Pokemon Black and White


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"NO!" Kade Screamed. "First TeamRocket comes, now Team Plasma... Hey, whats.... two pokeballs.... GASP!" Kade could see Deli and Misdrevus in them! "Give us back the pokemon from our dad!"

Sarah wakes up "Shoot!! Oh my god!! Everyone out now!!" she says letting her pokemon out, she puts Posh on her sholders.

"NOW!!!" Kade said, planning all of this, use tow shodow balls, one to get out thepokeballs, good, now, blow them out of here!!!"Kade yelled.

"Annd... theyre gone... phew and it's...... 9:00 AM!!!! WE gotta get to the gym! c'mon!" they all get their things packed, and rush off toward the next town.

"TAMSYN! NO ONE TAKES MY HONEY!!!!" Kade screamed, jumping on his bike peadaling as fast as he could beck to the hotel. She was no where to be found. Kade falls on kis knees and begins to sob and wail, beat on the floor, then says darkly, "It was Team Plasma. They must have draged her into all of the attacks, then they must have been shot out with them." Kade begins to cry once more.

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