Pokemon World


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Sarah Keeps on walking. She looks strait ahead and she sees a small amount of pokemon. She starts to run. As She runs she cant feel the pain anymore as she runs she stumbles on a rock and rolls right in front of Trace

"I'm Mattie," she spoke up, in case they were wondering, or anything. Her six tails all waved in time, before drooping to the snow as she sat.

Leo turned her attention to Trace, rolling her eyes. "Elegant...right" She said, trying not to laugh then jumped back as a pokemon rolled into Trace. She then noticed Mattie and nodded. "Nice to meet you." She said then looked at Trace and the pokemon that had appeared.

Mattie would have nodded at Leo, but she was surprised as well by the Eevee. "Umm... Are you okay?" she asked,

Trace stumbled a little, and flailed his arms in an attempt to keep his balance, "H-hey! Watch where you're going!" He looked at Leo, "I'll have you know that I aspire to become a powerful and graceful Gardevoir one day."

Sarah "Umm....." she starts to mumble nervously because of traces aggression and she looks at mattie "Nnnnnnn" She start to let the word out "NO" she screams

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"Ok, if you want to look like a girl for the rest of your life. Though may I suggest possibly change your goal and aspire to become a Gallade, just as powerful, just as graceful." Leo turned her head away, laughing softly. She looked at Sarah and cringed as she screamed.

Trace stumbled a little, and flailed his arms in an attempt to keep his balance, "H-hey! Watch where you're going!" He looked at Leo, "I'll have you know that I aspire to become a powerful and graceful Gardevoir one day."
Sarah snickered a little under her breath, unintentionally. "Don't you want to be a Gallade, Trace?", she asked.

Hrrrngh, this whole group thing is annoying and out of hand. We should split up our characters a little.

Trace frowned, "You know, I know plenty of male Gardevoirs! Unless someone manages to change my mind, I'm going to be a Gardevoir." He jumped away as soon as Sarah screamed, surprised, "S-stop! You're screaming is messing with me!"

AHhh gotta go

Sarah Giggles a little bit at the thought a of a male gardeivoir "yeah but most are unsuccesfull and i will scream when i whant to"

"You're gonna look girly enough as a Kirlia, plus so pokemon would probably confuse you for a girl too." Leo said then glared slightly at Sarah. "Just stop, you don't need to scream anyway..."

Trace frowned, "Becoming a Gallade requires a dawn stone, and those are pretty hard to find, you know. They're shiny, but... Shiny.... But it takes time!" He sighed, "Kirlia are misunderstood like that."

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"Well, a lot of Pokemon don't really fit their gender, I guess...", said Cherry. "I'm sure other Pokemon would understand your situation."

"Oh, I think I could probably find one, I probably have one somewhere in my collection of items that I've...gather over time." Leo giggled, "If not, I'm sure I could find one while traveling..." She then turned to Cherry. "That's pretty easy for you to say, your specie only has one gender but then again, I guess you're right. I mean looking back on other pokemon..."

Trace frowned, "But what's so wrong about being a Gardevoir? I mean, my dad was a Gallade, but..." He turned to Sarah, "Doesn't mean you have to scream about it."

"Oh, I think I could probably find one, I probably have one somewhere in my collection of items that I've...gather over time." Leo giggled, "If not, I'm sure I could find one while traveling..." She then turned to Cherry. "That's pretty easy for you to say, your specie only has one gender but then again, I guess you're right. I mean looking back on other pokemon..."
Cherry's face lit up. "You go on adventures?", she asked.

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"Well look at it this way, if you're a Gardevoir you are weak against four types, one including myself and if you're Gallade, you're only weak against two." Leo said, trying her best to explain it. She looked at Cherry and nodded.

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Trace frowned, "I don't know! Gallades have such weird legs, not as elegant as Kirlias!"

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