Puella Magi Saga


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Cecil dealed one final blow to the witch, and was unpleased to see that the witch had been an illusion. Ticked, she spun around, and realized she could feel the presence of a witch. She quickly ran toward it, and what she saw made her want to laugh. That one boy was standing next to that girl who had been at the beach, and Kyuubey was next to them. The boy had a maniacal expression on his face. "Congrats, Kyuubey. It looks like you've scammed yet another person," She muttered under her breath.

Jade was starting to panic. Something is seriously wrong with Ethan. "Ethan please. Think this through!!!" She implored but he doesn't seem to be listening to her. She took a hold of his shoulders and shook him. "Ethan snap out of it! If you're only doing this because of what happened with Garion then I'm telling you right now, it's a bad idea!!!" she still got the same empty expression from Ethan. "Ethan please...talk to me..." Jade said desperately.

Cecil rolled her eyes as she watched Jadine frantically shake Ethan, to no avail. She walked up to Jadine and Ethan. "Hate to break it to you, but it's too late. He's lost it, so he's about to be tricked by Kyuubey and be miserable forever just because he couldn't get over the fact his love happens to be a straight dude. Being a Puella Magi is worse than it sounds, just to let you know."

Ethan snapped, spinning furiously around to look the magical girl in the face. "NO!!! It's more than that!" He screamed, new-found tears welling up in his eyes. "I've NEVER been successful with love. I've lived my entire life with this giant hole in my chest, waiting for my prince to come and fill me with his love." Ethan turned back towards the witch. "...but he never came. And so I've given up on love." Ethan started to glow. Kyuubey was sitting in front of Ethan, his ears lifted upwards and extended towards him. Ethan closed his eyes, and a single tear fell down his cheek.

"I wish..." Ethan was engulfed by the light.

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Cecil had to stop herself from laughing. Everything that the boy had said was so cheesy it seemed like something out of a children's cartoon. She knew better, so she simply rolled her eyes, stepped back and mumbled, "It's your decision. Just don't come crying to me or expect me to help you get any Grief Seeds."

Jade's eyes widened with horror as she watched Ethan make the contract with Kyuubey. "ETHAN NOOO!!!" Jade screamed tears flowing down her eyes. She ran towards Ethan to stop him but an invisible force threw her back. She fell flat on her back with a painful thud. She stood back up and pleaded with Cecil this time. "Please... stop them..." She cried. "You know he's going to be miserable so please! Please do something!!!"

(^What kind of question is that..)

Cecil sighed again. "I can't really do anything! Well, I could shoot Kyuubey, but he would probably reincarnate, since he's from some cannibalisitc alien race.. Another solution would be for me to shoot Ethan. But you wouldn't want that, and neither would I. So sorry."

i am just confused whats the use of having straight women when straight men arent aloud???

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OOC: Yeah.. Let's just go back to the RP. And to answer you Kuromametchi, this isn't a lovey dovey RP. Go watch the anime and you'll find out there is no love in this anime pretty much. There is, but it's not much.

The light disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. Ethan stood there, tears streaming from his eyes. He was now clothed in Puella Magi attire that was based on his original Buneary design. He clenched his fists. "I'm going to channel every bit of pain into this battle." Ethan muttered to himself. "Don't interfere. This one is mine."

Ethan's body relaxed, and for a moment he was himself. "Jade, I...I'm so sorry..." He flexed his left palm, and a sledgehammer slid out of his wrist poof. Ethan grabbed onto the sledgehammer's grip tightly. "Let's see what this new body can do." Ethan sprung high into the air above the witch.

Jade stood rooted to the spot petrified with the flurry of events that just happened. "E-Ethan he- I-I was not able to do anything to stop him." Jade sobbed clearly incoherent.

O3O You better turn into a Puella Magi yourself if you want to save your friend Kyuubey appeared right beside Jade.

Jade's eyes widened with horror. "W-what do you mean?!?!?

