Parent Help! :(


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Hey TW! Haven't seen you in FOREVER!!! Glad to see you back. :]

Owch- that's harsh. x.x

I don't think this is something for the police or CPS or anything [unless they are physicaly hurting your or seriously mentaly hurting you], sometimes families just don't have peace at times. Maybe there's something going wrong with your mom and dad that you don't know about- it could be they're having problems and are taking them oiut on you [which by no means is ok, but there's most likely a reason for their behavior].

I think you should try to stay clear of them for a bit- not ignoring them- but just give them some room. Make sure you respect them even when they are yelling in their face. If you talk in calm, quite tones they may settle down more than if you yell too.


As I was saying from earlier...

I tried moving out, I was to young and stayed with my parents.

My parents ae the same way, except they also drink, dirty dance, and alot of other nasty stuff, do 'it', and other stuff in the livingroom and it makes me feel my family is abnormal. My mom yells at me for everything and I'm her Servant, and apparently according to her I'm a female dog and a spoilt brat.

Try arranging to go to your grandparents, friends, aunts, or uncles every 2nd weekend or third, or even once a month. Make sure the people you are visiting, you can tell them your problems and what is going on at home. It works most of the time for me, but still, most of the time I feel like curling up and crying. But I never do, because if I go into the room for too long, Mom walks in, and if she sees me crying/sleeping she emediatly starts yelling at me and telling me that I'm stupid, and if I sleep, she wakes me up and starts yelling that I'm sick and I have to see the doctor.

My life is similar to yours, Tenniswinner. Anyways, I hope this helps...

Woah, we are alike o.o ALOT. My parents yell at me alot for no reason, sometimes so bad I sneak out at Night and Star gaze from my roof. I get accused of many things, even stealing my moms Diamonds ><

I thought being quite would work, since my parents know thats the way I am o.o I would suggest trying to talk to them, go to your mom and ask her why she is being mean. Or just avoid them in any way possible

I can't call the police or a help line... I just can't. I'll probably get caught, and this situation probably isn't bad enough to call them yet. My dad told me that he and my mom are fighting, and they're probably taking it out on me. But I can't stress to him enough that he doesn't know how I feel about this. I can't move out, I'm too young. My friends mom's probably wouldn't approve if I move in with them either, and my uncle lives in Canada and my only grandparent is my grandma and she lives in Europe. I'm stuck here. :D

My mom is coming home soon... I just hope there's a happy ending to this all. I feel so... distant from my mom and we used to be really close. They haven't tried to hurt me yet, but try verbally abused. ;)

Oh my gosh I feel like I'm going to cry because that is so sad tenniswinner!

If your family starts acting even worse, I suggest calling social services, or moving in with a relative you love. You sound like you really need to leave SOON.

But if you can't (or don't want to) leave, join activities! As many as possible.

I feel soooo sorry for you!

I can't call the police or a help line... I just can't. I'll probably get caught, and this situation probably isn't bad enough to call them yet. My dad told me that he and my mom are fighting, and they're probably taking it out on me. But I can't stress to him enough that he doesn't know how I feel about this. I can't move out, I'm too young. My friends mom's probably wouldn't approve if I move in with them either, and my uncle lives in Canada and my only grandparent is my grandma and she lives in Europe. I'm stuck here. :D My mom is coming home soon... I just hope there's a happy ending to this all. I feel so... distant from my mom and we used to be really close. They haven't tried to hurt me yet, but try verbally abused. ;)
Awww you need a hug :angry: *hugs*

Dont worry, within a week all this crap should be figured out

-hugs meowbark- I hope so... I'm so lucky I have all of you guys to talk to, it really helps me.

Aww. I feel SO bad. Really *Huggles*

Like MB said, hopefully, you can forget all this crap and move on.

\And also, I love talking to you to. My life isn't that great right now either....^^

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Hey atleast be happy your parents dont treat you like the easter bunny! Yes random.......
I just suggest going to a trusted adult, like your best friends mom
Quite agreed :/

Well, when your mom gets home, go down, and say Hello. And if she doesn't say anything, leave. And she will know you are trying to love her. but she is holding you back from doing so. I hope I helped.

(Hugs) I usually go up to my parents crying and tell them I love them and then they cry and say they love me too and hug me. try that, if it doesn't work you should hurry and get help with this. i hope you are ok!!!! Good Luck!!!


Ahw, thanks guys! I'm really touched.

I feel happier now. I hope everything works out!

It wasn't a really good weekend in general... at camping, my friend hit her head off a rock and her head was gushing blood so we had to run for help and it was just all a mess. Then I stepped on a bee so there's this huge bump on my foot, and then I got this bug bite and it got infected. :D

Whenever your parents yell at you (even if it's for no good reason, do this), tell them you're sorry and you love them, then walk away. They might consider being a little nicer. :D

I will, Pokemonluver, I feel like I don't do that enough.

I think we all have some respect issues to work on.

Yes, most certainly.

I have problems to. Parents, divorced. Only see my mom 2 times a month.(24 times a year).

I can't even let my crush know I like him, mom smokes, step mom is almost never home, same with dad. Only thing I like is my frineds, and my one sister. And of course you guys.

Ugh, my mother came home.

She first ignored me but then my dad talked to her and she mumbled a quiet "hi". I said it back. But then she and my dad had a really long talk and then they came downstairs and my mom was glaring at me like she was about to breathe fire on me on me or something. Her eyes look puffy so I can tell she was crying. :p

I thought we'd get along... I guess not. I miss the old mom she used to be. :lol:

I am having some MAJOR problems like you with my family right now. It all revolves around money, which is sad. I mean, we're not poor, but we're not wealthy either. But all my parents talk about is saving money!


My mom yells at me all the time. Something little, like not locking the car when we go into Wendy's will set her off. Next thing you know, she's yelling how I choose a sandwich more expensive than her and I'm not saving money. And, she never quites! She goes on and on and on, and I just sit there and try not to listen. Happens all the time. My mom has never told me to move out (I'm the oldest, anyway) but she has called me a b*tch and a **** before. It hurts, I usually end up crying in my room and she calls me a brat and a cry baby. But this doesn't happen all the time, just every few days. My mom can be nice, just... moody and unpredicitable.


But I can sympithize for my mom. She was abused when she was a child, and moved out when she was 16. Her parents were alcoholics with no steady jobs, so they didn't have a lot of money and she was beat mercilessly.


But, enough about me, just write your mom a note maybe? When my parents are really mad at me (or I want perrmission to go somewhere), I write a note and leave it next to there bed so they see it before they go to bed. It helps a lot. I get my feelings out better in writing.


Good Luck!



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