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flipped out and a random Mametchi evolved into a Tensaitchi and they broke his glasses

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...then my UraVioletchi Kiana on my V4.5 came out of my Tama (that's something worth updating my log about!) and lowered the suns temperature to -10000000000 degress celsius so all the planets froze and then someone out of a telescope spotted what they called Uranus being absorbed by the sun and was really Kuchipatchi then Kuchipatchi ate the Earth then...

All of the people from earth flew to Mars and discovered tamagotchi planet then...

all the people woke up and found they were in Toys R Us in the tamagotchi aisle when the giant Kuchipatchi...

then the kuchipatchi said TAKE ALL THE TAMAS AND CARE FOR THEM AS THEY WILL ONE DAY PROTECT YOU. Then all the people started running to get the tamas, and a little girl grabbed a golden tama, and it started talking to her it said....

"I love you... You love me... We're a happy family..." And the little girl screamed and threw it on the floor, but suddenly it turned into cats made out of cookies and it started raining bombs and Very Fresh Dill. (hehe VFD? YEAH? lol) So Kutchipatchi threw a Very Fresh Dill at the little girl and...

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The little girl screamed at the Kuchipatchi and threw a giant cabbage at his head to get revenge! Then the little girl ran out screaming and throwing giant toy Kuchipatchi plushies everywhere!! So then.....

Was like "*ruff!*"And he magically grew wings and flew with Roxie who also grew wings and flew Samantha out of Toys R us to Target cause target has good popcorn.Then...

the manager of Target got an Indiana Jones whip and took them to see Toy Story in the cinema next door with his niece and a random customer from his store. Suddenly...

...The movie became very boring because a chamametchi was having a very bad temper tantrum. So Roxie, cooper, samantha,the target manager, his neice and the random customer exploded and bella happened to be playing apples to apples with the giant kutchipatchi when...

a red panda ate the giant kuchipatchi and took Bella to see the King Nyan Cat of Cattiness. The King Nyan Cat of Cattiness said..

"I'm a happy marshmallow watch me RAWR."Over and over again.Then the chocolate chanting "Yummy chocolate!Whoop whoop!"Then the ghram cracker said...

"I want some rainbow sprinklez!" Then the marshmallow and the chocolate started begging for rainbow sprinkles. Bella, the graham cracker, the chocolate, and the marshmallow ate all of the rainbow sprinkles, then Bella found another bottle. She made the s'mores ingredients be quiet, then she ate the s'mores with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles. Then Bella wouldn't stop eating the rainbow sprinkles because they were yummy, and her hair turned rainbow. Then...

A pack of skittles jumped out of no where and said "TASTE THE RAINBOW!"And started gnawing on Bella's hair."This doesn't taste like rainbow!"Then...

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