Log-updates first, and then a reply for Hoky!
Super Gyaoppi: I forgot to mention this before, but when you start out, the eating animation shows a small, Babytchi-like blob. However, once your chosen animal reaches a certain age, these animations will change to actually reflect the animal that you chose. My penguin now dips his beak down to drink the glasses of water that I give him, and to peck at the fish and ice cream that he's fed!

This is
so cute. I absolutely love it.
I've also forgotten to mention thus far that, occasionally, you'll be alerted to a weather-event!
When this happens, you'll see an animation depicting rain or sun (the sunny one is shown above - I'll try to remember to get a picture of the rainy one the next time that it occurs, as it's my favourite of the two), and you have to pick a menu option that will allow you to give your pet either an umbrella or a baseball cap, in order to appropriately deal with the weather that has occurred. I like this feature - it shakes things up a bit, and provides additional meaningful interaction with your pet (in contrast to, say, the petting feature on the Dinkie Penguin, which, though cute, does nothing and unfortunately has no lasting effect on the growth of your pet).
Toy Story Virtual Friends Space Explorer: Oh dear. This virtual pet, though lovely, has a critical flaw. It was originally promoted as having a pause function - that pause function
also pauses the clock, and when you unpause it, the time remains at the point where you last paused it, with seemingly no way to adjust the clock afterwards! Ironically, the packaging actually called this feature "parent-friendly", but I don't think that a pause feature that stops the clock like that is friendly to anyone!
Unfortunately, this makes the pause feature unusable, and it means that this virtual pet can't fit into my schedule at the moment. I'll have to run it some other time.
Just getting caught up... I'm with Jhud. The Gyaoppis and their variants seem pretty cool now that you've done some great explaining! The 9-in-1 Penguin one especially. I dig the designs.
Thanks very much!
I've quickly grown to be very fond of the Gyaoppi line, I must admit - the Super Gyaoppi in particular.
Make no mistake, though - there certainly are some bad Gyaoppi variants: Chuppi is one of them.

But it seems like a lot of the companies who used this particular programming didn't mess with it too much, and if they did change things, it usually wasn't in a negative way (which is my understanding of Penpy, which I've finally been able to request shipping for, from the warehouse of the proxy-service that I use to buy goods from Japan).
Incidentally, speaking of both the Super Gyaoppi 9 in 1 and Chuppi, I think that I might run the chicken on the Super Gyaoppi next time. It's the same chicken that Chuppi ostensibly features, but on the Super Gyaoppi it will run properly, because the programming isn't wonky there. Having already gotten such a great impression of the Super Gyaoppi from the penguin, I'd like to see how the Gyaoppi chicken actually turns out!
I do highly recommend the Super Gyaoppi. It really is a fantastic vintage virtual pet - it's exactly the sort of thing that I wanted to find when I got back into this hobby.
With Digimon, yeah, the lack of pause feature kinda bugs me. On the 20th Anniversary ones, you can pause them by putting them to bed in the middle of the day, but they only sleep for 3 hours (actually, Jhud told me that, now that I say it XD). I guess I never realized tamas and Digimon could be paused back when I was kid, so I never really bothered. Now, though, it's so clutch, especially when I don't wanna wait until I get home to start a new baby on my V3.
I knew that you could pause Tamagotchis back in the day, but I didn't know that you could pause Digimon - I suppose because you need to give special consideration to it on the originals, and most kids wouldn't've figured that out until later.
As for the Gigapets... I have the Rancor sitting on my counter right now. I haven't run it in 20 years because even though it's a lot of fun, I remember it being a PAIN at points. Basically, at certain points it (and other gigapets I've raised, including the dog, the baby, and the dinosaur) would just get sick and start to die. I remember when that happened it was basically just you pouring ALL your time into it for like a day to keep it from just dropping dead then and there. Made it hard to get the later evolutions.
Here's a page that looks like it was made in the super early days of the internet to sorta explain:
That said, I really like my Rancor, and maybe I'll boot it up one of these days when I'm looking for a change of pace.
Oh man, that page, and the "letters" page that's linked to from it, were some really nostalgic reading! They remind me exactly of the general feeling that everyone had about the Giga Pets line back then - they really weren't
anywhere near as well-regarded as the Tamagotchis and Nano Pals were (my first virtual pet was a Tamagotchi P1, but my first non-Tamagotchi virtual pet was a Nano Puppy; Incidentally, I always misremembered this line as being called Nano Pets, but I saw some pictures of the original packaging recently, and it very clearly calls the line Nano Pals).
It didn't help that, in the UK, Giga Pets cost about the same as a Tamagotchi did, if memory serves, so people were getting a pretty problematic product for the same price as the originator of the virtual pet toy-category.
I'm under no delusions that the 101 Dalmatians Giga Pet will be in my rotation for an especially long time, believe me!

But it's just one of those virtual pets that I
really wanted to have in my collection and give a fair try to, since, for better or worse, I do have memories of other people's Giga Pets from back in the day. It'll be fun to have a different experience, either way, I think.