Politics: The topic people hate!


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
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Somewhere in Texas
Well...where to begin?? ^_^ Umm...well, I know some people HATE politics, but sometimes it's cool to talk about it because you get to see other people's perspectives. Here are a couple of my standings about politics:

Abortion: NEVER. NOPE. IT SHALL NEVER COME. Who's to say that baby wouldn't become the next president or find the cure for cancer or AIDS or even an immediate cure for the common cold?!

Same Gender Marriages: NEVER. NOPE. IT SHALL NEVER COME. The Bible says only a man and a woman shall marry. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I think that's corrupt!

The War in Iraq: I think it was the right thing to do. Why? Because we're showing those terrorists who's boss, and they will NOT kill innocent people and they will NOT wipe other countries off the map! We will NOT be pushed around! I can assure you we haven't been attacked since we first went over there to kick their butts, and we will NEVER be attacked unless we wipe THEM out. Trust me, I HATE war. But if we're going to war for all the right reasons, then GO to war!

If you want to ask me a question or if you disagree with some of my perspectives, plz reply! thank u.

Well this sounds fun.


You must be a blockhead in order to do this. Most people consider this illegal by law, even though you could do this simply by adoption or another cause. It takes a lot of common sense to live alone, some people have that handicap.

Same Gender Marriages

The prime minister allowed gay marriages as of the 2000's. Against religion, yet it is legal. Thats why you must be careful who you're donating your organs to in the future.

The War in Iraq

Smart allec President George Bush can tell the the difference between Pakistan and Khazackistan. Created United States of America to be endangered for something they didn't do and decided to elect another president for 2008. Population focuses more on election and less on war.

Well...where to begin?? ^_^ Umm...well, I know some people HATE politics, but sometimes it's cool to talk about it because you get to see other people's perspectives. Here are a couple of my standings about politics:
Abortion: NEVER. NOPE. IT SHALL NEVER COME. Who's to say that baby wouldn't become the next president or find the cure for cancer or AIDS or even an immediate cure for the common cold?!

Same Gender Marriages: NEVER. NOPE. IT SHALL NEVER COME. The Bible says only a man and a woman shall marry. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I think that's corrupt!

The War in Iraq: I think it was the right thing to do. Why? Because we're showing those terrorists who's boss, and they will NOT kill innocent people and they will NOT wipe other countries off the map! We will NOT be pushed around! I can assure you we haven't been attacked since we first went over there to kick their butts, and we will NEVER be attacked unless we wipe THEM out. Trust me, I HATE war. But if we're going to war for all the right reasons, then GO to war!

If you want to ask me a question or if you disagree with some of my perspectives, plz reply! thank u.
Abortion : What about a poor raped 13 year old girl? Do you expect her to give up her childhood for some sick man? No, that's not right. You were never in the shoes of a woman getting an abortion, [i hope] and I'd imagine it's painful physically and emotionally. It's not like this woman ENJOYS getting an abortion, she is doing this for herself and her child by putting it in a better place.

If abortions were against the law, it would still happen illegally, which is risky and not safe.

Same Sex Marriage : Love is love, that's all I have to say. Why should we care if Tommy and Billy love eachother? We're not against Susan and Johnny being in love. Why should we as a public, care who can get married? If you don't believe in gay marriage, don't go to a same sex wedding.

Iraq War : Well first of all I agree we are being pushed around. It's scary. But going to war will PROVOKE them to do worse. They're run differently over there, they think different, and we have to play our cards right, which was to not go to war - but too late.

Plus, HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS of lives are being lost, and not just of American soldiers. Even innocent Iraqi citizens who have no interest in war are being killed, it's horrible.

But maybe you're right, maybe with the payments of all these deaths, we won't be attacked again.

If only tamakitten were here..


Did you get your opinions from your misinterpretations of the news, or your own knowledge?

Abortion; You aren't killing anything, but I think you should only have one if you were raped or something. If you can't take care of the baby or didn't intend to get pregnant, put it up for adoption. It is your choice, though. Choose life.

Same Gender Marriages; Not everyone believes in the bible, and not everyone has to follow the bible. Love doesn't have to be between just a man and a woman. If you're in love with someone of the same gender, you should be able to get married where ever you live.

War in Iraq; You seem to be completely and utterly misinformed here, so I wont even comment.

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Well...where to begin??  :lol:   Umm...well, I know some people HATE politics, but sometimes it's cool to talk about it because you get to see other people's perspectives. Here are a couple of my standings about politics:
Abortion: NEVER. NOPE. IT SHALL NEVER COME. Who's to say that baby wouldn't become the next president or find the cure for cancer or AIDS or even an immediate cure for the common cold?!

Same Gender Marriages: NEVER. NOPE. IT SHALL NEVER COME. The Bible says only a man and a woman shall marry. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I think that's corrupt!

