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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2011
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Auckland New Zealand
OK this story has to be as random as you can make it!!!! Here are the rules:


  1. Make it random!!
  2. Has to be related to tamagotchi
  3. You may add new characters
  4. The story can be random but it has to make some sense
  5. You can include violence but nothing to gory!!!!
  6. Use proper grammar so everyone can understand you
  7. Lastly, HAVE FUN!!


I will start the story off:

Once a upon a time there was a Violetchi called Bella, she was sitting in her room reading the latest issue of TAMAGOTCHI TEEN MONTHLY when........


Please continue story, and remember RANDOMNESS TO THE MAX!!!!

Oh and i forgot one more rule: You must write in either red, purple or green

...a pickle came out of nowhere and hit her in the head.She threw her magazine down and ran outside.She should have brought her umbrella because IT WAS RAINING PICKLES!!! :eek: ...

She decided to call Memetchi and have a pickle-puddle competition! That meant that the could throw pickles at each other!

Unfortunately, the game stopped when Makiko threw a pickle at Memetchi's eye because she...

She dashed to her friends place [a ponytchi named... Ella] and shouted "IT'S RAINING PICKLES AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Then out of nowhere a giant egg came rolling into Ella's house crashing down an entire wall, Ella and Bella started....


PS: Thanks Kuromametchifan123 for posting, i like it!!

Oh wait sorry Kuchipatchi Love, i will also reply to your one:


Was very angry at Memetchi for calling her a 'curly fry' All of a sudden Bella and the Memetchi started having a cat fight and then....


(@Sakura-San123 thanks!It was raining that day and I was like hmm random?...pickles!!lol)

Then,a giant Kutchipatchi came up behind them,with his portable grill (XD) and hamburgers.He grilled the burgers and put the pickles from the pickle rain on top.Bella and the memetchi and Makkiko got one of the burgers the kutchipatchi offered.Then a HUGE...

Peanut came flying towards Kuchipatchi and his burgers, so he grabbed his GIANT fish slice and started trying to whack the giant peanut away. But failed, the giant peanut flew right into Kuchipatchi's grill crushing all the burgers in it's wake.

Kuchipatchi was FURIOUS tht the giant peanut had crushed all his burgers so he.......


...Made a giant hamburger ball and tried to throw it at the giant peanut but he missed and the hamburger ball went right twords the tama...

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It missed memetchi by a smidgen and rolled right into the gotchi cafe crushing it!! The giant peanut had now bowled over serveral other shops in tamatown. So makiko got out her giant spoon and......


...Bowl and flung fruit loops (and their mascot toucan Sam) at at giant meatball.The huge kutchipatchi got hit with one of Makkiko's fruit loops and tripped over his grill.The grill flew through the air and colideded with the meatball cooking it to perfection. :p the only problem was when the giant kutchipatchi tripped onto his grill,he broke the red plastic on the handles.This made him really angry so...

... he smashed the school to smithreens!! And killed several citizens in Tamatown. While Kuchipatchi was destroying Tamatown, a Mametchi was at his home making a necklace out of popcorn he tried to cook hi popcorn necklace in the microwave and it exploded!! Mametchi was so angry about this so he......

stomped of, leaving Mametchi crying in her puddle of tears. She didn't know what to do. Finally, she stood up and then walked to...

when a hamster started dancing on top of the sofa inside the house. Bella dressed the hamster in a a pink tutu,put it in her bag and swam off to...

...started a fiddling contest with her. A Decotchi had just been tanning when he noticed the pair of them. He shouted...

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so the giant kutchipatchi with a giant grill grabbed a huge bowl with Fruit loops and milk in it and flung it at the sun.Then the sun became only 60 degrees Fahrenheit (About 15 degrees Celsius)Then...

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