Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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I'm still prochoice. But I've got some insight. I don't know, I'm gonna think about this more.
There is one instance I'd like to share with y'all: There was this girl, at my school. She got pregnant, the condom broke. She was fourteen. About two months into the pregnancy, she got an abortion. It was because, and I don't know the details, but there was like, a one in three chance she would die if she had the baby. She didn't want to take that risk, so she aborted. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with how young she was, I don't really know.

Do you think you'd do the same?
I would, because having a 33% chance of me dying is too much for me. I value my own life more than the life of a baby who hasn't really entered the world yet or learned, felt emotion, been loved or anything like that.

To me, a baby that's 3 weeks in its mother is a lot different than a born and raised baby. I'd be completely against murdering a one year old child (obviously) but I'd be pro choice for an abortion early into pregnancy. I know, it's still a baby no matter how small, but there's a huge difference for me between a born and unborn baby.

Anddd, Feebee, I google Image'd "Abortion" .. you're right, it is sickening. It's like, covered in blood, you can see its body parts.. But can it really think, like, does it know what's going on? It might look like a normal human baby, but I don't think it can know what's going on to it, so to me it's better to end its life before it develops a sense of mentally knowing that it's a baby and it has a life.

But It's seriously, like, really close. But I still think I'm Pro Choice... :|

I would, because having a 33% chance of me dying is too much for me. I value my own life more than the life of a baby who hasn't really entered the world yet or learned, felt emotion, been loved or anything like that.To me, a baby that's 3 weeks in its mother is a lot different than a born and raised baby. I'd be completely against murdering a one year old child (obviously) but I'd be pro choice for an abortion early into pregnancy. I know, it's still a baby no matter how small, but there's a huge difference for me between a born and unborn baby.

Anddd, Feebee, I google Image'd "Abortion" .. you're right, it is sickening. It's like, covered in blood, you can see its body parts.. But can it really think, like, does it know what's going on? It might look like a normal human baby, but I don't think it can know what's going on to it, so to me it's better to end its life before it develops a sense of mentally knowing that it's a baby and it has a life.

But It's seriously, like, really close. But I still think I'm Pro Choice... :|
I agree. If I wanted the baby, then I might risk dying for it, but because of a mistake, I wouldn't risk my life for something I didn't even want.

It's the females body. It's her choice.

When it's done the foetus is too young in the development to know what's happening.

If someone doesn't wish to have/have the means to support a baby then don't say "Oh but there's always adoption" Because think of the 9 months of agony this person goes through, then the pain of labour. For what? Someone else to have the child.

As for me personally. I'd rather have the child if it were from my choice to have sex. If I was a rape victim I'd abort it with no hesitation. But if I got pregnant now [unlikely but possible] I'd abort it too. Firstly; I'm way too young and would prefer to have a life as I'd never be able to give a child up for adoption. And secondly; I'm much too small. I'm sure my body wouldn't even support a child and it'd just be one huge pain.

I'll stick to abstinence for now.

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"Oh but theres always adoption" Because think of the 9 months of aganony this person goes through, then the pain of labour. For what? Someone else to have the child.
Not only that, but putting a child in foster care doesn't always work out. It could be years until it is adopted, which would kind of mess up the child (if they're old enough like 10) and some may just take them for money. People get paid when they take a child for foster care, meaning the could be very irresponsible people.

I'm still prochoice. But I've got some insight. I don't know, I'm gonna think about this more.
There is one instance I'd like to share with y'all: There was this girl, at my school. She got pregnant, the condom broke. She was fourteen. About two months into the pregnancy, she got an abortion. It was because, and I don't know the details, but there was like, a one in three chance she would die if she had the baby. She didn't want to take that risk, so she aborted. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with how young she was, I don't really know.

Do you think you'd do the same?

Because I would be ending someone's life.

Think about it. You only get ONE chance at life. That's it. By aborting a baby, I would be taking away it's only chance at life in this world. I would be taking away a priceless gift that can never be given back.

than the life of a baby who hasn't really entered the world yet or learned, felt emotion, been loved or anything like that.
Babies can recognize sound in the womb and be loved.

