how do i do dat?Upload them on a site like tinypic, and then post the link.
my friend anne has the same teddy and she lives all the way in irelandMe!xD no, thats my Easter (or one of) gift, R.D!I was gonna name him Ducky.. But my dad said, "Why don't you name him R.D!" I was like.. "What? What does that syand for?" and he said "Rubber Ducky!" So, its kind of a joke. Hes not a rubber ducky, he's my soft stuffed animal, R.D!
The one on the floor with the black spotty dress <_<Which one is yours? (sorry if someone already posted this same thing I didn't look through all the posts.)
OMG, you are so pretty!The one on the floor with the black spotty dress <_<
You're pretty! ^-^My laziness subsided.
Sometime in January
I went to a show at the Teen Center I hang out at.
March.. 12th?
I went to a Rod Stewart concert with my mom that night.
My boyfriend, Ben and I at 3am about a month ago.
We were tired, and it's obvious XD
You are really pretty! I ♥ the second picture best and I just discovered something! You and I have the same haircut! I say that cause I just got my haircut like three days ago and I love it! You shouldn't say your not pretty ect. because you are really pretty! LOL! I'll post new pics of me after school!I don't agree with the Hot or not bit but I'll post
(Lol well you can't really see me in this but oh well)
(me, Scary RED eye....This happens because of teh colour of my eyes and how big my pupils are)
(walking Scout around darn this one doesn't work)
(Me and my bro)
(me and Amanda)
(me with Amanda's dog, Sammy)
(me and my cuzies)
(Me in a deap thought)
(half of my head)
(about the only picture I ahve of my eyes without Red eye)
So there you go theres me..Nothing special
I don't think you look that old. I kinda think you're hot.I have like a thousand pictures of me
Yeah I know I'm an old man XD
I love your hair!My laziness subsided.
Sometime in January
I went to a show at the Teen Center I hang out at.
March.. 12th?
I went to a Rod Stewart concert with my mom that night.
My boyfriend, Ben and I at 3am about a month ago.
We were tired, and it's obvious XD
You're hott! Being a girl myself I should kno..I have like a thousand pictures of me
Yeah I know I'm an old man XD
You look pretty, but I think you might look better without makeuphere is another pic. I just took it like a few hours ago so its pretty recent lol. Its of Me (behold teh ugliness...With Make-up XD) and one of my new V4's that i got for easter