O3O At the rate Ethan is going and with the amount of magical power he is expending, his soul gem will be corrupted in no time. Once darkness has completeley enveloped his soul Gem, he himself will turn into a witch and guess who's gonna need to clean up his mess?

Jade let out another series of sobs. "Ethan nooo!!!, I tried, I tried to stop you!!! I'm so sorry!!!"

Full Name: Scotty F.

Age: 10

Gender: Male (Not homosexual but like this Anime)

Sexuality: (Prefers to leave blank)

Race: Irish Polish and American

Home: U.S.

School Grade: 5

Wish: To keep all the world safe!

Costume Theme: None really but will upload design

Color(s): White Green and PINK!

Weapon(s): Dagger and tennis racket (Pretty effective in fights)

Power(s): Teleport, Fly, and Telepathy

Full Name: Scotty F.

Age: 10

Gender: Male (Not homosexual but like this Anime)

Sexuality: (Prefers to leave blank)

Race: Irish Polish and American

Home: U.S.

School Grade: 5

Wish: To keep all the world safe!

Costume Theme: None really but will upload design

Color(s): White Green and PINK!

Weapon(s): Dagger and tennis racket (Pretty effective in fights)

Power(s): Teleport, Fly, and Telepathy
Sorry, but only homosexual boys are allowed. Heterosexual boys do not undergo enough emotional changes to become Puella Magis. REJECTED!!!

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Ethan fell down towards the witch with the hammer above his head. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" He brought the hammer down onto one of the witch's masks. Combined with the force of gravity, the impact force was, as a result, much greater. The mask was shattered. Ethan back-flipped away from the witch, landing next to Jade. "Hmph, so now I'm not only a freak, I'm an acrobatic freak..." He huffed. The witch finished preparing for battle, and it's name was revealed. It read: Jude.

Cecil rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I'm leaving, I have better things to do. Bye." She left.

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"Cecil wait!!!" Jade called after Cecil even though she has already gone. "oh no! What am I gonna do now?" Jade said trying to compose herself. Jade just stood there watching as the battle ensued. How Ethan so brutally attacked the witch.

Cecil simply continued walking, until the woods were far behind her, and she found herself back on the beach. No way did she want to get involved with some crazy homosexual love deprived boy and a miserable girl. Knowing how crazy that guy had gotten, he would probably try to kill her after killing the witch, and Cecil didn't plan on dying anytime soon. She noticed that boy from earlier sitting in the sand with a girl Cecil had also seen earlier.

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Ethan didn't even give the witch a single chance to defend itself. He stood on top of it, hammering away viciously. His eyes blazed and his teeth were bared. Ethan was only further motivated by the tortured screams of the witch. Ethan grinned. "That's right, feel my pain!" Ethan raised the hammer above the witch. "Meteor Mash!" Red orbs of energy appeared and were sucked into the golden star insignia atop of the hammer's head. The insignia turned blood red. With one final blow, Ethan screamed at the top of his lungs. The scream was animal-like.

The force of impact was so great, a crater formed beneath the witch as it was jammed into the ground. When the cloud of dust lifted, Ethan was still standing above the mangled carcass of the witch. He was covered in its blood, breathing heavily. The witch disappeared, leaving a Grief Seed in its place. Ethan dropped down to the seed, and he took it in his palm. His Puella Magi clothes dissolved, and he was once again in his beach attire. Ethan pressed the seed to his amber-colored Soul Gem, watching emotionless as the corruption was sucked out.

As the corruption dissipated, so did Ethan's maniacal state. Once the process was complete, Ethan stood there dumbfounded. "What...have I done?" Ethan looked around in horror at the blood spattered crater he had created. Then the labyrinth evaporated, and they were all back in the empty plot. Ethan held his Soul Gem in front of his face. "Why?..." Ethan's hands started shaking. "Why...I'm such a fool..." The gem glowed and then became a ring on his right ring-finger. Ethan fell to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes as he silently cried. "Lord, please help me..."

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