Pokemon GTS


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Akershus, Norway
On the games called Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, they is a system where you connect to the internet and go onto to the Pokemon Global Trade Station (or Pokemon GTS for short). On the GTS, you can trade your Pokemon with other people from all over the world. You leave your Pokemon on the GTS offering it for another Pokemon, and if somebody finds it and accepts the offer, then the trade is sorted. Or you can find somebody else's Pokemon up for trade, and if you have the Pokemon that the person wants, you can accept the offer and the trade happenes. It's really cool...


But I keep on looking for other Pokemon, and I come to find that many people think they can get an extremely rare and strong Pokemon by offering a very common and weak Pokemon.


For example, imagine somebody offering a LV. 6 Pikachu(in high demand, but quite common) for a LV. 70 Palkia(a legendary Pokemon which you can obtain only once in the game although there are hundreds floating about on the GTS). See how Stupid that sounds? And it also looks very unlikely that it will happen.


Or somebody offering a LV. 15 female Combee(female Combees are quite rare compared to the male ones, which are quite common) for a LV. 100 Mew(EXTREMELY-ULTRA-MEGA-RARE!!)? Again, a really stupid offer! Only an idiot would trade their Mew for a Female Combee.


I just think it's so annoying about the number of really stupid offers that people keep on putting up on there!

Ugh, I know...it's so annoying >.>

But once someone was offering a LV 53 Hippowdon for a LV 9 and under Shinx. And i got teh hippo~ ^.^

Just look for good offers like the above. And no, I'm not giving away Hippowdon. That was a rare offer~!

This is what Nintendo gets for allowing free trading over Wi-Fi. Yet, D&P have sold millions and several offers that you've listed have been accepted. You can't stop them. Just keep wading through those offers and you'll find a good one. Or don't use the GTS and catch the pokemon yourselves, or ask a friend for a reasonable trade. You're gonna have to get used to it if you play Wi-Fi.


It makes me so mad. >:I

Like...Seriously, why would anyone in their right mind even make such a cheap trade like that?! Don't they know that nobody's gonna trade with them with an offer like that. >.>"

And it's kinda funny that the majority of people who make these cheap trades, are like...All from Japan. T.T"

I know! Some people don't have brains.

They offer somthing on level 1 for a Mewtwo lvl.100

I'm not giving away my Mewtwo. Unless its something good like Legendarys.

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