I agree. If I wanted the baby, then I might risk dying for it, but because of a mistake, I wouldn't risk my life for something I didn't even want
But it's not about what YOU want. You're responsible for another human being the moment conception happens. That means you put the well-being of the baby before yourself.

When it's done the foetus is too young in the development to know what's happening.
The baby can DEFINATELY feel what's happening to it. It's developed nerves. Abortion is extremely painful.

Here is some things I not only found found to be completely true in my opinion, but also very insightful:

The first is: "Is this human life?" As we will see, the answer clearly is Yes. That answer is a medical and scientific one, for we cannot impose a religious or philosophic belief in our nations through force of law. The second question is: "Should we grant equal protection by law to all living humans in our nation?" or,
"Should we allow discrimination against entire classes of living humans?"

The third question is about Choice and Women’s Rights.
The journey of conception to birth: Click

Abortion isn't completely safe to even the mother: Click

Fact: In the United States it is legal to abort a baby up until the day of birth.
Fact: In a Partial Birth Abortion (D and X procedure) babies are "partially aborted" so the head is still in the cervix but the body is out. While in this position the live baby is still considered a "non-human" and has no protection under the law. The live baby’s brains are sucked out after being crushed by blunt instruments. Organs are harvested and sold to "researchers". The baby receives no anesthesia and is alive until killed by the doctor.

Fact: Every day in America over 3,000 babies die painful deaths by suction abortion, dismemberment, being torn limb from limb, prostaglandin hormones and now by being brutally killed seconds before delivery.

Fact: Abortion has two victims - the baby and the mother. Many women who have abortions suffer both physically and mentally. Depression, anxiety, grief, infection, sterility and even death can result from abortion.

Fact: Nearly all abortions are done for reasons of convenience, not for any medical or physical reason.
The last quote should give insight to you, Michelle, that babies can't feel pain.

Pro-Choice. No reason.. Just Pro-choice..
You can't be Pro-Choice without a reason.

It's dangerous to have an opinion on such a controversal issue without reason. That's what makes our voters uninformed and can put leaders into office that don't deserve to be there.

I am almost neither because there are a lot of women out there who carry a life inside of their bodies in which they make a decision to end the baby's life in reason that is ignorant or even selfish. I believe that a child's soul is more valuable than your decision. I believe that if you can't take care of it then you shouldn't have been the one to get pregnant. I believe that there a lot of abortions that are done out of convenience. I believe that yes we all have rights but since when did you think it was so righteous for you to decide life and death over someone.

Then again, I see both perspectives. I know accidents happen. I know there are times when the mother's life is in danger or perhaps the baby would die regardless. Or maybe it's better for the child to not be born because they are going to be born into poverty or drugs and crime. Why let them suffer for a life time. But so many continuously seem to be born into it. Why have children at all.

The thing that I really gripe about is the kind of woman or teenager that gets abortions like three times or more. Or even just once really. First of all, go on the pill or get your ovaries taken out. Or teenage girls that get abortions because their life will be ruined. In that sense, to kill a child is a pretty selfish thing to do. If I were to have an abortion I would feel like I committed a murder. I would feel like I was playing "God". First you made the selfish decision to have sex. Since when was it a prerequisite or even necessary during a time of your life that is crucial.

But giving up a child for adoption or to an orphanage puts a strain on us all and it's the child's future you're gambling with.

Both options have their pros and cons. But I feel like each situation is unique and different from the next. Pro-life and pro-choice are two extremes at either end. Too black and white for these shades of gray.

Okay, I'm mostly pro-life, but I believe in some situations, it's acceptable to get an abortion.


1. I really don't like when people have abortions in the 3rd trimester when the baby is already alive and could be born soon, it has hands and feet and a beating heart. That's like killing for no reason. It's disgusting.


2. If something bad happens to you like rape, I think it's okay to get an abortion as long as it's done in the 1st trimester when the baby isn't really formed yet. Maybe, because it's not your fault and it's real unfortunate.


