Pretty or Ugly?


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ummmm....when did this get to arm hair? isn't it about whether you think ur pretty or ugly??


i think the one thing i need to fix are my teeth and my braces are doing that....

Ugly x.x My eyebrows are odd-shaped,spotty face,luckily my fringe makes me pretty.I always wear make-up :/

Pics deleted :D

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I'm half Dutch, I have:

Blond shoulder length hair

Blue eyes, they change colour depending on my mood

Quite thin

Freckles in summer

When I where my orange bandanna with my orange bobbles in low piggytails and my Holland shirt I look seriously cute! I'll post a pic soon!

I think I'm pretty cute. <3

Ever since my new hair cut, I feel 10x more prettier. =]

I think I'm pretty cute. <3Ever since my new hair cut, I feel 10x more prettier. =]
TGD, I bet your always pretty <3

Anyway, I think I look ugly most of the time xP

(Not trying to get attention, it is the truth)

TGD, I bet your always pretty <3
Anyway, I think I look ugly most of the time xP

(Not trying to get attention, it is the truth)
:3 Aw, thankies.

Crystalized, YOUR BEAUTIFUL. :nazotchi: On the inside, and I'm sure on the out.

it got to arm hair when u said u were proud to be itallian
I don't have arm hair.

i'm only half-Italian and my momma is American

so i'm blonde.


And i'm totally proud of my heritage.

Unfortunately for me, my cousins are frickin beautiful so i feel really ugly (more than usual) compared to them (and trust me, people compare)....


I'd say I look ugly.
Me = a giant.

I am 13 soon and going into the 8th grade.

I am a girl.

I am 6'3".

I have a 27" waist.

^ Last 2 comments^

Wouldn't you think that's wierd?

I need to make some corrections on that. xD

My mom measured me, and she said I was that height. My height is actually 5'11". I found that out from the doctor. >_>

Here's a picture of me. You decide.

It's the FREAK. =D

[and those white spots on my shirt, me and my friend had a donut food fight...I have powderness all over my shirt. xD]

- xd3vil

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I'd say I'm almost gorgeous.

I have no flaws, unlike some people *Looks at removed*


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Well, Lemme just say three words, so you can guess.
I'm Half Swiss.
I'm quite Swiss myself. That side of the family is where my very dark hair/features and white skin came from.

When I was a teenager, I refused to go anywhere in public without a lot of makup on. I felt very self-conscious and uncomfortable with my own face. I thought I looked plain without makeup on, but I felt very beautiful with it on.

Over some years, and into my adulthood, I have become MUCH more comfortable in my own skin. There are a lot of days where I go out without anything at all on my face and I still feel confident and good. Of course some days I still wear makeup, and those are the days when I feel stunning! I love to feel like that, a lot of women and girls do. BUT, I a lso enjoy the freedom of being comfortable enough with my appearance that I can go out with no makeup on and still feel great.

It's natural for girls to feel gorgeous with makeup on...but the important thing is to allow yourself to feel beautiful without it on as well. You were meant to have the look that you do naturally! Just work on learning to love the way you look, imperfections, perfections, everything you have. It's liberating. ;)

I hate myself on the outside. Everyone at school calls me a "Ugly Whore" It really hurts me. And I have actually begun to believe them. What type of girl has Boy-ish hair? (Some boy in my class has the same Haircut D:) Flat-chested, and likes Naruto? None. (At school anyway)

It really hurts. Everyone seems' to care about there looks. I don't even wear Make-Up >.<

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