The War in Iraq: I think it was the right thing to do. Why? Because we're showing those terrorists who's boss, and they will NOT kill innocent people and they will NOT wipe other countries off the map! We will NOT be pushed around! I can assure you we haven't been attacked since we first went over there to kick their butts, and we will NEVER be attacked unless we wipe THEM out. Trust me, I HATE war. But if we're going to war for all the right reasons, then GO to war!

If you want to ask me a question or if you disagree with some of my perspectives, plz reply! thank u.
Abortion: It's perfectly fine. The mother should have the right to choose whether she has the baby or not. Pro-Choice all the way. Having the baby could kill the mother or the baby - or both. The mother could have an addiction that could be pass on to the child. A woman could be raped. Do you expect her to keep the baby as a constant reminder of her ordeal? Abortion is sometimes the only way out. ((Adoption is quite a long, hard process))


Same Gender Marriages: Love is love. It doesn't matter who between, it's still love. Everyone should have the right to get married. It doesn't change who the person is on the inside. I don't see a problem with same gender marriages. I wonder why religion makes it sound so bad.


The War in Iraq: This confuses me. I don't see the point in the war. It is costing a lot of money and a lot of lives. I don't have much to say on this topic.

Abortion: Read tamtamkitty's post.

Same gender marriage: I say: Why not? Just because the bible says John and Bob can't get married? If you read the intire bible, they have things that contradict with other things that were said.

The War in Iraq: Pointless, wasting lives and money. No thanks. =I

Abortion: It's perfectly fine. The mother should have the right to choose whether she has the baby or not. Pro-Choice all the way. Having the baby could kill the mother or the baby - or both. The mother could have an addiction that could be pass on to the child. A woman could be raped. Do you expect her to keep the baby as a constant reminder of her ordeal? Abortion is sometimes the only way out. ((Adoption is quite a long, hard process))


Same Gender Marriages: Love is love. It doesn't matter who between, it's still love. Everyone should have the right to get married. It doesn't change who the person is on the inside. I don't see a problem with same gender marriages. I wonder why religion makes it sound so bad.


The War in Iraq: This confuses me. I don't see the point in the war. It is costing a lot of money and a lot of lives. I don't have much to say on this topic.
You took the words from my mouth :]

I agree with everything you said (MnMztama495) except the part about same gender marriages. I mean, I'm straight, (or however you spell it) but why can't people marry the same gender? If it's the one they love, why not? If they're happy with the person, why not? If the person wants to spend the rest of their life with the other, why not? It shouldn't bug people. That's just my opinion. If you see two men walking down the street holding hands, that means they're happy with each other, and like each other for who they are. For example, the Broadway musical/film "Rent" is based on AIDs, homosexuals, and gays. In that musical/film, they were happy with each other. I know that's just a musical/film, but that's basically what it is. If someone loves someone else--and is the same gender as he/she-- and wants to marry them, why shouldn't they? If it makes them happy, they should. People desrve to be with the ones they love. Even if they're cruel, they still deserve a life partner.

Okay, I'm done.

Abortion-Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Choose life not death.

Same Gender mariiage-Hey, America is a "free" country right?

War in Iraq- Stupid, Pointless, Isnt war so 18th centery??


Abortion: See the abortion topic.

Same-Sex Marriage: Well, of course I'm in favor. Otherwise I'd never get married.

The War: The troops need to come home. NOW.


Abortion will happen, as long as people have the choice. I think if it's right for them then there is no problem, we all think differently. I think that I would still want the baby because although it would be unexpected I'd still end up not being able to give it away and wanting to look after it.


Same Gender Marriages:

You can't help who you fall in love with..I know people who are gay/lesbian and they feel the same way about their partners as any straight person would. And if 'God' wanted all these rules, why did he give us free will so we could rebel? And to be honest I think it is quite nasty to disagree with people who are attracted to the same gender. They might think it is disgusting how you want to marry the opposite sex. Things like these aren't all one way, people who like the same sex might think it's stupid how easy it is to get pregnant when they don't have any unwanted pregnancies. And I also think it is right for same sex couples to have children! If it is adoption or surrogacy etc.


The War in Iraq:

I'm not sure what to say on it, but I'd rather it stop. But the troops want to go to war, to fight for their country..I have no idea what it's over either. Unless it's something about the twin towers?

Abortion - Well, it depends on the circumstances. If the baby's parents are on drugs or unfit parents in any way that they can not look after the child, they can be put up for adoption and they don't necessarily have to be aborted, but if a home for the child can not be found by birth it can be aborted. It is a matter of life and death, but it's up to whoever is doing it.

I'm not a huge "Anti-Abortion" person but I don't like the idea of it.

Same gender marriages - Yes, this is one of the things that annoys me. This is only my opinion and no offence is meant to be caused by it, my apologies in advance.

If people love each other, they show their love and get married, but if your gay or lesbian, that suddenly makes you different? That suddenly bans you from showing your love towards the same sex? Well, I think it's unfair.

How would you like it if you were banned from getting married to the person you loved and wanted to spend the rest of your life with? I'm sure you wouldn't.

Same sex marriage is fine with me as long as it'd for all the right reasons.

