Reb's Rough Loggin'


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A long day...

Last night I had to sell pizzas at the race track again and today I went to a gun show with my dad and got a new knife shaped like a pistol and a tazer! Yay! ;D

And that is why it took me this long to post. :]

So the matchmaker approached Nadia 2 times today. And I denied it every time. I bought her a piano today so now I'm super unprepared for the next UFO. -_-

But whateves, hopefully I'll get more points before I see it again.

Kara had a baby boy! Not sure what to name him yet... and I bought Kara shoes. She sort of just stomped around in them.


I caught The Donne's PapaKuro getting all makey outy with his Planetchi wife and their baby evolved into a Mikazukitchi. I got bored at work and played with a couple bond-raising items a bazillion times and get the bond up to %60.

Don't forget to leave me a comment one which tama I should put down and which v-pet I should log about next.

Voting for which tama to put down:

v3 - 0

v4.5 - 0

v5 - 1

Voting for new v-pet to log about:

Hana Hana Mi - 0

Pokemon Electronic Pet - 0

Oceangotchi - 0

Angelgotchi - 0

Anipalz World - 0

Octo-Pets - 0

Littlest Pet Shop - 0

Some old 16-in-1 V-Pet - 0

Salem the Cat Giga Pet - 0

RakuRaku DinoKun - 0

A knock off 49-in-1 Dinkie Dino - 0

Goji Rapper Dino - 0

Some duck pet that is popularly known as "Donald" - 0

Clear 1997 Tamagotchi - 0

Blue Tama-Go - 0

Music Star - 1

v5.5 - 0

v4 (just came in today!) - 0

Sorry my logs are getting shorter. Either not a whole lot is going on or I keep forgetting about what all has happened. I'll go into more detail once I start up another v-pet.

I'm having some personal issues in my life right now, so for the time being, I'm pausing my tamagotchis until my issues pass.

I'll probably start them up again in a couple of days. I apologize to my viewers, but this is not the end, I promise, just a minor set back.

Also, don't forget to leave me a comment on my profile on which tama I should put down and which v-pet I should log about next.

Voting for which tama to put down:

v3 - 0

v4.5 - 0

v5 - 3

Voting for new v-pet to log about:

Hana Hana Mi - 0

Pokemon Electronic Pet - 0

Oceangotchi - 0

Angelgotchi - 1

Anipalz World - 0

Octo-Pets - 0

Littlest Pet Shop - 0

Some old 16-in-1 V-Pet - 0

Salem the Cat Giga Pet - 0

RakuRaku DinoKun - 0

A knock off 49-in-1 Dinkie Dino - 0

Goji Rapper Dino - 0

Some duck pet that is popularly known as "Donald" - 0

Clear 1997 Tamagotchi - 0

Blue Tama-Go - 0

Music Star - 1

v5.5 - 0

v4 - 1


Crisis averted!

I'm assuming my personal problem is resolved enough that I can continue with my tama babies. For a majority of today I had them paused so not a whole lot happened with them today.

So pretty much the norm for Nadia. Matchmaker came, I was all "Homie don't play that game. Talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't home!", and Nadia continues to be a virgin. :]

Kara left her son with me and I named him Tom because that's the shift manager I worked under Saturday and I told him I was going to name a tama after him. I'm kind of hoping this will lead to some bizarre sentences I can use at work, such as "Tom won't quit crapping on the floor!" After the baby hour, Tom turned into a Mizutamatchi.


Here's Tom rolling around on the floor. Go Tom, go! ;D

And today on my v5 I got a Sunnytchi! Also, somehow, I got the bonding up to %80. I've also been thinking about putting this tama down for a bit while I try out some of my other v-pets. I'd like to start this one up again when I can run it with another v5 or v5.5.


By the time I unpaused my v5 she was asleep so I had to check it's stats to take a picture.

Also, don't forget to leave me a comment on my profile on which v-pet I should log about next. ;D

(Check previous post for the list of v-pets)


"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays..."

Well, today I found out that the matchmaker won't come for old farts. So Nadia stayed a tama virgin into old age for almost no reason. I'm either going to pause her, or take the batteries out and download her later.


