ooh my loggeh!


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[SIZE=21pt]wwhhhooo hooooo1!![/SIZE]

i have posted in this log 200 times

200th post you guys! here is leet and kandi celebrating





ok i have to go oh and by the way

1200 veiws!


you go girls!

and guys

what ever





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well now leet and kandi are adults!~!

leet is a togetchi!


kandis is a horoyotchi


and i used the honey and they are

♥♥♥♥ on both

freinds list

so tomaro after school they should get married


well nothing exciting happened

i want them to get a job and i want leet to be a


i think that one is fun


well i have my freind over so





im sooo happy

today at school my friend, paco

wanted to see my tamas kiss

so i connected them and

they were searching for eachother


voila!! two baby boys!

i really want to name one jason and i think that will on with my v4.5

immm sooo hhaappy


i like that song


my friend ellie has a v4.5

and she wants to restart her boy tama and marry a girl to jason

[kandis baby]

well i have to go




immm sooo tired

well i just wanted to say i havent gotten any fanamil lately

and kandi got a job!! she is a gym instructor

[like my spanish teacher =/]

and i really want leet to be a hairdresser so i had to turn down


it sucks

well imm gonna go to bed soon

so i just think ill let yoyu know

im gonna set the time so the parents leave tomaro

before im able to post

so thats just a heads up

and i am naming them:

the v4, leets baby


i think its nice =]

the v4.5, kandis baby


ellie told me that name =]

yep so there you go

i am gonna goo



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yay! i changed the time and the adults left


and now i have:

new toddlers



that makes me sooo happy

im on generation 4 on v4.5

farthest ive ever gotten

no lieing here


noting happened here today really

oh oh and they are both in preschool


ok im gonna go

and tomaro is already friday!




well after i posted yesterday they went to sleep

so nothig has happened yet today

i got fanmail!

umm hey there, lovin your log so far i lyk just read it all from the start yestedaay.Those lil pics you draw are ADORABLE!

just thought I'd letcha know :D

Can't wait for moree :lol:

-tamahonay :furawatchi:    
yup ypu yup

so ther yuou go



yay!!! i have my tamas and

i have some good news

and bad news


good news=

they are both teens

rawr is a hinotamatchi[fireball]

jason is a crackertchi


bad news=

i have no chance of getting a kuchipatchi

on either versions


but on the brightside...

they are both teens!!


well im off to play with them


shelB [heh]

hey TT,

im soo sorry!

i havent posted for ever!!!

not really but still

i have some news!

first both of the tamas are in school


and they should evolve either tonight or tomaro


and i am sooo excited!

i might get a new v4 tama for christmas

[im bidding on some on ebay...hah]

and im getting a domo stffed animal and domo back pack!

click here----->domo kun!!

pm me if you love domo too!!!


so ill post a pic and stuff later

like when they evolve


itll be awesome


shelbysaurous[posting more]

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well one of my tamas evolved!

jason is now a...



i had the same growth cycle as my friend

boy-hitodetchi-crackertchi-ura mametchi


ha she will be suprised


well my next post is gonna have to be tomaro


step dads rules

man rawr is sooo needy!

he beeps for attention every like 30 minutes

he runs out of hearts fast

but i love him

and i havent gotten any fanmail lately


oh well

i gtg


jaycee! [=0]


i putup like 3 x-mas trees last niht


and in the middle of it rawr evolved!

he is now a tosakatchi!

never gotten that charrie before

and someone paused him after i went to bed

and so he was paused all night


but he is still and adult!

he took after his dad...

in the meme family

well i have about half a week left of school until x-mas break


here is a picture of the twoo tamas=] man friends

it sucks cuz im on a laptop


well i have to go

i love yew!

shelbysaurous [man freinds ha!]


i just got fanmail!

hi i love ur log dont eva stop it my tamas zapp and mary love ur log also my dog loves it 2 :wub:
ur fan sandstrike 

and jason got a job

he is a fighter pilot!

