Pokemon Black and White


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"Oshi.......Oshi whos this??" she says looking at a pansear beside pokemon "Do you want to come with us...ok?? Go POKEBAll!!! Alright lets go!!" (occ: leaving 4 school)

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The three rushed into the Pokemon Center, staring around, mouths open at the complexity of it all.

Tamsyn asks the other two for their Pokemon, and rushes over to the healing machine, getting back the Pokeballs and returning each of them to its rightful owners.

Can I join?!?!

Name: Kade

Nick-Name: K-K

Age: 12

Home town: Kanoko Town

Gender: Male

Description: Hyperactive and overly sensitive (just like me!)

Crush:Also has a crush on Sarah

Other: IDK!! XD


Partner Pokemon: Tsutaja (like japanese names more than english)

Nick-Name: None


Nature (personality): quirky



Tamsyn stared intently at the egg DJ was holding.

"It could hatch into anything, DJ!" Tamsyn exclaimed, her eyes wide open and a huge smile opening up on her usually stern face.

"Yeah..." Tamsyn said, her eyes trailing off. "But wouldn't it be awesome if it was a legendary Pokemon?!" she said, her arms flailing.

(occ: yay new chacter!!)

"Hmmmm, shes right hey maybe an evee!!. Oshi, Searla c'mon out!! do you to want to have one of those massage-things??" both pokemon nod. "ok nurse joy can my pokemon each have a massage??" nurse joy; "ok" "thanks!!"

"Sarah your pokemon are ready!!" the nurce joy called. "Here i come nurse joy!!"

"I don't blame you.........look." she says pointing at Miju who after saying a few things got hugged by Oshi. "awwwwwwwwwww!!"

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