She reminds me of Steve from American dad... shiftin' her eyes like a creeper. >_>

So it looks like I found a purpose for Tom. I'm gonna mate him with Nadia when he becomes an old raisin! ;D

By the way, he did pretty much nothing today. We got 3 training bars! Yay!

Nothing really happened much with my Sunnytchi either. I got 100% bonding but I'm about ready to take the batteries out so I can play with it some other time.


I could just spontaneously combust from the cuteness.

Don't forget to leave me a comment on my profile on which v-pet I should log about next.

Voting for new v-pet to log about:

Hana Hana Mi - 0

Pokemon Electronic Pet - 0

Oceangotchi - 0

Angelgotchi - 1

Anipalz World - 0

Octo-Pets - 0

Littlest Pet Shop - 0

Some old 16-in-1 V-Pet - 0

Salem the Cat Giga Pet - 0

RakuRaku DinoKun - 0

A knock off 49-in-1 Dinkie Dino - 0

Goji Rapper Dino - 0

Some duck pet that is popularly known as "Donald" - 0

Clear 1997 Tamagotchi - 0

Blue Tama-Go - 0

Music Star - 1

v5.5 - 0

v4 - 1

Talking Nano Kitty (On it's way) - 0

In the meantime, since I gotta temporarily put down Nadia, I'm going to start up another v-pet tonight. So stay tuned to find out what happens next! ;D


Kind of a lame day.

So Tom evolved this morning. He beeped me awake to let me know he's becoming a big boy and then he went back to sleep (thank go, 'cause I did not feel like playing with him at the time). He became a Nikatchi, which I think is fitting for Tom because he looks like a perverted creep (haha). I actually paused him at some point today, because I was really busy and didn't have time to fill his happy hearts up with a game.


Apparently I've been playing too rough with him because now he's missing pixels. :[

Last night I actually went ahead and put down my v5. With it being an adult and having it's bonds up to 100% I saw no point to continue to play with it since I plan to put it down anyways.

In place of my v4.5 I tried starting up my rapper dino pet but the battery port is damaged so I'll have to take it to a battery shop right outside my neighborhood.

I started up my 8 in 1 Octo-Pet and chose to raise a panda, since I've never had a panda pet before. This is the first time I've played with it since I bought it a few weeks ago. He's pretty glitchy and freezes a few times during the day. After this life cycle I think I'm going to take the batteries out of this one. I played this game the involves dodging shooting triangles. Apparently I'm not super good at that. For some reason the time is off by about 14 hours (I never change the time once I've set it to the correct time). There's a card game that requires no skill. If the card is below a 7 you win, above - you lose. I like to play that one when I'm driving because I don't need to pay attention to the pet to play the game with it.


This "panda" looks more like a floating dog head. >.>

Don't forget to leave me a comment on my profile on which v-pet I should log about next.

Voting for new v-pet to log about:

Hana Hana Mi - 0

Pokemon Electronic Pet - 0

Oceangotchi - 0

Angelgotchi - 1

Anipalz World - 0

Octo-Pets (currently playing) - 0

Littlest Pet Shop - 0

Some old 16-in-1 V-Pet - 0

Salem the Cat Giga Pet - 0

RakuRaku DinoKun - 0

A knock off 49-in-1 Dinkie Dino - 0

Goji Rapper Dino (currently damaged) - 0

Some duck pet that is popularly known as "Donald" - 0

Clear 1997 Tamagotchi - 0

Blue Tama-Go - 0

Music Star - 1

v5.5 - 0

v4 - 1

Talking Nano Kitty - 0

Dinkie Penguin (currently loaned out) - 0


Feels like a long day -.-

Well today I didn't unpause Tom until about one. And this whole time I had him paused was because he had low happiness and I didn't have time to play with him. Well when I finally unpaused him and checked his stats he had full hearts... I feel like I kept him paused for nothing. -.-

And on top of that, I ended up leaving him alone long enough to take a crap 'n nap. So I can't clean his poo until he's done taking a snooze.