[actually just a plane driver but fighter pilots are more exciting! =3]

and rawr got a chnce but all the jobs sucked


we will try again

and other than that nothing has happened

so ill post when something does




well nothing has happened yet today

tomaro both of the tamas will get married

i cant wait


ya no rawr is so needy

he gets sick every like... 5 minutes

and he loses hearts really fast

ouchy my side hurts

well jason is in the bath

and rawr is brushing his teeth!

how nice!

im soooo


man that took some work

well i have to go



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man i am sooo P.O.ed

both of my tamas died

after all that work

they died



but now i have 2 new tamas!

my v4.5 is a girl named amy

she is a tamatchi and is in preschool

[i love tamatchis]

my v4 is a boy named pixel

he is a mohitamatchi and is in preschool too

[hardxxcore mohawk dude!]

and i am planning on mating them

and you guys wanna no something nice?

sandstrike has a log

dedicated to me

im amazed!

that flatters me so much

read that log too

well i have to go



well i accidently left the tamas at school yoday

and i had the wierdest dream

it was weird

pm me if you want to no abbout it

well anywhoo

the tamas evolved!

pixel is a hawaiikotchi

male tooth thingy

Pixel:man im so mad at you mom! i am a bad care tama thanks to! now amy will never like me!

me:pixel you are in the social class in school!she will love a good kuchipatchi! =]

pixel:so! im still ugly right now...teen relations count the most!

me:ppsssssshhh -flicks hand- what evs~

amy is a young memetchi!

amy:yay! im so happy! i cannot wait until pixel sees me! mom can we connect?i want him to see me!and i want to see him! i bet he looks beautiful!

yea you guys can connect... just hold on


hear about the connections next post...



hai amy...uhh i see you are a young memetchi

you are very pretty

oh why thank you

and you are a very...uh...handsome...erm...tooth =]

i new it

you think im ugly dont you?

its not the outside its the inside that counts!


-blush- thank you i♥u2

here is some ice cream!


-blush then kiss back-

yay! they are so sweet together

and you wanna no something weird

under the family section on the book icon

in the parents part

it says i still have my parent that rawr and jason had

and under the history section it says rawr and jason

weird huh

oh well

its kinda cool

what evs~



did ya miss me??

im sorry i didnt post fo 2 days...

with school and stuff i couldnt even play with my tamas

but now i have 2 weeks away from most of that

and so im going to restart my tams


ok im resetting

now to wait...

ha my username is jessi


ok my v4 is a boy named alex

and my v4.5 is a girl named kriss

ill update when they evolve



shelby[im baaack!]

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hallo =]

well they evolved then went to sleep

and i decided i wanted to use my v3

havent used that in a while

and i downloaded

so now i have...

a black v3 boy named karl

charrie is a patapatatchi

=] as you can see his color is black

a yellow v4 boy named alex

charrie is a mohitamatchi

color is orange [yellow dosent show up well]

a purple v4.5 girl named kriss

charrie is a hitodetchi

color is purple

and i am a light skinned 14 year old named jaycee

charrie is ... girl?

color is gray


ha yep thats my description

hey i wanna put something out there

have you guys ever seen the home deka tamas?

they are huge!!

its like a tmgc+c except there is no color

only a regular pixel screen

but its really weird

pm me if you have one or something

cuz i wana no about them

so awesome!

well i gots mah hair did!

i got my hair cut otherwise

youl see it soon







guess what!!

i left my tamas at home

im at my grandmas

[i am over here alot]

so no tamas

but ill be home soon

i just got a scarff




hey -coughcough-

im siiick

and my tamas evolved

well karl didnt but the other two did

kriss is an ura youngmemetchi

and alex is an obotchi

pretty much the same as before

im aiming for a ura memetchi

and a shimashimatchi

they are so cute

and karl should evolve any time soon


ima go take a shower and call grey ♥



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