Puella Magi Saga


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Cecil continued walking, then went straight back into the Soda Fountain. She was thirsty and desperately needed some melon soda before she died from thirst and the craving for melon soda. After purchasing her soda, she began to walk to the train station. She'd had quite enough of the beach for a day.

Meanwhile, Renee was at a far distance watching the whole thing. Having Ethan become a Puella Magi was somewhat scary to her, especially since his wish went to waste, just like.....

Renee tried shaking off the bad memories of her past, but she felt tears going down her eyes. Yes, she wanted to fight alongside with other Puella Magis, but not in this way.

"I.... I'm such a horrible person..." Renee teleported away from the area, seeing that Jade and Ethan were both unaware of her.

Jade was honestly relieved to see that Ethan has finally gained his senses back. She ran towards him and took him in her arms. "Ethan! Oh Ethan thank goodness!" Jade said in between sobs. Hugging his head with one arm and stroking his hair with her other hand. "D-Don't worry. I won't let you turn into a which. Even if it meant that I need to become a Puella Magi myself. I would do anything in my power to prevent it!" even as she said it, she knew she meant every single word.

Jade finally started to calm down so she let go of Ethan and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Ethan I know how hurt you are right now but please know you don't have to go through this alone." She then used her fingers to wipe away Ethan's tears. "Stop being so friggin' suicidal. You're going to give me a heart attack." Jade added trying to sound funny.

Their surroundings started to go back to normal indicating the witch's defeat. Jade stood up and fixed herself and extended a hand towards Ethan to help him up. "Shall we go back then?" Jade said to him with a faint smile.

OOC: Okay that last bit about preventing Ethan turning into a witch totally sounded Homura-ish xDDDDDDDD

(YAY! Now we all have references to our favorite PMMM characters!! xDD )

Ethan smiled gratefully and took her hand. He stood up with her assistance, then giggled. "Please! I've had more than enough tragedy for one day." Ethan's stomach growled, and he blushed. "Um, how does some frozen yogurt sound to you?" Ethan remembered that Jade was on some kind of diet. "I know that Fuzzy Peach's FroYo is fat-free. Plus it's delicious!"

Suddenly something dawned on Ethan, and he frantically looked around. "Where's Renee?!"

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Cecil got onto a train and headed back home. With a sigh, she stepped into her empty apartment, where she lived all by herself. Her parents were living in another town, as she had to move out on her own in order to attend the Academy she was attending now.

"I seriously dunno!" Jade responded her eyes widening with realization. "She must've gone after Cecil left. Hm... Oh well, Fro-yo sounds totally awesome right now! It's my favorite kind of dessert!" She said beaming happily now that Ethan's back to normal again. "And oh my god I just left Beau so abruptly!" she suddenly said, appalled with herself. "Oh well, I hope he understands. Teehee." Jade said chuckling. "Let's get going then!"

Ethan squealed. "Yay!" He tried jumping excitedly, but his lower back had a spasm and caused a sharp pain. "Ow...can we take your car? I don't think driving is such a good idea for me right now..." He said, bent over and rubbing his back. Fighting that witch took a toll on him; he'll have to be careful not to overwork himself next time.

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Plopping down onto her sofa, Cecil grabbed her laptop and started surfing the internet. The internet was a wonderful time killer, even better than televisions. She ended up sitting there for an hour, playing Touhou Project, which was an extremely difficult (and slightly infuriating) game that she almost always seemed to die in, at least in the last two levels.

Renee teleported home after that whole mess happened. She looked around the house to see if anyone was home, which they weren't. Probably on another vacation. Since she had the whole house to herself, she took a shower, had a quick meal, and drew something while she listened to to music on her ipod.

"Ugh, what a rough day." Renee was freely drawing something that looked too easy to make yet so beautiful.

Suddenly, she heard her phone ring. Her mom was on the phone, asking Renee if she was ok and asked if anything was wrong. After she hung up, Renee decided to go to sleep.

A very deep, deep sleep.

Renee dreamt that she was fighting countless witches, over and over. Dorothy, Lucinda, Archino, you name it. But she wasn't alone. Fighting alongside her was a girl with dirty blonde hair, medium cut with a bow. Her outfit was peculiar looking, and she used a sythe as a weapon.

They both fought and fought, laughing throughout the way. This was the life that Renee never lived through. But the dream started getting worse. Their next witch was much more powerful. It looked like a huge lizard, but it could shape shift and become camofauge. It was called....


They both fought and fought, but the witch was just too strong. They both managed to get a few hits to it, but they started growing weak each time. Without even noticing, Kamila smashed on Renee's friend's back, which contained her soul gem.

"EMMI! NO!" Renee yelled.

Her friend fell to the ground and started fading away, till she became no more than an illusion.

"No...... Not again...."

Renee woke up with a shock. She noticed that she was sweating and breathing heavily. When she looked at the clock, it read 4:45 AM, about 3 hours before she actually woke up. Soon, Renee was bawling out tears of her lost friend in the dream.

"Emmi..... Why couldn't this have happened to me...?" Renee cried for a few minutes and then went back to sleep.