Bad news about the Octo-Pet.


He glitched up and froze. :[

Most of the old v-pets I bought aren't really working about for me...

And on top of that my cat just took a leak on my bed! D:

So in place of my deceased Octo-Pet, I started up my Salem the Cat Giga Pet! I named him Spook. I started him up late (a little after 9pm) so he passed out almost immediately.

Don't forget to leave me a comment on my profile on which v-pet I should log about next.

Voting for new v-pet to log about:

Hana Hana Mi - 0

Pokemon Electronic Pet - 0

Oceangotchi - 0

Angelgotchi - 1

Anipalz World - 0

Littlest Pet Shop - 0

Some old 16-in-1 V-Pet - 0

RakuRaku DinoKun - 0

A knock off 49-in-1 Dinkie Dino - 0

Goji Rapper Dino (currently damaged) - 0

Some duck pet that is popularly known as "Donald" - 0

Clear 1997 Tamagotchi - 0

Blue Tama-Go - 0

Music Star - 1

v5.5 - 0

v4 - 1

Talking Nano Kitty - 0

Dinkie Penguin (currently loaned out) - 0

Mothra (just purchased, waiting to arrive) - 0

Also, I'm contemplating on getting a Tamagotchi Nano. So don't be surprised when momma brings home a new baby. :B


Woke up late and to some bad news...

Tom's fine. Today I maxed out his training. I paused him at work for maybe an hour/hour and a half. He was missing hearts and I didn't want to have him fall asleep in a bad mood. Luckily I left work early enough that I had time to refill his hearts before he went to sleep. Since I paused him a lot this week, he'll probably evolve tomorrow.

My alarm is actually on my phone (it has this alarm that's very gentle and soothing, so I don't have to be jolted awake by annoying beeping). Well my phone turned itself off in the middle of the night and so I woke up an hour after my class had started... also, Spook had "Game Over" on his screen. -_-

So I started Spook over. I took some pictures of some of the unique animations he does.


He likes to cruise around, lookin' suave for the female felines. ;]


Then he'll update his Facebook.


And of course, he then calls his kitty homies, lookin' for a good time (probably trying to score some catnip).

He also sleeps, stalks, and scratches, but so do other cats so I didn't take any pictures of that, 'cause who gives a crap?

Today's the last day to vote for which v-pet I'm going to log about. So don't forget to leave me a comment on my profile on which v-pet I should log about next.

Voting for new v-pet to log about:

Hana Hana Mi - 0

Pokemon Electronic Pet - 0

Oceangotchi - 0

Angelgotchi - 1

Anipalz World - 0

Littlest Pet Shop - 0

Some old 16-in-1 V-Pet - 0

RakuRaku DinoKun - 0

A knock off 49-in-1 Dinkie Dino - 0

Goji Rapper Dino (currently damaged) - 0

Some duck pet that is popularly known as "Donald" - 0

Clear 1997 Tamagotchi - 0

Blue Tama-Go - 0

Music Star - 1

v5.5 - 0

v4 - 1

Talking Nano Kitty - 0

Dinkie Penguin (currently loaned out) - 0

Mothra (waiting to arrive) - 0

Tomorrow I have work in the morning, and then I may go to the beach, and then I have work that night so I'm not sure exactly when I'm going to be able to start a new v-pet.


4 days of catching up to do...

Sorry to all my readers for the procrastination. But you know what they say, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". So hopefully you'll like this more than usual. ;D

SO a lot has happened over the weekend. Last time I had my Salem the Cat Giga Pet going. Well I decided that the pet was too needy for something that doesn't really evolve (which is one of my favorite features about v-pets like tamagotchis), so I put Spook down Friday. Here's one last picture as sort of a memorial to him.


Much like Chuck Norris, Spook didn't sleep. He waited.

In place of Spook I started up my only v4! Unfortunately I didn't test this thing right after I bought it and it's missing its top and bottom rows of pixels, half of two columns near the center of the screen, there's a tear in the background, and I can only see the first two icons (stats and food), the rest of the icons won't show up. So that sucked a lot. And since it's been over three days since I've received it from the eBay seller, I can't return it for a refund (not that I'd want to, I just want a working graffiti v4). But I'm currently working something out with the seller so hopefully that should work out.


