Pretty or Ugly?


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What's burning my eyes are not the pictures ... but what your own view of your selves are. It makes me sad to think that all these girls think they are just so ugly but in reality, you are all so beautiful.

The people who post after me- point out one physical aspect of yourself that you really like. And don't be afraid to say "I like my butt" or "I like my legs". You aren't conceited if you don't only say I like my teeth or nails. ;]

I'll go first. I like... my hair and my eyes. I'm told all the time how pretty my hair is and how cool my eyes look. ^...^
Well, I love being skinny! I also like being short. I'm not stumpy, I'm just little and scrawny- which I like. xD

I hate my feet. They're still a kids size. I wish they were just the teensiest bit I could get shoes I like!!! Kids Vans...lucky I found cute ones. I wish I was a 5. Big but small. shortness isn't THAT bad. I wish I was a bit I could fit into nicer clothes. A size 0 would be nice. I'm a 10-12 in kids.

My hair is disgustingly wavy....everyone else loves it though. Eyebrows...YUCK!!!!

I'm skinny...but I think I'm getting fat. It's easy to think I'm anorexic...untill you see me eat! My friend used to say I could eat like a pig and not gain a pound. In my opinion I think that's good.

But I could be better. I'm not perfect.

Dont feel bad, I have crooked teeth aswell (seriously, it looks like I Have Fangs, XD, thats why in pictures, i never smile that much.)_____________________________________

I dunno, I pretty much consider myself Average. I'm Not pleased with the way i look, But I dont think i'm Super Ugly either.

I don't know, You all can figure out for yourself, XD

This isnt a Recent picture, like i took it in May. But its the Pretttiest picture of me i could find.
If I had fangs I'd smile loads!!XD

Did I tell U I'm a vampire!

I feel ugly, but there's good points 2 my looks aswell and I play them 2 my advantage.

I do not feel even remotely attractive. I haven't for a long time, if ever. I am trying to think of something about my body that I like, but all I can come up with is the scar on my right thumb!! My boyfriend says I'm pretty, and so does my sister, but they are obligated to say that. I'm 18, and although I'm technically in the normal weight range I feel like I have more weight on me than I should. Here are a few pics... I don't own a digital cam so most of my pictures are taken with my cell phone!

About a month ago before I dyed my hair

Messing around with my stepbro's cam

A week ago right after I dyed my hair

My twin sis and I at Prom 2007 (I'm the one with the goofy smile in the black dress. I was so sick of taking pictures that I gave up on trying to smile for real! guys look amazing!

I have no clue how to post pictures...I might if I was allowed too. I don't think I am. I need braces. My teeth are crooked. I love my legs. I don't know why. They're pretty long for a person of my shortness. Ha ha!

I feel, Honestly, Ugly. People all around me call me stupid and ugly. When i was little, i was really smart. then around 2nd grade so many people called me stupid i actually believed it and i sorta became stupid. I never acted like myself and really started caring what was on my head Instead of in it. Then i started getting friends and watching Inuyasha. I gained a little confidence, but not enough to really make an effect. I feel like i can change if i put my mind to it and become that "A "student again. But i try, but i still act weird. And not to mention people judged me When they found out i like Inuyasha. "That's probably just some stupid Japanese Show for 5 year olds" People say, and they say things even worse. I act like i don't care, but really i die a little inside. My school is very cruel. :( ;) :D :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I am beautiful and smart. People who call me names at my school know nothing- they are just insecure about their own looks and think they need to find someone to pick apart to feel better. ;]

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I feel, Honestly, Ugly. People all around me call me stupid and ugly. When i was little, i was really smart. then around 2nd grade so many people called me stupid i actually believed it and i sorta became stupid. I never acted like myself and really started caring what was on my head Instead of in it. Then i started getting friends and watching Inuyasha. I gained a little confidence, but not enough to really make an effect. I feel like i can change if i put my mind to it and become that "A "student again. But i try, but i still act weird. And not to mention people judged me When they found out i like Inuyasha. "That's probably just some stupid Japanese Show for 5 year olds" People say, and they say things even worse. I act like i don't care, but really i die a little inside. My school is very cruel. :( ;) :D :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
=[. people shouldnt judge you for how you look, or what sort of media you like. That's unfair, because diversity is what makes us ourselves. Im worried about my grades, considering Im failing a few classes.

Thank you. At least someone acts nice. I wish you were at my school :(

I'm sure everyone on here is very pretty, in their own special way.

I consider myself...rather pretty. My hair's so thick and poofy, though! But sometimes it's just curly, and it's nice. It looks like I used a curling iron. And I also like to use straightening irons, they make my hair look nice. My hair's kind of a...golden brown color?

My eyes are nice, an ocean blue-green-gray color. No regrets there.

I'm really tall. Taller than a lot of people, even ones much older than me. About 5"7 or so. I'm rather skinny, but no unhealthily so. I'm pretty muscular. (well, I can't do 50 push-ups to save my life, but my legs are rather strong and I have very strong abs.) I've always been skinny since the day I was born.

You know what's funny? I never tan or burn. It's weird.

Anyone who thinks they aren't pretty, you're wrong. Maybe you don't look like a model, but you probably have some great features that they don't. It's just subtle features, that's all.

Me :/

I'll take a better pic soon, honstely I think im not that pretty, but some people say im really pretty which helps.

^^ Me too! It's gorgeous! It kinda looks like mine, excpet mine's black...and almost completey wavy.

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