A few minutes later, Jade and Ethan found themselves sitting on each side of a tiny round table enjoying their large cup of Fro-yos. "OMG It's been forever since I last had Fro-yo! I didn't realize how much I missed this!" Jade exclaimed but then saw Ethan was spacing out looking a bit melancholic. She reached out to pat his hand. She knew he still hurt in lieu of the recent events. "How are you holding up, Ethan? Do you want to talk about it?" Jade asked emphatically.

Ethan blinked as he was pulled out of his daydreaming state, and then turned to look Jade. He clasped her hand in his, grateful for her support. "I'll be fine." He said, taking a spoonful of his Red Velvet fro-yo. He then recalled stating earlier that day that he had completely given up on love. "But I'm not quite giving up on him. I don't think I have it in me to do that." Ethan looked out the window at the now starry sky. "I...I'll wait for him." He silently wished on a star, his face lighting up from hope.

Totally getting into her gamer mode, Cecil clicked off her computer and headed over to her XBOX 360. She clicked it on and then sat down on the sofa with a controller. Within 5 minutes, she was busy shooting people in Halo 3. It was probably one of her all time favorites.

**A while later**

Ethan was laying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Today was remarkably eventful. First of all, who was that one magical girl? He had never seen her before, and Renee had never mentioned her. Secondly, Kyuubey must have mistaken Ethan's true potential. After all, he was able to defeat his first witch all by himself. And third, what's going on with Renee? She suddenly disappeared without even saying goodbye. Ethan curled up beneath his bed sheets, and then fell asleep while worrying about her.

This boy...he's even stronger than I ever could have imagined... O3O

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(Runner, no one has a specific character)

Continuing on....

The next school day, Renee decided not to go so she wouldnt run into any more trouble. She told her mom to call the school about it since she was "sick". Her mom would call her every other hour to check on her and see how she's doing, and see if she was not being lazy and playing on the computer all day.

Renee soon got sick of being at home all day, so she changed clothes and went outside to walk around the city. She was wearing a simple gray shirt, her favorite black jacket, short jeans(but not too short), her favorite boots, and had her hair up in a small ponytail. She was also listening to her ipod while she was walking through the streets, just so she cant hear anything else and be in her own territory.

You know, if your taking a day off of school, it's a perfect time to be hunting witches. 83

Renee turned around to see Kyuubey sitting on one of the buildings. She wanted to avoid everything that happened from that day, so she ran and ran, but Kyuubey kept catching up to her till they were at a dead end.

You shouldn't be running from your problems. I expected you to be happy that one of your friends became a Puella Magi. 83

"He isn't my friend..... And he became one for the wrong reasons...." Renee said this with regret, trying to fight back her tears.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't stop fighting witches. 83 Kyuubey stared at Renee with his piercing red eyes. She became silent.

"Just...... JUST GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Renee teleported to a safe place, away from Kyuubey.

Heh, I guess she doesn't have the courage to be a Puella Magi anymore.... 83

Ethan sat behind his desk, twiddling his thumbs in front of him. He had tried texting Renee, but she hasn't responded. He looked over at Jade, who was doing a similar thing. Their eyes met, and Ethan shook his head. She must be worrying about Renee too. Ethan jumped as he felt something hit the back of his head. He looked and found a wadded up sheet of paper on his desk. He unfolded it and it read: What happened yesterday, bro? Are you okay? Ethan searched the room and found Garion staring at him intently. Ethan blushed, realizing it was from him. Ethan wrote beneath the message. I felt sick and had to leave early. Sorry if I made you worry. He tossed it back to Garion when the teacher wasn't looking.

Full Name: Scotty F.

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Sexuality: (Prefers to leave blank)

Race: Irish Polish and American

Home: U.S.

School Grade: 5

Wish: To keep all the world safe!

Costume Theme: None really but will upload design

Color(s): White Green and PINK!

Weapon(s): Dagger and tennis racket (Pretty effective in fights)

Power(s): Teleport, Fly, and Telepathy

(^Ethan already rejected you before, didn't he? -.- .)

Cecil was at the same school as Ethan and Jade- only she was a grade higher than them, so she was in a different classroom. After having finished her ever so easy math assignment, she leaned back and stared out the window. The clouds looked delicious, like cotton candy. Too bad that good cotton candy only came from fairs. Yawning, Cecil laid her head on her desk, exhausted from a combination of witch hunting and late night gaming. She reached into her pocket for a Watermelon Life Saver. Fingering it, she tore the wrapper off with her fingernails and when she made sure the teacher wasn't looking, she popped the Life Saver into her mouth.

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Full Name: Scotty F.

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Sexuality: (Prefers to leave blank)

Race: Irish Polish and American

Home: U.S.

School Grade: 5

Wish: To keep all the world safe!

Costume Theme: None really but will upload design

Color(s): White Green and PINK!

Weapon(s): Dagger and tennis racket (Pretty effective in fights)

Power(s): Teleport, Fly, and Telepathy
Sorry, Scotty. This RP just isn't for you. However, my other RP ~L~ is in desperate need for males. I would gladly accept you there if you're interested ^_^

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