I hatched her anyways on Saturday. Her name is Jelly.


From a baby she became a Harutchi.


This is to show you guys where the pixels are missing.


And on the 4th of July I woke up to her becoming a Young Mimitchi.

The most annoying part about the pixels missing is that I can't tell if she calls for me to train her (you know, they'll beep and then just stare at you like a tard making a prank call and then you yell at them and they cry). I really have to keep an ear out in order to train it. And at first I was trying to get a Nonbiritchi, but then I realized I have the wrong teen and wrong gender. And I already choose Mr. Canvas as a teacher, but I don't want to get stuck with a Marotchi so I'm gonna have to bust my chops to try to get a Mimitchi. Oh tama-drama. -_-

I'm sure you guys must be wondering about Tom by now. He's doing pretty good. He turned into a Tsunotchi, which I think is funny because he's so adorable and cute and kind of flamboyant looking... (I guess it's just funny if you know the guy it's named after...). Anyways, here he is:




He actually had really good luck with money on Sunday. He made over 2000p just by fishing and gardening.


And then he had really poor luck with shoveling Sunday and today. Snakes sure do like Tom. Poor Tom. -.-

Now today, the 4th of July, I decided to start up my duck v-pet that is commonly refered to as "Donald" on eBay. I don't have pictures of him yet because he's just a circle.. completely uninteresting.. So far I LOVE it! I love and collect rubber ducks so that kind of explains why I've grown so attached to this one so quickly. ;P


Sorry for my procrastination. .-.

Not a whole lot has happened since the weekend.

Tom is now 8 and has not seen the matchmaker yet. Which is fine because he's suppose to make old tama babies with Nadia once he becomes a raisin.

Jelly has become exactly what I wanted her to be... a Mimitchi! And if I win this bid on eBay for another graffiti tamagotchi, then maybe I'll mate her off with it! :0


So cute! (She looks like she got in a knife fight... but you know she won ;) ]

And I have no pictures of "Donald" at the moment. But I can guarantee that I will have a slew of pictures in my next post.

Donald is actually part of the Gyaoppi family. So his growth will be based on this chart.

(I forgot the mention that I got my Mothra in the mail yesterday so once I clean up the battery corrosion I may start that one up and log about it!)

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Good news, bad news! ;D

Sorry again for the delayed post. I've been working a lot lately and I had a wedding to go to yesterday so I haven't even been on the computer much lately.

So the matchmaker came for Tom on Friday. I declined so I can mate him with Nadia. Nothing much else happened with Tom. I had to put both Tom and Jelly on Pause while I attended a wedding yesterday. And I had to open at work today so I didn't unpause them until about 5pm today. I did buy him a lamp I guess Thursday or Friday, though.


Tom has crap luck. Honestly I'm not sure if I've ever bought a lamp that did anything good...

Jelly's doing good. AND (good news) I won the other graffiti tama so once I receive that in the mail I'll have a mate for Jelly (hopefully). It's a v4.5. Although I can't imagine I'd want to run two of the same tamagotchis at a time so I'm not sure how that's going to work with Nadia (my argyle v4.5). Anyways... I took tons of pictures of Jelly! ^.^


Jelly put on a wig and looked super 80's.


Wheeeeeesupercutenessohmygodwtfbbqsauce! :0


Preparing for tama-zombie apocalypse...


Teehee! e.e

In other news, the seller I buy most of my tamagotchis from that I purchased my broken v4 from, sent me a working v4. Unfortunately I'm too attached to Jelly to switch the batteries over. I like to think of the damage as "personality" now. :]

Now the bad news: while I was at the wedding yesterday Donald ended up dying because I couldn't care for him. I'll be taking the batteries out of him since I'll probably be starting up Nadia tomorrow or Monday for Tom.


He was a weird little duck thing that will be missed.


