Politics: The topic people hate!


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Love is love?! Have you ever read the Bible?!?!?!?!?! That'll teach you a thing or two about love!!!! ;) :D
You really need to calm down before you post. Everyone else is acce pting your opinions, please accept theirs as well. We all have conflicting opinions, but we all have to deal with them maturely. :)

Abortion: well it's fine really, the womans choice. Enough said.
Same sex marriages: WHO CARES?! I mean, love is love. Making funs of bisexuals is just as bad as racism or sexism. pfft

War in Iraq: Five letters: W-R-O-N-G! Aren't the terrorists attacking us BECAUSE of the war in Iraq?? Sorry I might be wrong there. But it's such a waste of money and lives because it's US paying the taxes for thousands of innocent people to be killed including little kids, not to mention the soldiers that go out there and often don't come back. We're bleeding the country dry when they're poor enough as it is. My opinion
Don't sit and watch the world go by,

Don't sit while seal pups die,

You don't know how young death feels,

So get out there and save those seals!!

Okay, so that's a poem from your siggy. Now replace the "seal pups" and "seals" with "human babies" and "humans". Maybe that'll shed a little more light for you people. (For the Abortion topic) And besides, where would YOU be if your mom had aborted YOU?!

I...AM...NOT...MAKING...FUN...OF...THEM!!! I'm just saying it's wrong! It says so in the Bible! I could care less if you don't read the bible. The Bible is the highest law on the Earth and I follow it. If you say love is love, then you're taking love for granted. God loves you with REAL love, not just some fake Yuppie love that this world has.

And no, the terrorists are not attacking BECAUSE of the war. Who told you THAT? The terrorists attack because...well, they're terrorists! They're a bunch of stupid idiots who go around killing innocent people!

You really need to calm down before you post. Everyone else is acce pting your opinions, please accept theirs as well. We all have conflicting opinions, but we all have to deal with them maturely. ;)
Right...right...okay, I'm sorry. It's just I get so fired up about topics like this! I have no clue why I started it. Some of the kids my age don't have a clue. No, I'm not referring to anyone in this topic.

Acutally, no one is really accpting my opinions. Because no one is conservative on this topic. Jesus was conservative. That's why I'm conservative.

I'm sorry again.

Don't sit and watch the world go by,Don't sit while seal pups die,

You don't know how young death feels,

So get out there and save those seals!!

Okay, so that's a poem from your siggy. Now replace the "seal pups" and "seals" with "human babies" and "humans". Maybe that'll shed a little more light for you people. (For the Abortion topic) And besides, where would YOU be if your mom had aborted YOU?!

..AM...NOT...MAKING...FUN...OF...THEM!!! t saying it's wrong! It says so in the Bible! I could care less if you don't read the bible. The Bible is the highest law on the Earth and I follow it. If you say love is love, then you're taking love for granted. God loves you with REAL love, not just some fake Yuppie love that this world has.

And no, the terrorists are not attacking BECAUSE of the war. Who told you THAT? The terrorists attack because...well, they're terrorists! They're a bunch of stupid idiots who go around killing innocent people!
*points at bold* I didn't say you were, I were talking about non-tamatalkers saying all the stuff like "Bisexuals are just gross" sorry if you took it the wrong way. And I choose not to say anything about those other two or I'll end up starting a flame war but they were MY OPINIONS! I said that

My political views on many things are, well, just don't get so offended if your overly patriotic, or religious, or whatever.

Gay Marriages; Let them do what they want. Religion is of man, not of God. God didn't say that Gay Marriages were forbidden, the people who wrote The Bible said that.

Abortion; Abortion has its points. Would you support a sixteen year old girl, who didn't want a kid, ended up with one, and doesn't know what to do, to go on with having that kid? I wouldn't.

The 'made in China'; America has been made in China now. Thats just it.

Global Warming; Yes, it is an issue. But Al Gor's slide show doesn't generally tell you how much he's over exaggerating.

And believe it or not, I actually like politics.

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Abortion- I say only when you're a young person and got raped. (11-16) But any other thing.. just put it up for adoption. It depends on the situation.

Same Sex Marraiges- I think it's okay. What's the big deal? Gay people are like anyone else, they pay taxes and are human and live on earth. Sexual orientation shouldn't matter about marriage, that's discrimination against homosexulas. Gay marraige should be allowed.

The war- I say it's the most pointless war. It's costing the U.S a lot of money, and it's not like Iraq threatened us or something. Stupid war.

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Adding on to my political views..

The War in Iraq; This is mostly over the terrorists, and were just interfering. Truthfully, I say, shut them off from us and our army and let them blow each other up without killing our soldiers for a war we weren't supposed to be in. Though, you know, after evacuating those innocent people who aren't even in the war from Iraq.

Oh wow. It seems like a lot of you disagree with me! Lol well here's my thinking (again) on the topics, so maybe I could shed some light for you people.
1.) Same Sex Marriages: Wow. This is the topic the majority of you disagree with. Okay, here's my reasoning: The Bible says that only a man and a woman shall marry. Enough said. That should explain it all for you. I don't care if you don't believe in the Bible or in God. (Well, if you do believe in God but not the Bible, then something's wrong with you!)

