Well-known member
Ribbo, can you give them to me soon? I have to go somewhere in 2 hours and I wont be coming back untill 7:00 P.M
I'd like to order!Alright, have any of you ever really badly wanted a pokemon? Well now's your chance, I have AR and I'm willing to help you! I can get any pokemon, ANY at all!
Even Shaymin and Darkrai! PLUS- they can be shinies. ;D
Oh, and if you do get one from me, just trade a useless pokemon. You'll also get complimentary Master balls for ordering. (I think I'll just stick with ordering. xD)
Oh, and please give me up to a day to get your things, I can do 3 pokemon at a time.
So! You just need to fill out this form:
Wifi code:
How many?:
And just for future reference, my code and name;
Code: 4639 6900 6648
Name: Cleo
Feel free to post! I'll edit this is neccesary.
Thanks! <3
She said she can only do 3 pokemon at a time.I'd like to order!
Code: 0731 3894 9205
Pokemon: Wormadam,Spiritomb,Garchomp,Milotic, and if you can Uxie,Mespirit and Azelf please.
Levels: All above Lvl 50 if possible, please. If not than above Lvl 40.
How many? 1 of each.
I'm trying to fill up my pokedex before I beat the elite four because it's gonna take me forever to beat the elite four and I want all the benefits of a national dex xPP. I already have you registered, you just need to register me.
Sorry, I misread! So then garchomp,wormadam ans spirtomb .She said she can only do 3 pokemon at a time.
i knowIts only for DS and theres no wii game called "pokemon diamond/pearl". Ribbo might not have a wii.
Ura2Mametchi: Go someowhere else if you wanna brag
Ribbo: All right today it is then! ^^
Thanks Rib. Give them to me when I come from school. I come at 2:45 which is near 5:00 or 6:00 where you are.Aww, D:
Ok sure. =]
Same with me. ;.; But I already got my first order so I can wait longer. :]Okay, just PM me so I can know when your ready. :]
Not to be rude or anything, but I've been waiting for awhile now.
By the way, ribbo, I have you registered in my Pal Pad. :]
AR Stands for "Action Replay"i know this sounds weird and dont make fun of me but...whats an AR?