3. I think it's really bad if somebody just kills a poor baby because they don't want it. That's disgusting also. They should put it up for adoption if they don't want it and let it live man, let it live.

I just read the old bumped topic on abortion, and I read the post someone had made on how abortion was carried out. Seriously, I almost cried. I'm gonna post it. Sue me for copy+pasting, but I'm lazy.

[SIZE=15pt]Warning: From this part on it gets pretty gruesome, if you have a weak stomach, I suggest you leave.[/SIZE]

Babies are developing from conception -- as early as week eight to nine, eyelids have formed and hair begins to grow. By the ninth and tenth week the baby sucks his/her thumb, turns somersaults, jumps, can squint to close out light, frown, swallow, and move his/her tongue.

Suction Aspiration Abortion:

Suction aspiration is the most common method of abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. General or local anaesthesia is given to the mother and her cervix is quickly dilated. A suction curette (hollow tube with a knife-edged tip) is inserted into the womb. This instrument is then connected to a vacuum machine by a transparent tube. The vacuum suction, 29 times more powerful than a household vacuum cleaner, tears the fetus and placenta into small pieces which are sucked through the tube into a bottle and discarded.

By the end of the third month all arteries are present, including the coronary vessels of the heart. Blood is circulating through these vessels to all body parts.

The heart beat ranges during this fetal period from 110 to 160 beats per minute. All blood cells are produced by the liver and spleen, a job soon taken over by the bone marrow. White blood cells, important for immunity, are formed in the lymph nodes and thymus. Vocal chords are complete, and the child can and does sometimes cry (silently). The brain is fully formed, and the child can feel pain. The fetus may even suck his thumb. The eyelids now cover the eyes, and will remain shut until the seventh month to protect the delicate optical nerve fibers.

14 weeks - Muscles lenghten and become organized. The mother will soon start feeling the first flutters of the baby kicking and moving inside.

15 weeks - The fetus has an adult's taste buds and may be able to savor the mother's meals.

16 weeks - Five and a half inches tall and only six ounces in weight, eyebrows, eyelashes and fine hair appear. The child can grasp with his hands, kick, or even somersault.

Eighteen week pre-born baby The fetus is now about 5 inches long. The child blinks, grasps, and moves her mouth. Hair grows on the head and body.

20 weeks - The child can hear and recognize mother's voice. Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage. Fingernails and fingerprints appear. Sex organs are visible. Using an ultrasound device, the doctor can tell if the child is a girl or a boy.

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) Abortion:

This method is used up to 18 weeks' gestation. Instead of the loop-shaped knife used in D&C abortions, a pair of forceps is inserted into the womb to grasp part of the fetus. The teeth of the forceps twist and tear the bones of the unborn child. This process is repeated until the fetus is totally dismembered and removed. Usually the spine must be snapped and the skull crushed in order to remove them

Saline Poisoning Abortion:

Used after 16 weeks (four months) when enough fluid has accumulated. A long needle injects a strong salt solution through the mother's abdomen into the baby's sac. The baby swallows this fluid and is poisoned by it. It also acts as a corrosive, burning off the outer layer of skin. It normally takes somewhat over an hour for the baby to die from this. Within 24 hours, labor will usually set in and the mother will give birth to a dead or dying baby. (There have been many cases of these babies being born alive. They are usually left unattended to die. However, a few have survived and later been adopted.)

Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion:

This form of abortion uses chemicals developed by the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. which cause the uterus to contract intensely, pushing out the developing baby. The contractions are more violent than normal, natural contractions, so the unborn baby is frequently killed by them -- some have even been decapitated. Many, however, have also been born alive.

Hysterotomy or Caesarean Section:

Used mainly in the last three months of pregnancy, the womb is entered by surgery through the wall of the abdomen. The technique is similar to a Caesarean delivery, except that the umbilical cord is usually cut while the baby is still in the womb, thus cutting off his oxygen supply and causing him to suffocate. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and simply left in a corner to die of neglect or exposure.

Partial Abortion:

1) Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's legs with forceps.

2) The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal.