But this country was not founded on the ACLU, Catholics, Jewish, or whatever. Believe it or not, this country was founded on Christians who believed in the word of God. Btw, if you don't know what the ACLU is, here's a nice short explanation: They're a bunch of stupid idiots who hate God, prayer, the Bible, and everything that has to do with believing in God.
the way you make it sound... like Christianity is the superior religion. what about other peoples religions? what about their beleifs?

You make it sound like everyone has to follow the Christain religion, and follow the beleifs of the bible. The bible was written by MAN, of what they thought was god's words. How do you even know it's not lies?

i'm not tring to offend anyone, just saying...

and sorry if i do offend anyone, i looked back at my post and thought it was a little rude..

sorry if i offended anyone

Abortion- Prolife. Period.

Gay Marriages- I'm sure you also know my stance on that. I don't believe it's the way a famiy should be. There's a man and a woman who have a kid and continue the human race. I believe that's how it was set up and that's how it should stay. If two guys are gay, fine. I'm not going to hate and rant at your doorstep, but I don't agree with it. It's not just because "God iz so mean and dis or dat" but because there is a particular order. If you want to change that order of nature, fine, so be it. But we don't have to change the definition of marriage for you.

War- My opinion really doesn't count much because I haven't been following it. But, if it keeps our country and improves their country, then I'm all for it. I believe we then should stay because if you look back at history when the forces left, the opposing forces came back and hit us hard. Look at WWII- we left Germany and bam. Millions of lives were killed. If we leave now I believe that they'll hit us ten times harder than what we put in because we 'lost' and 'retreated'. We still have people in Germany and how long ago was that? We still have troops all over the world. And it's their job. At any time they can be deployed and they know that. If they don't want to take that chance, don't get into the army.

Why do people follow this stupid stuff thats in some old book?
Now that's just rude. It wouldn't be nice to call what you think stupid and whoever said that would be flamed anyway.

Right now you are just being ignorant. Just because you aren't in the minority of opinions doesn't exempt you from being rude. Watch what you type. :lol:

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Now that's just rude. It wouldn't be nice to call what you think stupid and whoever said that would be flamed anyway.
Right now you are just being ignorant. Just because you aren't in the minority of opinions doesn't exempt you from being rude. Watch what you type. :lol:
Sorry it just likes.....Takes over peoples lifes :l

Love is love?! Have you ever read the Bible?!?!?!?!?! That'll teach you a thing or two about love!!!! :lol: :wacko:
Sorry, but I just found that funny.

The Bible teaches love, but it teaches one specific type of love, loving the oppisite Gender.

Also, I happen to believe that we are all born to love anyone, not for their gender, its the pressure of being "straight" that makes us love the oppisite gender, and so, those who are gay/lesbian, are just very strong, not letting society change their ways.


Sorry, but I just found that funny.
The Bible teaches love, but it teaches one specific type of love, loving the oppisite Gender.

Also, I happen to believe that we are all born to love anyone, not for their gender, its the pressure of being "straight" that makes us love the oppisite gender, and so, those who are gay/lesbian, are just very strong, not letting society change their ways.

See I was trying to say that but It came out wrong


Sorry it just likes.....Takes over peoples lifes :l
Takes over people's lives? No, actually, it's the opposite of that. The Bible merely teaches you about life and in it tells you what you have to do in order to live a successful life so that way, come judgement day, you will go to heaven, not that place down south.

the way you make it sound... like Christianity is the superior religion. what about other peoples religions? what about their beleifs?
You make it sound like everyone has to follow the Christain religion, and follow the beleifs of the bible. The bible was written by MAN, of what they thought was god's words. How do you even know it's not lies?

i'm not tring to offend anyone, just saying...
No, no, I'm not trying to say that! Christianity is just another religion among hundreds of others. That's what I was trying to say. Well, Christianity and religion started waaaaaay back before Jesus was born. Christianity was like, the very first religion. Then other religions started branching off of it. So that's how all these religions were started.

The war- I say it's the most pointless war. It's costing the U.S a lot of money, and it's not like Iraq threatened us or something. Stupid war.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. "...it's not like Iraq threatened us or something." Who told you that? No, Iraq didn't threaten us; the terrorists did. Do you remember 9/11? That's why we're at war. Those stupid terrorists killed innocent people. They live in Iraq.

And do you people know what those terrorists did after 9/11? They threw the American flag on the ground and burned it, while laughing at us and mocking our country. That's exactly what they did when they heard that the 9/11 plan was a success. Yeah.

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No, no, I'm not trying to say that! Christianity is just another religion among hundreds of others. That's what I was trying to say. Well, Christianity and religion started waaaaaay back before Jesus was born. Christianity was like, the very first religion. Then other religions started branching off of it. So that's how all these religions were started.
no, the first religion was a polytheistic religion in mesopatamia i think.. i'm not sure.

and the terrorist were from the alcaida (sp?) group. Why not just hunt them out instead of killing more innocent people in Iraq and be just as bad as the terrorist? Seriously, and i heard the war was over pollution in the water..

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