Pikmintaro's Tamagotchi Journal


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Well I took my family to see Man Of Steel today, and enjoyed it immensely, I kept Otonoten paused during it of course.

Also I forgot to mention this, but when praising Otonoten he has a poop like the others, and he seems to be in some sort of structure... I guess it's a toilet, but I will try to take a better look.

Also his Tenshi Power seems to go down a lot faster than the the healthy characters, and he just seems more difficult to care for in general, but that's ok because I love him just as much as the others.

Final Angelgotchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 8 Days

Tenshi Power: 39

Blessing: 1/4 Full

Hunger: Full

Perserverence: Full

Holy crap sorry I forgot to update yesterday! nothing really happened though, Otonoten prayed a couple of times, and when he took a poo I got a better look, he seems to be in some sort of tub (maybe a bathroom stall?) with a statue next to it.

But unfortunately today he "ascended" which was shocking for me, he beeped at me once while I was working, and I was too busy to feed or play with him at the time, but when I next looked at the screen he was dancing back and forth with his Fans while also making sad faces, after that I started pressing the buttons, and he flew up in the giant column of light!

Anyways I put the tab back into the Angelgotchi, and I will start a new one on this coming Sunday (Unless I have to work.) I am trying to decide between the Oceangotchi, and the Genjintchi I will decide during the next few days which one to try.

Ok I decided to go with Genjintchi (Primitive Man Tamagotchi) I'm doing this blind like with the Angelgotchi so I'm not going to read any guides I will just give the best care I can, and see which character I get (But I will check the character names.)

Anyways I took the tab out and a Skull appeared, which turned into the first form of Genjintchi which is DNAtchi a little white blob (that turns black when it is angry.) I went through the same process of feeding it food, and snacks for awhile before it went to sleep, and turned into the next form later, which is a tadpole looking thing called "Kuromarutchi" I know Kuro means black or dark, and maru means circle (And several other things like money, or purity.) but I don't know if it's actually supposed to be called Black-Circle... (If somebody knows please pm me.)

Anyways it went to sleep at 8:00pm like usual, the game for it is basically the same as Mothragotchi except instead of looking for Mothra in a hole you are looking for a bone in a hole.

For the meal it eats meat on a bone that looks pretty much exactly the same as the meat meal in the old Digimon I have, for the snack it eats... well at first I thought it was a pickaxe, and it eats the axe part off, but I think it's supposed to be rock candy on a stick or something lol.

I don't have Genjintchi with me downstairs right now, but I will try to remember what its status was when it went to sleep.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 1 Days

Kilos: 3 (It says "Kiro" in Katakana, so I think it's supposed to be Kilos, and 3 is the minimum for Kuromarutchi.)

Stomach: Full

Happiness: 3/4 Full

Discipline: 2 blips (I don't remember the kana is for the word here, so I will just go with discipline until I can check it again tomorrow, and I say 2 blips because there are two lines, and it doesn't look like 1/4th of the meter like the other Tamas)

EDIT: Ok I checked the Kana for the words I didn't remember and here they are.

For the snack it says "Oyatsu" which basically just means a between meal or afternoon snack.

For the discipline it says "Shinka" which basically means to evolve, so I guess when you discipline it, then it evolves a bit?

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Ok today was a pretty normal day since I wasn't working, of course I've been taking care of Kuromarutchi, and he seems to be a LOT more needy than previous Tamas at this stage, those hearts drop pretty fast.

Instead of disciplining him instead you praise him like with the Angelgotchi, when he is building clay pots, when you do it his "Evolve-O-Meter" as I'm going to call it goes up a couple of points, and he built quite a few clay pots today so the meter is over half full now.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 2 Days

Kilos: 4

Stomach: Full

Happiness: 3/4th Full

Evolve-O-Meter: 8 blips (A little over halfway full.)

Ok Kuromarutchi finally went to sleep, today I was working and he beeped almost every hour, those hearts drain really fast, thankfully the game for it is the type that I can play by pressing the buttons without looking at the screen, I just hope he goes to the next stage soon...

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 3 Days

Kilos: 3

Stomach: 3/4th Full

Happiness: 3/4th Full

Evolve-O-Meter: 8 blips (He didn't make any pots today.)

Oh my good gravy gracious Kuromarutchi finally turned into the Gorilla looking Dotetchi, thankfully he's the "good care" teen character (Despite beeping at me a lot as Kuromarutchi.), so hopefully he will be less needy now, and like the Mothragotchi now he eats his meals in two bites instead of three.

He also goes to bed at 8PM still.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 4 Days

Kilos: 35 (Minimum for Dotetchi.)

Stomach: 3/4th Full

Happiness: 3/4th Full

Evolve-O-Meter: 6 blips (It went down by two blips when he changed.)

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Well it was a pretty normal day, Dotetchi is much MUCH less demanding than Kuromarutchi, and it's a lot less stressful to care for him while working.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 5 Days

Kilos: 35

Stomach: 3/4th Full

Happiness: 3/4th Full

Evolve-O-Meter: 8 blips (He made some clay pots during the day so I praised him.)

