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"Don't base yourself on someone else- base yourself on who you are." ~Me

"Yup, pink goes good with green!" ~Glinda, from Wicked the musical


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"My friends are like knifes. If you don't watch out they will stab you in the back. But if you play your cards right, they can be very nice... and useful!"

LOLLLLL!!!!!! I made that up in school. Because it is true... you have to watch out...

And i have another one, me and my friend do this and it is really funny!

"OMG OMG OMG OMG! Danny is going out with danny! OMG! and danny is like, dannys sister! OMG! and josh makes.... guacamoly! GUACALOMY!!!"



"i'll prove to u- that in dis world there are real heros!"

- Naruto!

i love naruto and my friend has a book she has been wrighting in and all she has been writein is qoutes she is the creative type

'so you're saying pasta's a fruit...' my friend

'Mmmmm... grenade...'-Me! (the French for pommegranite is grenade... if only I liked pomegranites...)

'Is this a bit of your brain?'-Basil Fawlty

I just realised- this is my 600th post :( <- celebration thingy!

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A conversation between two rivaling lunch buddies:

Randy: The only thing He [bob] knows is on the back if his hand.

Bob: *looks at the back of his hand* I don't have anything on the back of my hand.

Randy: My point exactly.

That just made me laguh, it was all so random.

It's something you kinda have to be there and know the people to get.

'I spent last night naming each star with a reason why I love you. I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars.'

'God is not dead. To say, 'it is dead' is to acknowledge such thing ever existed.'

There are 10 types of people in the world:

  • Those who understand binary,
  • and those who don't.
(Sorry it's not original, but I like it.)

- - -

It's better to say nothing and have people think you're a fool than to open your mouth and have people know you're a fool.

(Sorry, also not original.)

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'It's amazing what you can do with an E in A level art, a twisted inagination and a chainsaw' I'm not sure if Damien Hirst said it but it's about him. :D

"remember licking doornobs is illegal on other planets." -SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS

"If barbie is so popular, then why do you buy her friends?" -ANONOMOUS

"If you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, is it still right?" -ME

"I TOLD mom and dad we left hobbes behind... I TRIED to get them to turn back.... and NOW look, hobbes was all alone when our house was broken into! Mom says hobbes wouldn't have been stolen because he's not valuable... *sniff* well, I think he's valuable..."

-Calvin, from the Indespensible Calvin and Hobbes, page 73 , last line

"when life gives you lemons, check your hands for paper cuts." -ANONAMOUS

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (if you have good aim...) -Anonamous

"Life is like lemonade, your attitude can make it as sweet or sour as you like. -ME

You can do anything if you set your mind to it, example: amatures built Noah's Ark, "professionals" on the other hand, built the Titanic. -SOMEONES SIGGY, CAN'T REMEMBER WHOSE....

i like these ones. i have other ones, but they aren't at the top of my head right now....

"Or I could draw a line on yor bald head to make it look like a butt."- Some guy on some movie I just watched.


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