RIP "Donald". I'll resurrect you some day. :'[

ONE MORE THING! I started my Mothra (just to see if it works) and I tried to take a picture of the birth but missed and got this instead.


I can't wait to actually start playing it. I turned the batteries upside down so I know which ones to use once I start it up again. I think I'll just run some oldies one day with it. I'd probably run my Angel and Ocean with it. Or a Morino if I have one by that time.


Time to play a little "Catch up".

Since I had my tamas paused since about 5pm yesterday, I spent the past 24 hours playing catch-up with their care.

Matchmaker came for Tom at least 2 or 3 times. I played "get" a few times (I'm getting pretty tired of that game, but it's the only one I can win T^T) and tried to buy food. Apparently Tom's pretty stocked up because it wouldn't let me buy anymore food. Other than that Tom's been the same. He's 9, by the way. I thought he'd be an oldie by today but I guess I'm off by a day. I caught him singing and as soon as I had my camera ready to take pictures, he stopped and looked at me (and I know he was laughing at me on the inside)... I wanted to punch him. -.-'

Jelly had a semi-eventful day. She's 5 and no matchmaker yet.


Today we opened a treasure chest with at least 1000p inside.


Grew a plant that ended up being a jerk.


And then I forced Jelly to play Shapes with me until she could afford to buy and look ridiculous in pants. :]

Out of curiosity [and sheer boredom] I started my Talking Nano Kitty today. Kind of basic, as far as pets go. But really cute, and makes cute sounds. I named her (I assume it's a her because it's sounds are girly sounding) Meep. I wanted her to have a sound effect name that was also unisex.




She be all sleepin' and such. :B

Also, I fixed a broken keychain on my 2004 tama today. Actually it didn't even had a keychain, I had to make one. I'm not running it right now but I thought I'd share this with you guys anyways [yes, the gun is part of the keychain]. :]


Gangsta-gotchi. ;D


Exciting stuff, guys. :]

Well once again Tom was denied all love from the Matchmaker. I'm surprised he didn't turn into an old fart raisin. And I accidently let him pass out next to his own feces. I should get an award for mother of the year.




Genie's are jerks...


I bought Tom a shirt to cheer him up. (He looks like a psycho in a straight jacket.)


I also bought him wings. (He looks like an obese bumblebee.)


And then he painted me an ugly picture of Picasso. Good thing he's cute, momma's little baby sure ain't no artist. :]

To my surprise, I came home to my new graffiti v4.5! I started it up immediately and downloaded the last character (just to see what they had). It was dead, pretty sure it was 0 years old, and had a couple of points under Spirit, but that was it. So I reset it. When it hatched, to my brief disappointment, it was a girl. I considered resetting it until I got a boy for Jelly, but didn't feel like aborting it, so I named her Toast. :]


Baby Toast!


Thank god! Another Tamatchi. [/sarcasm]

I think I'll try to go for a UraMemetchi so I can try to unlock Hanagatchi.

The Matchmaker came for Jelly today and I declined, hoping that I'd be able to mate her with my new v4.5. But since my v4.5 is a girl I waited for the Matchmaker again and luckily Jelly had a baby boy! So now I'm going to mate that with Toast. Not sure what to name him yet...


Jelly got sunglasses today and looked cool before letting motherhood ruin her street cred.

Since I started my v4.5, I decided to put down Meep. I'm actually considering selling it. I'm not much of a nano fan.


Plus Meep was a fatty.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, I went to target today and picked up a couple of figures for my tama-go. Then I came home and bought like 6 of them from eBay. So once I get all the figures, I'll probably start up the Tama-go. I've been dying to play with it.

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I definitely thought I posted since the 11th.

Anywho, I have little tid bits of news.

So Nadia FINALLY got a mate. It was Tom. What a surprise. I took a few pictures.


Tom has no idea what he's in for. Nadia thinks poop makes an excellent gift when playing hard to get.


Tom is returning the favor. It takes two to tango in the dance of revenge.


Apparently Tom's harder to win over than Nadia.


FINALLY, some good ol' fashion raisin lovin'.