3) The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head

4) The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the skull.

5) The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.

^ Beth. D;

Abortion is a terrible thing. Terrible.

I don't understand how you can kill a human being like that. A little bundle of joy. </3

Okay, I'm mostly pro-life, but I believe in some situations, it's acceptable to get an abortion. 

1. I really don't like when people have abortions in the 3rd trimester when the baby is already alive and could be born soon, it has hands and feet and a beating heart. That's like killing for no reason. It's disgusting.


2. If something bad happens to you like rape, I think it's okay to get an abortion as long as it's done in the 1st trimester when the baby isn't really formed yet. Maybe, because it's not your fault and it's real unfortunate.


3. I think it's really bad if somebody just kills a poor baby because they don't want it. That's disgusting also. They should put it up for adoption if they don't want it and let it live man, let it live.
The baby's heart starts beating at about 21 days, or 3 weeks after conception.

So you believe that in the first trimester of the pregnancy it's okay to abort, just because it doesn't look like a baby?

This is another one of those "think about this more carefully" kind of situations ;)

Do you define Pro-Life as "the right to live" for any embryo or fetus?

If so, do you believe that abortion should be made illegal and not available to anyone - under any circumstances?

If yes, then you are Pro-Life.

Do you define Pro-Choice as the "right to choose" for any woman to continue with or to terminate a preganancy - under any circumstance you could imagine possible?

If yes, then you are Pro-Choice.

Those of you who do not support the idea of routine abortion for (for example) "lazy" women who don't want a baby or teen pregnancies but think it should be an option available to women for "special" situations like rape victims, babies with congenital defects, ectopic pregnancies, mothers in danger of dying or complete mental breakdown if they carry a baby to full term, etc. - you guys are Pro-Choice.

If you were a happily married, healthy woman who got pregnant and discovered within the first few weeks that it was an ectopic pregnancy that - if it continued would kill you and the baby when it outgrew the fallopian tube, how would you feel about abortion being illegal?

Interestingly, I read that in Catholic moral theology, the event of an ectopic pregnancy is one of the only cases where an abortion would in principle be allowed.

Just some things to ponder for the Pro-Lifers.

Personally, I find it hard to imagine that I would ever, ever consider having an abortion - but I strongly believe in my right to make that choice rather than being criminalised.

I agree with TM.

However, I only believe in Suction Aspiration Abortion. Within the first month or two. After that, just have the freaking baby.

Edit, forgot to add, that applies for women who aren't gonna die if they have the child.

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But it's not about what YOU want. You're responsible for another human being the moment conception happens. That means you put the well-being of the baby before yourself.
Not if I didn't want it. If I did everything to prevent a baby, wore a condom, was careful and still had to have one, I'd be upset. I might have it, but If I had to die in the process because of something I didn't want but happened because of a condom mishap, no. I'd abort it. Even if I had it, 14 is too young of an age. I wouldn't be able to support it just because I'm 14. I have school, and lot more issues to be dealing with let alone taking care of a human child. Because really, at 14, you're kid yourself. If I wouldn't die, maybe I would have it and put it up for adoption, maybe I wouldn't. Like Michelle said, think of the mother, 9 months of agony then the pain of having it and for what? To just get rid of it anyway?

I really don't know
I would go with Pro-life....but I still think young rape victims should have a choice

I agree.

People who get raped should definitely have a choice.

Otherwise, if you don't want a child don't have sex.

So, I'm in between.

I've seen many people state that they would agree for someone to have an abortion if they were raped. I thought that I would point out that only 1% of all abortions happen from rape cases. I wish they would only legalize abortion for rape. That would mean 99% of the lives that would have been lost would be saved.

I've seen many people state that they would agree for someone to have an abortion if they were raped. I thought that I would point out that only 1% of all abortions happen from rape cases. I wish they would only legalize abortion for rape. That would mean 99% of the lives that would have been lost would be saved.
If it was illegalized then people might try doing it themselves. Which could result in...let's just say not a good one. But I do think it's awful that only 1% of abortions happen for rape though B)

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