Pretty In Plaid


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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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I finally got interested in Tamas after a very long period of not liking them. That's how it always is with me. Liking them, and then not liking them, and then liking them again! Anyway, the Tama I'm logging happens to be an argyle V4.5. I think the first tama I had on the Argyle was a girl named Sepia. Her son was named Fu. Before I left for vacation, I was experimenting with Fu and I'm sad to say that I forgot to pause him. He died. I had to start over, which stinks. My 8 year old sister says that it's funny, because she has a gen 2, and i now have a gen 1. (The reason why this is funny is because she, well, isn't the best tama caretaker. The 4.5 is the only tama she has had that has had until adulthood.) Oh well, better to start fresh I guess. I haven't played with a tama for over a year! Let's start logging shall we?

My new tama's name is Peach. I don't know what she is, she's just a circle with big lips. Think this without legs or arms. :furawatchi: She's very happy and well fed, 4 hearts in both. She has 3 bars in training already! She has 46 in the smile stat, 32 in the star stat, and 21 in the fist stat. I'm guessing that means she doesn't like hard labor??? I have no idea what the stats mean! She is 12 pounds. Peach is also a rich girl, her money totaling to be 3,830. As for items, she has none, except for a ticket to somewhere. Her boyfriend to be Teddy gave her a Chocolate heart, but she gobbled it down. Speaking of hearts, she got sent a heart in the mail. Who knows who its from. She got a fortune too, but I forget what it was. Peach spent most of the day beating Teddys Pixelated butt at soccer and the flag game. Peach was taken to Preschool once.

Remember, feel free to comment or ask questions! I love that!

Despite my carefull smuggling of my tamas to school so they could grow a day, Peach is still 0! Oh well. Any news? Well, Peach has 4 training bars now. She was begging for attention, so I gave her a time out. Bad Tama! Into the corner with you! Her stats are 48, 32, and 27. She's 11 pounds today, which means my prediction about the base height was....wrong.


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