parents strike on tamas


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My parents think playing is fine but not too much. If I spend time on playing sports or play with my lil sis (ewwww) or do something else than looking in that small screen and play with those pixels for all day, then that's OK. I play Tama when I have time. My mom sometimes look in the screen. She even told me she saw them do something blah blah blah and she look kinda happy. My dad don't care much about it. And I want to tell you that parents doesn't have anything against tama. It's just you played a lot. If you play a little, pay more attention to them and to the world, and slowly introduce tama to them, they may like it too!

my parents dont really care that i bring my tamagotchis everywhere and play with them all the time but they always make fun of me for playing with them because they think its a baby toy and a girl my age shouldnt be playing with them.

When I was a kid and the first tamagotchis came out (1996), they didn't have a pause feature. My mom didn't like them because she had to "babysit" my tama for me, and she said the pressure to keep it alive was too stressful. She was so afraid it would die while it was in her care. I think it's funny now. :p :p

My mum loves them :wub: ! I just bought 4 V5's ! One for my friend's birthday, one for my mum, one for me and one for my brother. I am really disappointed in the V5 though :(
yay i know how you feel v5s are disappointing :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :D

My mom is fine with them. Its the computer she doesnt want me on all day unless I'm typing a story :eek:

I still remember when they first came out. We had to drive 30 mins to toys r us. Only to be put on a month long waiting list. Then drive back weeks later. My mum never really minded me having them. She thought they were cute but eventually the game song (guessing which direction he will turn) drove her a bit crazy. I'd always catch her singing it. She still remembers it now, 13 years later.

Also, you can never be too old! I'm 23 now and not only myself, but several of my friends still play around with them. (I recently got my bf one so that we could make tamababies on the v6 :3 )


Tama princess has a point u no. they can go a long time without being tooken care of. that doesnt mean u shouldnt check on them though. But hav u ever thought of putting them to bed once all hearts are filled?that way nothing bad will happen to them. just change the time to 12am they should go right to bed.

i do that when im in class and when i wake them up they are healthy happy and not hungry. hope this helps! :D


My mum didn't like me playing with tamas because I got really frustrated when they had a baby boy and I would scream and shout and hit the walls. And when I got my V4, I got really angry with it, so she picked it up and went to put it in the bin, but I snatched it off her.

But I was younger then, and totally addicted. Nowadays, I would never do anything like that.

I don't think they have anything against them, they just probably think thats all your interested in, not paying attention to the outside world.Since you were probably in Mexico they wanted you to see something other than your Tamagotchi screen. Did you think of it that way?

Yes you should check your Tam Tams on a regular basis but they won't die in a matter of 5 mins.

Maybe check every hour or two unless its calling for you.

What I do is I keep it in the Hotel room, until I come back, which is like a whole day am I right? So at night before you go , to bed or go change check your tamagotchi.

Just brinmg your Tama along, just don't be constantly looking at what its doing :D
I agree with Tama Princess ! I think your dad/mum took it away from u because you are playing the tamagotchi alot.

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mum said "i just dont think there a good game" and dad said "there a waste of time"

Parents are just weird like that they don't understand that tamas are pets. Because when they were little they had different entertainment then we do these days. So just show them the tamagotchi and explain what it is :angry:

Mine don't mind. I think they forgot I have tamagotchis 8D

They might thinks these little electronics are time-killers. In the negative way.

My mother hates Tamagotchi because I think shes disappointed that I like stuff like that at my age. Whenever I buy something childish she gives me that look like "why do you need that, grow up already!!!!" Its not like they are the only things I purchase, I like to get new cloths(hate shopping for them but I do like them). I only buy something like a plushie or V-pet once in a while.

my parents dont care about them,as long as they shut me up.

lolz just kidding :(

they love my tamaz

my parents love it

im not interested in alot and tamagotchis keep me busy my school allows us to have them and when they use to not i still had them in my sleeve. my parents thought that it was a good idea it would teach me to be responsible so idk wht to tell ya

well Im 16 and my parents says it completly childish of me to still be playing with tamas but I still do and I want another one:)

I'm 20 and Tamas are my hobby. I almost always have at least 1 running.

Since I still live at home while going to college, all my parents say about my tamas is that I don't leave them where they'll beep and be annoying.

My mom thinks that tamas are pretty neat. She's told me several times how amazed she is that something so tiny can do so much. Dad doesn't care about what I do unless I'm running around and partying like a maniac (which I don't really do at all). But I usually don't have to worry about my parents' approval, it is my older brother who will rant at me to death if I like something he doesn't approve of. Luckily, he's seems to be pretty okay with tamas. Phew. :angry:

When I got one in spain a year ago, my mom thought that I was to old for them. I said I like them that's all I care about, don't care what my friends think or say, they should accept me as I am.

I don't think that parents have something against Tamagotchis at all, just pay attention to the beautiful world outside the Tamagothi, and you'll be OK.

Tell your parents that you like Tamagotchis because "insert reason here", and you want to be a collector (only applies to people who want to collect them as well), some are worth alot more than you have in your wallet right now, probably.

Tell them they educate you and others in taking care of something, getting responsibillity, maintaining a life you can call it that. They won't think it's weird, at least reasonable parents will.

My mom still thinks I'm a bit childish, but you know what, she lets me, though she reminds me alot of my childishness. I'm still a child though officially, till next month then I turn 18 :(

When I have kids I'm GIVING them tamas :) I'll be a cool mom. As long as they're not oblivious I think it would be good for them, it's not like having a real pet, but it teaches you how to care for something. It's also better then alot of things kids could potentially do these days.

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