First of all today I went to the Dentist, and then it was work work work for the rest of the day (And good grief was it busy!) Dotetchi is a very good boy, and never beeped for attention so I could care for him at my leisure while waiting for orders.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 6 Days

Kilos: 35

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full (He made pots several times so now the blips are full.)

Working all day again today, so it was pretty normal I can even feed Dotetchi through my shirt.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 7 Days

Kilos: 35

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

No work today I just went to church, and spent most of the rest of the day watching anime (Record of Lodoss War.) I'm hoping Dotetchi will become an adult soon.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 8 Days

Kilos: 35

Stomach: 3/4th Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Well Dotetchi still didn't go to the next stage today, so hopefully he will tomorrow, unfortunately though he went to sleep while I was driving, and is sleeping next to his poo, so I hope it doesn't affect him badly.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 9 Days

Kilos: 35

Stomach: Full

Happiness: 3/4th Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Ok Dotetchi finally turned into Genjintchi today! pretty much right after he woke up! I'm very happy with Genjintchi I love when he does his pose at the edge of the screen (You know when the Tamas get to one side of the screen they usually do some sort of pose.) where it looks like he flexes his muscles.

Also when he goes to sleep it looks like he finally has a blanket, and he also sleeps next to a fire, what really surprised me is when you turn out the lights the fire is still there! usually with the others I have seen all you get on the dark screen is Zs for their snoring, but he has the fire along with the Zs, and he goes to bed around 10pm (A jump from 8pm on the previous stages.)

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 10 Days

Kilos: 60 (Minimum for Genjintchi, meaning he weighs about 132 pounds.)

Stomach: Full

Happiness: 3/4th Full

Evolve-O-Meter: 10 Blips (It went down under half when he grew to Genjintchi, and he built several pots during the day so it went up again a little.)

Pretty slow day today, I was mostly waiting at home to get some orders for work, but I only got three during the whole day, so I watched the rest of Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 11 Days

Kilos: 60

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full (He made some pots so it is filled up again now.)

Well Happy Independence day everyone! I spent most of the day watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and The Return of the King, and then setting off Fireworks with my family, while caring for Genjintchi.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 12 Days

Kilos: 60

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Pretty normal day today, just work, along with feeding, and playing with Genjintchi every so often, I'm hoping if there is a secret character that he will turn into one, but I don't know.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 13 Days

Kilos: 60

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Well nothing much happened today, besides training a new employee who quit halfway through the day forcing me to do all her extra orders, apparently she couldn't figure out how the Cell Phone works even though I walked her through how to use it about five times, and of course when she quit she said we were "all too young" yeah thanks lady... anyways now I have to do her shifts tomorrow and monday when I would usually get them off, so I'm pretty annoyed, but whatever.

Anyways since I was training her I thought it would be better to put my Genjintchi on pause until I was done, so he's not going to go to sleep until around 2AM tonight, but I will make sure he is full, and happy when it is time.

Also he's starting to get quite a bit more demanding, so I might just have to switch to feeding him snacks instead of playing with him all the time.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 14 Days

Kilos: 60

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Sorry for late update, I was going to post earlier, but then Genjintchi turned into Ibatchi! I have no idea what it is! it sort of looks like a really skinny body with tentacle arms and legs, and a monkey head with black alien eyes, so I guess it's supposed to be some sort of Alien?

Gefore that Genjintchi was getting pretty demanding, so I stopped playing with him during work and started feeding him snacks, at first I thought they were Rock Candy, but now I think they are big Mushrooms or something like that, although I don't see how eating a mushroom makes you gain 2 Kilos, while eating a slab of meat only gives you 1 Kilo, but that's what I call Tama logic lol.

Anyways I was really surprised that Genjintchi turned into Ibatchi so I wanted to wait to update until he went to sleep, I now have the time set so that it will be 10pm for him, and when it is 2am for me so he goes to bed at around the same time I do, and then gets up a bit later during the day when I'm ready.

Ok Ibatchi just went to sleep, and a Rocket Ship appeared with Zs coming out of it... I guess it is supposed to be an Alien lol...

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 15 Days

Kilos: 99 (From all the snacks.)

Stomach: 3/4th Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Not too much happened today, mostly work again, but thankfully I get tomorrow and Wednesday off for working on Sunday and Monday, I was trying to play a lot of games with Ibatchi to get his weight down, but he loses hunger hearts pretty quickly so it's still at 99.

Of course he hasn't gone to bed yet (Since I set it for him to go to bed at 2:00am.) but I will make sure his hearts are full when he does.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 16 Days

Kilos: 99

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Normal day today, I took some shower doors, and their frame to the dump for my Mom, and watched Silent Hill: Revelation while taking care of Ibatchi (Who got sick once during the day.) but other than that, not much happened.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 17 Days

Kilos: 99

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full

Well Ibatchi is losing hunger hears a bit faster now it seems, he has beeped at me a couple times today and gotten sick once also, but other than that nothing much of interest happened today.

Final Genjintchi Status at the end of the day

Age: 18 Days

Kilos: 99

Stomach: Full

Happiness: Full

Evolve-O-Meter: Full