They had boys. Not sure what to name them. I'm thinking about taking the batteries out of both of them once they leave me with their babies so I can start another tamagotchi. I've really been thinking about starting up the tama-go since the figures should be arriving in the mail any day now.

I had Toast on pause up until today, so nothing's been happening with her.

Jelly finally left me with her baby boy, Bread. I'll be mating Toast and Bread together once they become of age ('Cause you can't have toast without bread! Haha I'm lame, I know.).

That's pretty much it for now. I'll probably have a bazillion pictures for my next post because as I was going through the items Nadia has I found some stuff I forgot about.


Wow... three days of catching up...

I know. I suck. Sorry guys but I just keep coming home late and exhausted. -.-

So today Tom and Nadia left their baby boys with me. I named Tom's kid Greg (v3), after another manager at Papa John's I work with (haha he hates that Tom's kid is named after him). And I named Nadia's son Felix (v4.5). I couldn't think of anything better and I was half thinking about naming him after Felix the cat, and half thinking of the guy from Golden Sun named Felix...

At any rate, I took the batteries out of both of them so they are currently "resting".

Toast is 1 year old now. And she has turned into an adorable little Zouritchi. I'm still aiming to get a UraMemetchi so I can get the secret character. I played Shapes with her like crazy and sent her to school until she couldn't get anymore points from that. Currently her stats are 34 Smily Face, 127 Star, and 10 Fist. I may have a shot at getting the secret character!


Something about this character reminds me of the women that dance with fruit on their heads... maybe that's just me.



Bread is a little Mizutamatchi. He's still just 0 years old. His stats are 26 Pencil, 18 Star, and 18 Flower. So I'm aiming for a Mametchi so I can get a Tensaitchi.

Sorry I didn't take more pictures. I didn't get around to using those items with Nadia like I wanted to so I could take a bunch of pictures. :[

Oh Yeah! -Insert Kool-Aid guy here-

I got my figures today! I'm only waiting for one more. I wanted to start my Tama-Go earlier today but I had to work this morning, take my kitten to the vet this afternoon, and then I had to go to my other job tonight. So after I'm done posting this I'll probably start it and take pictures and post about it tomorrow. In the morning I'm suppose to go with my parents to the Naval Aviation Museum as part of this Mason thing (if you don't know what a Mason is, think Fred Flinstone with his fuzzy-hat-wearing man club). So I'll probably bring my babies with me. :]

In other news... I got a little baggy today that I've decided to carry my babies in. It says "Always" and "Tampax" on the inside, but that just makes me smile. :]




Sup, Tama-Homies?

(I took a picture of this little guy on a model ship at the Naval Aviation Museum yesterday. He be so cute and tiny. x3]

Now that I'm done dorking it up, let's get to the good stuff. (A.D.D moment: my kitteh is playing with the ice in my tea so this distraction is making this log hard to pay attention to right now- Haha)

So I hatched my Tama-Go (yay!). She is currently a Shelltchi with 4 bars of training, all of her friendship hearts, 9 characters (I've played with all my figures, I'm just waiting for one more to come in), and she likes to crap on the floor. So now I understand the Tama-Go poop frustration all you other loggers complain about. When she was a baby I caught all but one of her poos (I missed one because we were playing a game) and I never got training points for that but for some reason after I clean up after her floor poops I get training points... I don't see how that works, but okay. Anyways, picture time!


It's a baby mushroom! My favorite kind of baby!


We went to the park and (what looks like) a penguin swung with her. One of the few times we've been to the park and someone was actually there.


She became an adorable Belltchi.


Got a mystery box and nothing cool happened.


And then I bought her ducks because they're my favorite thing.

In other news, Toast just became a Uramemetchi today! Which means I got a shot at getting the secret character. Right now she has over 200 star points. I still have to get about 150 more of those and maybe like 50 more points in the other two categories. Since she's an adult, I paused her so Bread could do a little catching up.

Bread is now the teenager Hinotamatchi. I'm gonna try for a Togetchi. I've never had one of those before.

I accidently posted twice, so pretend this post doesn't exist... you see nothing!

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A pretty freakin' good day.

