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Aw, nice pictures of Timmy there, ~LoveHate~!

I have a dog, two dogs, one is old, the other is two, but she is pretty big. She's husky. When my older dog dies, I will be getting a puppy just for me. :( I'll post pics of her soon. She'll either be a Norfolk Terrier, and Australian Terrier, or just a mix of some breeds.

Ok, the reason my pic looks funky is because I cut my mom out so NO ONE could reconize her.

And another thing, I know I am ugly, please don't say that I am, I hear it too much.

Me, and a piece of my mom's hair in the pic! :huh:

I'll post one of my tamas later, when stupid ImageShack works again. >.>'


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Cute kitties ^.^
This is bugging me for some reason o.o' What's on your pillowcase? lol
Saiyuki. :3

I got the throw pillow from a friend who sold import goodies such as Sayuki and Sanario stuff.

SHe had some Badditz Maru stuff also. I can try to find her shop if you want.

And thanks. ^^

Saiyuki. :3
I got the throw pillow from a friend who sold import goodies such as Sayuki and Sanario stuff.

SHe had some Badditz Maru stuff also. I can try to find her shop if you want.

And thanks. ^^
Nice ^.^

I want a Badtz Maru case X3 that'd be cute lol

Ok, the reason my pic looks funky is because I cut my mom out so NO ONE could reconize her.And another thing, I know I am ugly, please don't say that I am, I hear it too much.

Me, and a piece of my mom's hair! :huh:

I'll post one of my tamas later, when stupid ImageShack works again. >.>'

*EDIT- This pic is from 2-3 years ago, I look alot like the pic though.*


I can try to find her site. :3
I like Baditz and Chococat.
:] Chibimaru for me!


But to get back on topic, I'll post some pictures of my room.

My bookshelf where most of my Tama's are [x]


The little spot by my bed where I keep my games & some cute Japanese magazines[x]


The view outside my big window [x]


The view outside my little window above my bed [Yes I have two windows] [x]

yall r beautiful!!! im luvin the cute pets to! love hate, u got a ton of dawgies!!!! I LOVE YALL. u make me happy.
Thanks emilygwyn, that's the first comment I've gotten in years that I was beautiful. :huh:


yall r beautiful!!! im luvin the cute pets to! love hate, u got a ton of dawgies!!!! I LOVE YALL. u make me happy.
Did ya think my doggie was cute? I think she's the cutest little puppy in the world! (But, there are a ton of other close competitors with her)

I don't think I posted pictures of my new room in this topic. So I shall ^.^
My bed and Skye

Other side of room

Skye and TV

Watching Drawn Together xP


Closet side 1Closet side 2

Closet middle

Bathroom Penguinness <3

And for a random picture:

P2 on the head xP
Kawaii! I love your penguin stuffy! :3 and just noticed you have a gamecube! I wish my room werent small, Ill take a few pics in a hour or so, If my mom wont let me Ill download em tonight when shes asleep, Post em in the mornin

Kawaii! I love your penguin stuffy! :3 and just noticed you have a gamecube! I wish my room werent small, Ill take a few pics in a hour or so, If my mom wont let me Ill download em tonight when shes asleep, Post em in the mornin
The one on my bed? He's my cuddle buddy ^.^ I got him in Hawaii lol

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