He wouldn't pick me up and I'd walk [Woo!] He'd tell I look nice and be really awkward.
He'd then burn dinner and half blow up the kitchen, and we'd order pizza. He'd let me choose what topping I wanted, telling me he doesn't care and he'll eat anything, when really he's dying for meatlovers. He'd pay to sit there and pick off the olives.
After dinner, lit by a torch, not candles, I sit on the couch and watch as he raids his DVD's, finding only gorey movies where people are blown up and shot. We walk to the DVD store and rent out two of my favourite movies, which he thinks he'll hate, but sits and watches them both, telling me I made a good choice, and he enjoyed it. It doesn't sound like a lie.
When the movies finish, his parents burst into the living room yelling about the mess and tell him to clean it up. NOW. So, I insist on helping him.
When we've finished cleaning, he walks me home apologising for his parents, saying they're very house proud. We get to my door, and he says "Sorry nothing went to plan... I guess I'll understand if you don't want to do that again..."
I then say, "Are you kidding me? That was the best date ever." and proceed to kiss him on the cheek, open the door, walk inside and close the door behind me.
Half an hour later, he calls me to ask if I'm joking.

LOL I'm not picky.