I actually skipped class to sleep in today. I know, I'm terrible. Whatever, I won't be able to sleep in for a couple of weeks so I feel like I deserved it.

Okay so today I took pictures of Shelltchi. Nothing real big happened with her today. I got my last figure today so now I have all 10! Yay! And if there's more than that then someone tell me because I thought there were only 10 figures for the Tama-Go. I actually looked into buying another Tama-Go today but I wasn't sure which one, plus I don't currently have the money. -.-

Anyways, on to the pictures!




She had tamales for dinner because I heart tamales. :9

Bread is still a teenager... I'm getting impatient with him. But I'm pretty sure by tomorrow he'll be an adult. :]


Grow up already! >:0

I've actually been thinking about taking the batteries out of this one once I mate him off. I'm not really happy about the games on this one, mainly because I lose at them more often than the others... but where one tama life is paused, another begins!

And now for the best news! Toast became a real woman today. She's now a Hanagatatchi! Yay! I pretty much got tunnel vision earlier and played with her until she evolved. ;P She's paused again so Bread can continue to catch up to her. And then I'll force them to make me tama babies. :]


I hate when she gives me that look like "Don't you love me the way I am now, mommy?" >_> (She all guilt trippin' me and such)


Her current stats.

I made her go to school until she couldn't get points from it anymore. (By the way, the limit is 10. You can go to school and get 4 points for every successful guess where the teacher hides the item and you can do that up to 10 times a day.) I also played Shapes like crazy. I think I can officially beat every game on the v4.5!


She kind of looks like a transvestite... but she's my second secret character (first girl! [unless Sunnytchi counts...]) so I love her. I worked hard to get her and I'm proud. :]


Everyone's growing up so fast. :']

So last night at about 11:13pm Shelltchi decided to evolve into a... Violetchi! And then went straight back to sleep. Seemed kind of random. Probably had something to do with me pausing her a few times. I do pause my tamagotchis now when I go to work at Papa Johns. This is the first time I've had this character so I was excited. And nothing much else happened with her today. I did buy her sushi which was awesome. And I also got her a unicycle.


I could not, for the life of me, take a decent picture.


And when I finally do, she falls. -_-

Well I finally took Toast off pause, just as she went to bed. So tomorrow I'll start playing with her more. I want to wait a little bit before I mate her to Bread. I'd like to enjoy my babies while they're grown up for a couple of days.

Bread evolved today into a Togetchi! I tried to take pictures but they kept coming out like crap. I've never had one of these before and I gotta say he is one of the cutest little things. It's like owning Cousin It from the Addam's Family. He's so cute and fluffy I had to share his cuteness with the world! Actually I just showed him off to my friend Marva and my man (who only showed he cared because I made such a big deal about him).

Sorry if this is a little short. I was out and about today so the time I had to take pictures was limited and when I finally could take pictures that place I was at had the worst picture taking lighting. -.-


Sorry for the late update but I promise to make it up by posting a buttload of pictures. ;D

I read in someone else's log (I can't remember who's) but they switch out the faceplate of their Tama-Go every new generation so I think that's what I'll do. :]

I just drew on the back of a few faceplates so now my Tama-Go is a little more customized (you'll see the next day I post). <3


Today Violetchi went to the park and played with ninjas. (Momma's little girl!)


I love when my face falls off from facials. :B


She wore a wig and loved it. She was pretty cute. x3

Toast got a job! I already forgot what it was because I forgot to go to work! xD


I bought her skates and she skooted around.


I love it when I find cake while I'm digging holes!


Cute flower hat dance. :3


Then she drew a diamond? I'm not really sure what that is...

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Part II

I ran out of room for pictures of Bread. I didn't really do much with him today... he did get a job at the circus popping balloons! I did that at least once that I remember... at any rate, here he be. ;B


Get yo' fancy on! ;D


These are pants...? I don't see it. :|




"You're a wizard, Bread!"

(You Harry Potter fans should get that reference...)


His wig looks a lot like his hat...


Apparently Bread's not a fan of lions. ;P

Well that's it. You can stop reading now. I'm done talking. :]

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