ooh my loggeh!


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im a bad tama mommy


kriss died and i now have a boy named jimmy

i took the shower and went to pizza

it was nice grey came with us

but anyways

oh alex is crying

all butter

he has 4 trainings

and karl is asleep

so am i



well im taking good care of the tams today

cuz im home al day

4 days till christmas!

i cant wait!

well here is a picture of each tama




somehting special♥

oh and jimmy just got accepted into preschool!

yep and in the picture of karl...

i wasnt sure how to draw him

but thats good enough

ok well im gonna go



edit:page 12 whoop!

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Im bored.

your bored.

tamas are bored.

everyone on planet earth is bored all at the same time.

im gonna go on tamtown with... jimmy.

we are gonna have fun...

but it will be boring


oh and the robber came to alex like twice today.

what is his problem?

well pm me or something

oh ya also karl and alex are 2 today

so they should evolve tonight or tomaro


cant wait!

wel im off

[to see the wizard the wonderflu wizard of oz]




its weird

no one has posted in a while


well i just got home from a pain-stalkingly long trip to kohls

i got a beautiful dress and cute high heels

and when i got here i checked on my tamas

and they were on the verge of dieing


but they are better

ohh i didnt get a chance to go to tamatown with jimmy

so im off to do so right now



Do you guys hate me?

Well you should.

Ya no why...

Alex died!!!

The horror!

I went to my friends house and came back and...

my v4 screen

oh but jimmy did evolve

he is a boxertchi

[the boxing glove?]

well here is the restoration of my v4..



my user name is misty!

[im drinking sierra mist ha]

ok lets wait


ohh its a girl!!

her name is shye

yay! now i have a little white blob

classic baby


well she is bouncing around on the screen

pretty boring

im gonna play some games

and update back when shye evolves



well my tamas are asleep

and shye is a harutchi!

sooo cute!

i havent had one in a while,eh?

well here is a picture of her


cute huh?

i no

well her color is VIOLET <3

pretty sweet huh?



well i have to go to this horrible torcher chamber today

[i volunteer at the boy and girls club]

and i cant use the computer there


so anyithing new will be updated at the end of the day




well im a loser!

i left my tamas here on accident

and they were on the verge of dieing when i got back

just now


but they are all better

shye and jimmy didnt evolve but...

karl is a megatchi

never had one of tehm before

and he needs new batteries


but im off to play with my tamas for the night

till something happens

wich i will post

but till then


shelby[signing off]


ok first off

shye evolved!

she is a ojyotchi!

the girl version of obotchi

and me and my friend ashly figured out that

the lowest weight a teen tama can have is 2 lbs

yes we tried by playing jump rope


and the costume for the v3 is ugly

i think megatchi is better

and jimmy still hasnt evolved

he should tomaro

cant wait to see what he is... lets check

ok im aiming for ura kuchipatchi


i hope i get him

ha and in my v3 my mom wants me to get decotchi


oh yea and im gonna see how old i can get karl


thatll be fun

ok well bai~



i have some... eh news not good or bad

im low on batteries

only two work


but that meant i had to switch some tamas

i now have my red v4.5 and my purple and pink v4.5

and i restarted both of them

so now on my red v4.5 i have a baby boy named eep

cute name huh?

and on my purple v4.5 i have a baby girl named sonny

not shur where i got that

well i have to go



post 230 fersherr!!!!


they evolved

sonny is a hitodetchi :lol:

and eep is a kuchitamatchi :lol: <-- wanna be

ooh they are getting accepted into preschool now

ms.frill:yooohoo! sonny im here to take you to preschool!

sonny:eek:k ma'am! im coming... bye shelby!

me:have fun honey!!

ms.frill:eek:k lets go pick up the others!


ms.frill:eep! im here to take you to preschool! your the last one hurry!

eep:eek:k im coming! shelby im out of here! love ya

me:eek:kay have fun!!meet some freinds!

??okay then

lets go!


hello everyone! i am ms. frill. i will be your preschool teacher from now on! we will do alot of fun activies! right now we are coloring! there are crayons at each of the tables

-eep and sonny sit at the same table-

hey! im eep who are you?

my name is sonny.. hey arent you my next door neighbor?

oh yea! thats were ive seen you from!... can you pass the blue?

shur here ya go! green please?...wanna be best freinds?

you bet! maybe you can come to my house after school!

ok! sounds like fun...lets draw these pictures for each other!

ok that sounds cool...

-at the end of class-

oh wow thank you for the picture! its pretty!

thank you and your picture is nice too!

after school they went to eeps house and they played dressup then house

hey eep how was school?

oh it was great! i met this hitodetchi named sonny. she is my best freind!

sounds cool...


how was your day sonny?

great! i met a kuchitamatchi named eep. he was really nice!



well there you go

that was something different huh?

i think they were made for each other...

oh and here were the pictures >>>


sonnys picture

eepermans picture




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Eep was sent Poop.


Oh boy.


and I just went over to feed my freinds lizards and my hairtip touched a heatlamp and one of my hair strands melted... :p


:puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi: :puroperatchi:

kay love you bye<------disturbing much? =] :puroperatchi:



i just got a new tama!

i got a brown with yellow pink and blue argyle

its soo cool

ima start it rite now...

and im going to pause eep and sonny

until the new tama is caught up

so here it goes



kay im setting the date...time...b-day...username,

now we are waiting

ooh hatching!

its a boy.. named leo

i played a game with him and fed him 4 meals

kay im off to paly and care for him


shelby [merrily cristmas eve!!]

he grew..

he is a... hitodetchi! :hitodetchi:

so cute now he is asleep

and ill take the other two off pause

all better

now there all aslepp


i cant wait until tomaro

itll be fun

well im going to bed



merry christmas everyone!

i didnt go to sleep tonight so now im awake at 1 in the morning


but i did open my stocking!!

i got a shimashimatchi, memetchi, mametchi, kuchipacthi,and yattatchi tama holders

ya no the plush ones

and i got 6 new batteries

=] lucky me!!

i cant wait until 6

then i open presents

well ima go wake up my sisters


shelby =]

i got 36 tamagotchis!!!

yep 36 of them

for christmas

its oo awesome i got atleast 2 of every english version


right now i have 4 of them running but the 2 v4s are on pause

and i have a v1 that has the ball character of a toddler

and on my v3 i downloaded and now i have a granny

13 years old

93 pounds

v3 name is a

just a but ima call her ava



im sooo cold

and i got a camera!!!

more pictures!

kay i gtg



you guys might be dissapointed

but im closing my log

and im starting a new one

im still shelby

ill still be posting every day

but im gonna be in a different log

im not using all the same tamas as before

so im gonna just start fresh okay?

maybe ill have more viewers eh?

ok this is shelbysaurous

closing ooh my loggeh

rite now

bai and read my new log



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