Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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If it was illegalized then people might try doing it themselves. Which could result in...let's just say not a good one. But I do think it's awful that only 1% of abortions happen for rape though B)
There are laws against burglary, rape, and armed robbery, yet every one of these crimes continues to happen in our society. The fact that these things happen should not convince us to make them legal. (Or in this case, keep them legal.) Laws should discourage bad things from happening, not confirm them simply because they happen.

(Please view the video that I've posted if you haven't already. It's the last post on the previous page.)

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The baby's heart starts beating at about 21 days, or 3 weeks after conception.
So you believe that in the first trimester of the pregnancy it's okay to abort, just because it doesn't look like a baby?
Hmm. I see what you're saying. I guess I mean it is better to abort a baby before it completely forms and is completely living, like with a beating heart. And if you get raped, then maybe you should abort the baby. I can't really make up my mind on that. But, if it's necessary to abort it, like Phoebe said, but if that girl had a total chance to die, or something. You wouldn't want to abort it when it's heart was beating. I'm not really for abortion, like DemonSlayer said only 1% is from rape, the rest is from ignorant people who just don't want kids.

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I've seen many people state that they would agree for someone to have an abortion if they were raped. I thought that I would point out that only 1% of all abortions happen from rape cases. I wish they would only legalize abortion for rape. That would mean 99% of the lives that would have been lost would be saved.
I agree.

I think that the only two excuses for an abortion are rape and ectopic pregnancy. And by ectopic pregnancy, I mean that BOTH the mother and the baby's life are in danger. Not just the mother's.

EDIT: Then again, I'm on the border for abortion because of rape. Sure, it's not the girl's fault. It is NEVER the victim's fault. But it isn't the baby's fault either. Does the baby deserve to die because of another's actions? No, it doesn't.

About adoption: You would give the child up for adoption because you love it enough to give it a better life than what you know you could ever provide for it.

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Hmm. I see what you're saying. I guess I mean it is better to abort a baby before it completely forms and is completely living, like with a beating heart. And if you get raped, then maybe you should abort the baby. I can't really make up my mind on that. But, if it's necessary to abort it, like Phoebe said, but if that girl had a total chance to die, or something. You wouldn't want to abort it when it's heart was beating. I'm not really for abortion, like DemonSlayer said only 1% is from rape, the rest is from ignorant people who just don't want kids.
I think if they're going to keep ALL abortion legal they should make the mother have a sonogram before they terminate the pregnancy. When the go to the clinic, they should have to look at the baby that they are going to kill. See it's heartbeat, see it's fingers. See it move. See what they are really killing before they go ahead with it. I believe that ignorance is one of the reasons people abort. They don't really know what they are getting rid of.

I agree.
I think that the only two excuses for an abortion are rape and ectopic pregnancy. And by ectopic pregnancy, I mean that BOTH the mother and the baby's life are in danger. Not just the mother's.

EDIT: Then again, I'm on the border for abortion because of rape. Sure, it's not the girl's fault. It is NEVER the victim's fault. But it isn't the baby's fault either. Does the baby deserve to die because of another's actions? No, it doesn't.

About adoption: You would give the child up for adoption because you love it enough to give it a better life than what you know you could ever provide for it.
Now, I don't believe it's right for someone to get an abortion even for rape. I was just saying that it would be a big step up for the Pro-Life movement if they made that law.

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We had a disucussion on this in a PSRE lesson a while back. Long answer, here it comes xDD

Well, I first have to say, that either side had it's pros and cons. My arguments for Pro-choice, are as follows:

-The woman might have been raped

-The woman may be unfit to bring up the child for medical, social or financial reasons

-Noone is ever forcing you to have a child if you don't want it

-Some people (some, I'll emphasise this) think that the fetus before twenty four weeks is not really harmed because it couldn't survive outside the womb before this time

-If you were raped, the child could bring back memories of that incident, and may also start to ask questions about who it's father is.

My pro-life arguments:

-A life has been made, no matter how small or unable it would be to live outside of the womb

-Some people who want children cannot have them, and you are able to have one and do not want it, how is this fair?

-You should face the 'consequences' (that word makes it sound so awful... D:) or your actions. If you don't use contraception, then that's (in most cases) your fault

-If you decide to get rid of the child, that thought will always be with you, whether you were happy with your decision or not.

Personally, I'm Pro-Choice, just because I think it would be cruel to bring a child into the world that might suffer because the mother is too young, or too poor, or treats it badly because she didn't really want it. But, I can see for both sides, as I have explained :3

... I think that the only two excuses for an abortion are rape and ectopic pregnancy. And by ectopic pregnancy, I mean that BOTH the mother and the baby's life are in danger. Not just the mother's....
I just wanted to clarify something here.

A classic ectopic pregnancy pretty much means that the fetus or embryo will never develop to full term because it will outgrow the organ it has implanted.

So you may have misunderstood the implications.

The mother's life will be in danger.

Sadly, an ectopic fetus/embryo has no future.

I have to say I'm pro-life. I've given this a lot of thought and believe that no child should be denied a chance to live because of the stupidity of the parents.

As for the rape issue, I believe that if a girl is raped, they should have an opportunity to choose what they think would be best. Because an 8 year old girl who was raped might have gotten pregnant and honestly, why would they want to go through childbirth? Rape is the only instance that abortion should be considered.

I just wanted to clarify something here.
A classic ectopic pregnancy pretty much means that the fetus or embryo will never develop to full term because it will outgrow the organ it has implanted.

So you may have misunderstood the implications.

The mother's life will be in danger.

Sadly, an ectopic fetus/embryo has no future.
So basically neither the baby nor the mother would survive if she continued with the pregnancy?

Then I think abortion is okay.

But say a young girl gets pregnant and there's a big chance that she won't survivie, however the baby will? Then I do not think abortion is okay. She became responsible for another life the moment she had sex.

I agree with abortion only in the case of rape.

I'm pro-life.

Mainly because at the time I was conceived by my parents, they were both abroad on these pills which prevented disease, and the Doctor strongly recommended I was aborted, or I may have severe disabilities. Thank goodness my parents have always been pro-life, that saved me. If they'd been scared to take the risk and had me aborted, I'd never have been more than a mutilated fetus, with not even a chance at life. A mother should love her child, and choosing its death just doesn't seem right.

The argument, "It isn't even a proper human yet." is really quite ridiculous to me, because of that one word "Yet." It's going to be, and it deserves that chance at life.

The problem with having abortion only if you get raped is that they have to find all of the proof. People can make things up.

^^ I know,, So abortion is like gettign rid of a baby while prgnant, So whats the difference between the two choices?

The argument, "It isn't even a proper human yet." is really quite ridiculous to me, because of that one word "Yet." It's going to be, and it deserves that chance at life.
The baby is human from the moment it's conceived. "It isn't even a proper human yet" is ridiculous because it's not that it's going to be human, it already is. :)

^^ I know,, So abortion is like gettign rid of a baby while prgnant, So whats the difference between the two choices?
To be blunt, Pro-Choice is believing that abortion is okay. Pro-Life is believing that abortion is NOT okay.

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