peeping toms


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Well this hasn't actually happened to me but I had a dream that I was at a movie theater and I had to go to the washroom. I went into a stall and this blond guy walked into the stall next to me and I noticed that he seemed odd because he had been in another stall across the room so since he kind of freaked me out I just stood there instead of going to the washroom and I see that he is starting to bend over then he sticks his head right under into my stall...I kicked him in the head and ran to call the police.....wierd and scary dream that is starting to make me shake *shivers*

ps: Did I mention that he started to follow me as I ran to the desk you get the popcorn from wich is where I got the phone from to call the police....gosh I'm starting to shake even more now so it's getting harder to type

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I don't have any, but stuff like that always scares me/creeps me out! I had a dream once that a guy was trying to kidnap me, then murder me, then rape me! He never did, though... :) It ended by the guy blowing the house that I was in to smitherenes, but everyone got out safely.... still a freaky dream, though...

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Nothing of that nature has every happened to me, but I have heard a story before.

There was a school with a perverted janitor. He put a camera in the boys bathroom and sold the pictures on the internet. Sick or what? I heard he was arrested though.

Warriorscats - That's one scary dream! :(

Once when we were 7 my friend (who is a boy) walked in on me changing when we were playing dress-up. :) It was an accident though. :( But still scary!

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I have one...

Once when we were at Libby Lu's (Friends birthday) we had to change into these costumes, and while we were in the changing room (We were all girls so we didn't care) I spotted somebody peeking through the curtain o_o And I screamed really loudly "HOLY C*** WHAT THE H*** DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?!?!" and he ran away... xD

Sorry for the couple of swears. But that is what I actually said.

*edit* None of us were actually undressed, that's a good thing.

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*grins* my 7 year old brother uses that word all the time... but considering we do to thats probably why lol

lol. I watched the maury povich show and they were talking about peeping toms and this girl was undressing in her room and her phone rang. It was her friend so she was talking with ONLY her undies on (no bra) and she saw a camera through the window taped onto a stick and she looked out the window and the guy ran. Now shes too scared to live alone because the guy keeps ringing her phone and saying nasty things he wants to do with her. *shivers*


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