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Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
Mmm, well, were shall I begin? I guess with the beginning. My first Tama was Orual. Her growth was something like this: Orual = Shirotsubutchi -> Mohitamatchi -> Ichigotchi -> Ponytchi. Her highest skill was intellectual I believe and she was a news reader and a medical (doctor? the instructions just say medical) Any who she moved on yesterday and left me with her baby, Chewy.

So far Chewy's growth has been like this: Chewy = Shirotsubutchi -> Putchitchi -> young Memetchi -> TBA Unlike her mother, I am actually able to spend more time with her, since I can turn off the sound and play dance with her at school. Right now she is sleeping but her stats are:

Hungry ***

Happy ***

((I don't know why they always go down one right before she falls to sleep. Her mother did that, too.))

Training [iIIIIII ]

Intelligence 32

Arts 226

Social 13



9890 points.

Since she grew up this morning I have been playing dance nonstop with her. She also started school with Ms. Flower and that has helped considerably in her Arts skills. This is a bit ironic, but I find dance easier with the sound off. All that aside, she has a ton of fun things for when she goes up left by her mother. I bought the building blocks the other day, and she seems to like it. Again, like her mother, she doesn't like the ball. Maybe it is a gender thing? Anyway...

Tomorrow I plan on many more games of dance and time attending school. I want to see how high I can get her arts skill before she becomes an adult. I really didn't have much of a plan for her mother, I just played around. Still don't know what job I might let her get.

She was off to sleep at eight. I forgot how early her mother went to sleep when she was that age.

Update tomorrow afternoon most likely. ^_^

My computer wouldn't let me post for a while, so this is greatly behind.

Chewy grew up to be a Makiko. At 8 years and weighing 43 pounds she had a son, the first boy in her family. I named him Tobs.

He was a happy Tsubutchi and grew into a Putchitchi like his mother. Then he became a Gourmetchi, finally growing into a successful and happy Simasimatchi. He is 4 years old now and works counting people who load onto a bus. Today he received a gift from the king for his donations! Right now his family have donated a total of 22000 points.

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training [iIIIIII ]

Intelligence 30

Arts 25

Social 172

31 pounds

2630 points

I am pleased with his progress. He has rarely cried and never been sick. As he is the first male in the Orual family, (I shall make their surname after the first in their line), I am rather satisfied with the gender differences. Oh, and if anyone wants to know...

Orual the First (a Ponytchi) partnered with a Minitchi and had Chewy Orual. Chewy grew into a Makiko, and she partnered with a Debatchi to have Tobs Orual, who then grew into a Simasimatchi.


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