You're welcome :]Thank you, TamaGirliey! You really made my... night? It's 11:30ish here but thank you anyway!
Sorry but I can't post a picture of myself. Doing so would break my parent's rules.i want to know what you look like.
post i pic of you.i would but i have no camer.
then people can say if you hot or not
you are the most preety girl i ever saw boys most go cazy for you.This is a slide-show of me And my cats and hermit crab. Clickey....
LOL!Thanks. Ya it's kinda annoying! Hold on this boy is staring at me right no....*WAK!!!*you are the most preety girl i ever saw boys most go cazy for you.
Aww thank you <_<You're hot! and being a girl myself thats thats a pretty big compliment
Yes I know all about how people can find you on line and show up at your door, but I think this is safe enough, we are not giving out our names, just how we look <_< .You should not put your pic on TT
You look a lot like my friend Shelby. xD You're pretty.Ill post one with my face blacked out (maybe just my eyes, but they are green so it doesn't matter lol!)
First and most importanly, My kitty! Minty! YAY MINTY! XD
ME WITH MY DAD ON A REALLY BIG ROCK! XD I blocked out my dads face and it is kinda far away sorry!