The war in Iraq - I don't really have enough information on this to say much.

All I know is Australia has a good enough government to bring the troops back next year.

I'm Anti-War so I'm not really with the idea of people shooting each other and being blown up, etc.

I mean, Aussies have been killed, innocent civilians have been killed, It's hard to know what to think when you hear these awful things but don't know what it's about...

But I'm still against wars of any kind so I guess it's a bad thing?

Oh wow. It seems like a lot of you disagree with me! Lol well here's my thinking (again) on the topics, so maybe I could shed some light for you people.

1.) Same Sex Marriages: Wow. This is the topic the majority of you disagree with. Okay, here's my reasoning: The Bible says that only a man and a woman shall marry. Enough said. That should explain it all for you. I don't care if you don't believe in the Bible or in God. (Well, if you do believe in God but not the Bible, then something's wrong with you!)

But this country was not founded on the ACLU, Catholics, Jewish, or whatever. Believe it or not, this country was founded on Christians who believed in the word of God. Btw, if you don't know what the ACLU is, here's a nice short explanation: They're a bunch of stupid idiots who hate God, prayer, the Bible, and everything that has to do with believing in God.

2.) The War in Iraq: Yes! I know! All of you are saying that it's a waste of money and lives. I know! Belive me, I hate to see our soldiers die! And I hate seeing this country having to spend more money on the war when we're literally drowning in debt! Yes, this country is in MAJOR debt! But I can assure you one thing: we have not been attacked by terrorists since we first went over there to teach them a lesson. And unless you want you and your family and friends to be killed by a terrorist bombing, then we have to stay over there and defend this country.

The Bible says there is a time for war and a time for peace. Enough Said. I forget who said I was badly informed on this topic. Uh, badly informed? Yeah, right. Do you remember 9/11? Yeah. I thought so. That's the whole reason we're at war right now.

3.) Abortion: A lot of you are saying that you agree with me, except for if the girl is raped. I still don't think that's a reason to kill a baby. If your mom was raped and she had you, but she aborted you, you wouldn't be here right now. You wouldn't have friends or relatives, anything. You would never exist. But if a girl was raped, had a baby, and didn't want it, just put it in an adoption home. That baby can stay in the home where a loving family will adopt it, and the mother doesn't have to carry the weight of a baby on her shoulder. That's all there is to it. Just put it in a home. Enough said.

Same Gender Marriages:You can't help who you fall in love with..I know people who are gay/lesbian and they feel the same way about their partners as any straight person would. And if 'God' wanted all these rules, why did he give us free will so we could rebel? And to be honest I think it is quite nasty to disagree with people who are attracted to the same gender. They might think it is disgusting how you want to marry the opposite sex. Things like these aren't all one way, people who like the same sex might think it's stupid how easy it is to get pregnant when they don't have any unwanted pregnancies. And I also think it is right for same sex couples to have children! If it is adoption or surrogacy etc.
First of all, please don't put God's name in quotations like that.

No, God does not want us to rebel against him. God would run a world better than all of us combined. But the thing of it is, he's to smart to run for president.

God also mentions in the Bible to obey man's laws, even if they disagree with God's laws, so I can't speak up publicly about this issue. But listen to this:

Israel is God's chosen land. When he comes back after the Rapture, he's going to make his throne there. But his own people-- The Israelies (sp?)-- don't believe in him. His own people! His chosen people! But God has his reasons for wrong doing in this Earth. If he ran the Earth, then there would be no reason for the Rapture, now would there? That's why there's Judgment Day.

JD (Judgement Day) is the time in the Rapture where everybody has to go up to Jesus, so Jesus can decide wether you go to Heaven or that other place down south. So those people that disobey God's laws, (i.e.-the Bible) have to answer to Jesus one day. Btw, the JD is going to happen in front of every Christian in the whole world. Can you imagine every Christian in the world standing, waiting to be judged on JD, and all of a sudden Jesus exclaims your sin to every one of 'em? Embarrassing, huh? So that's why I can't wait for the rapture, to teach all those people a lesson they won't soon forget.

Same Gender Marriages: Love is love. It doesn't matter who between, it's still love. Everyone should have the right to get married. It doesn't change who the person is on the inside. I don't see a problem with same gender marriages.  I wonder why religion makes it sound so bad.
Love is love?! Have you ever read the Bible?!?!?!?!?! That'll teach you a thing or two about love!!!! ;) :D

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Abortion: well it's fine really, the womans choice. Enough said.

Same sex marriages: WHO CARES?! I mean, love is love. Making funs of bisexuals is just as bad as racism or sexism. pfft

War in Iraq: Five letters: W-R-O-N-G! Aren't the terrorists attacking us BECAUSE of the war in Iraq?? Sorry I might be wrong there. But it's such a waste of money and lives because it's US paying the taxes for thousands of innocent people to be killed including little kids, not to mention the soldiers that go out there and often don't come back. We're bleeding the country dry when they're poor enough as it is. My opinion

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