo famibly. >_>


Fun Box? More like Fail Box. -.-


Good hygiene will bring all the ninja babes to the yard. ;]


Robot fail. Facepalmfloor.


3... 2... 1... FAIL!

Tank's not doing anything special so... yeah. Enjoy the blank spot which is her log. 8]

And since I'm logging today about what happened to my Oceangotchi yesterday, I'm just going to say that it doesn't matter because it died today. For those of you who don't know, when the Oceangotchi gets sick it won't beep and tell you. You literally have to check on your Oceangotchi every 5-10 minutes. I let it go for about 10 minutes and I heard beeping I'd never heard before. Upon checking it out I saw that it was sick. When I tried to go to the medicine nothing happened. And within minutes it died a very loud death in my hands (while I was at work, mind you). I'm too upset about it to start it up again right now. I'll have to give it a go some other time. -.-


I ain't got no camera! D:

So my man has my camera right now so he can take pictures of graffiti. It's driving me crazy. I was going to wait to get it back to make a post but I'm hopped up on Skittles and coffee right now so you guys are getting a post whether you like it or not! >:0

Nothing's really happened with the Tama-Go. He's ready to date but I'm not gonna hook him up until I get my camera back.

Tank JUST had a baby girl with a Bellsprout lookin' dude. I'm probably gonne name her Jet (after the other chick in the Tank Girl movie).

And yesterday I decided to start up my v4.5, Felix (remember Nadia's kid?). Since then he's evolved into a Oyajitchi. He pretty much looks like my dad... haha. Anyways, I've never cared for one of these so not sure when he'll be a father. But I got him a job at the Muffin Store (bakery) so that's pertty bomb. 8]


Hammer Picture time!

Also, yesterday I paused my babies so I could go to work and I didn't get around to unpausing them until this morning! I feel really bad about it because I got off work early yesterday and everything. :[

On a happier note I hasa camera! Here be some pictures and shiznit. Enjoy. 8]

I bought my Tama-Go a robot arm...


Ninjas have no luck with robots. -.-


FINALLY, someone wants to play with my baby. :]


Unicycling runs in the family.


Ninja bunnies are baller drivers. ;P

This morning (after unpausing my Tama-Go) I mated it off!


Uh no, I did not allow my baby to marry this one. She just looks like she'd be yelling all the time. ._.


Good enough! Now make me babies! D:<


Tank and Jet just chillin'.


Say hello to my dad. Fully equipped with a balding spot, and facial hair! 8]


Pretty not happy (for lack of a better less vulgar word) that I just typed out 2/3 of my log and my internet crashed... so this log will be short, sweet, and too the point. Sorry but I'm pretty >:0 about that.

My Tama-Go is currently retired. I've been really busy with work lately. I left it off at a little ChuChutchi.

My v2 is also retired. I left Jet off as a Propellertchi. Honestly I suck really bad at the games which was half the reason I retired it.


Ta ta for now, Jet.

My v4.5 is still running. Dad (Felix) left me with a boy I named Jr. He is now currently a Kuchitamatchi. I'm aiming for a Kuchipatchi because I've never had one of those before. I've been enjoying just running this tama. I can beat all the games and there are still characters on it I have yet to get.


This is totally not creepy...


... It's fabulous!

I've been missing the v5 lately... I may start one up again soon. Let's just see after I start school next week how I feel about it.


So if you didn't read the news, I bought a Tamagotchi Nano today. I bought it from Jason on eBay so it'll probably be here in a week. I also started a hatch you guys should join me in! ;D

So this morning while I was at work Jr made the puberty noise and when I checked him he basically looked exactly the same... He became a Hashitamatchi. Awesome. I did pretty good taking care of his needs up until I went to my 2nd job around 4ish. I forgot I didn't pause him (I figured I'd have time to check on him throughout my shift). Well it was slow at work... but lately I've been leaving my babies paused at home so I forgot he was in my pocket until I got off around 8ish. More awesome. He had a couple of poops chillin' and one heart under hunger. And the mother of the year award goes to... ME! I'd like to thank everyone who made this award possible and my memory! Where would I be without it? At any rate, he's better now. I saved him just in time. And before he went to sleep (like literally at 8:59) I forced him to pose for you guys, because I raise camera hoes fo sho's. 8]


I kind of wish I named him Waka... He just looks like a ridiculous rapper to me.

So once I get my Nano I'll start logging about it and you guys will have more crap to read. Yay reading, your favorite! ;D

I've decided to discontinue logging until further notice. It's become more of a chore than a delight. If I find the time to log again I'll post in this log since it's already established. I have a very busy schedule now that I'm in school full time and have 2 part time jobs so I don't even have it in me to run more than 1 tamagotchi at a time.

Ta ta for now ;]

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