Okay then D;


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^^ In my science text book the last person to have it drew a little penis on everything! The cheetar had an epic doodle though!

And cupcakes,

I appreciate peoples funny drawing attempts. It just makes my life way more interesting

But I never contribute What am I talking about? I'm half the problem!

About 70% of the people at my school (including teachers!!) are potheads (i am not though)

sometimes i walk in on people smoking pot...

Condoms are everywhere. o_O

I mean, I really don't care what they get up to, but leaving their condoms all around the school? That's sick. Just throw it out.

People do drugs on the school grounds, but nobody's ever found any. If people want to do that stuff, let them. It's not up to anybody else but themselves if they want to mess up their lives.

But, well, yeah.

Well, in the school entrance area there's a big tree about 4ft thick and it has low branches, so the seniors go there to smoke/drink/other. 2 first years, IN MY CLASS smoke and drink, and I only know that because they sit beside me. Goodness knows who else does.

The teachers are really strict on that stuff, though a science teacher, Dr. P goes around the back of the school, beside my maths class and smokes. He comes in smelling of vodka and smoke. It's horrible.

In the textbooks, there's 'body parts' everywhere, don't get me started on a book with a wwoman who was scared and went kinda like :0 if ya get what I mean. It's sickening.

In the bathrooms, there are things like '______ has huuuge ****s =P' then under it, "No, ______ has huuuge ****s, they sag.' etc. And I've seen girls do it.

Under the stairs, there's a large cupboard, with nothing in it except cleaning supplies that aren't taken out until the end of the day. it's not locked and I've seen pairs of people go in, then come out, a little messed up and looking rather happy. I've been sent in and found condoms and white rows of something. I've reported it, but teachers don't do anything. All they've done is say, "We'll sort it." and that was at the start of the year.

Though, if things like this didn't happen, school would be duller than it is now. =/

Actually, after an orchestra concert in 7th grade [it was probably 8 or 9 pm] we were opening up the rigged lockers and stuff [some people rig their lockers so they don't have to put in the code] and we found this baby doll. We're like, what the heck?? And the open up the doll and there's a bag of "flour."

Thinking this was flour we dumped it all over the floor! :furawatchi:

I don't think it was actually flour any more...


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Two of my friends found a bottle of Vodka in the gym. Then some girl came up to them and said "oh, thats mine."

The teachers acted to it, but apparently she's done it about 7 times before.

Marijuana was found at my old school (primary). Don't think it's a student from the school though (our schoolyard's pretty exposed, and people can get in easily)

Ahh. I can top most of the drug ones.

Until a bust last year some yr 13 students got busted growing pot behind the school pool. No one ever goes there.

They'd been doing it since yr 9. 5 years of growing drugs on school grounds.

Ahh. I can top most of the drug ones.
Until a bust last year some yr 13 students got busted growing pot behind the school pool. No one ever goes there.

They'd been doing it since yr 9. 5 years of growing drugs on school grounds.
That's dreadful!

And no-one noticed??

One time we had way too many tomatoes and they were all small and in little pots, seriously, we had HUNDREDS, so they were out on the porch and people asked if we were growing pot. xDDD

My old school had cigarettes on the ground of the lunch harbor. =/

But I don't think it was from anyone in our school. People hop the fence and hang out there. Mostly to skate/ride their bikes/play on the play structure.

I haven't really seen any drugs in public like that, but I do have some gross stories.

All the girls were sent into one room and a teacher told us someone had attemtped to flush a maxipad down the toilet and it flooded. She said, "What happens if someone has to take a big one after lunch, and after she flushes she's swimming in it?" I know that's nasty, but I found it funny. :D

The teacher also told us people were writing with bloody tampons on the walls. Lovely.

Well, today a few friends and I were coming back from lunch. We went to the bathroom to wash our hands, and my one friend went into a stall.
..there was tobacco hidden in the toilet paper dispenser.

So yeah. We turned it into the office and the person at the desk said, "Yeah, this happens."

So basically, I was just concerned, and wondering if any of you have had... simalar expieriences. ;]
Yea, my skool's so messed up that i dont even wanna get in2 the details! Y r skools like this!?!? :furawatchi: :lol: :blink:

I find empty cigerette packs and vodka bottle at my school all the time. its funny.

matter of fact some of my friends are the ones smoking it xD

I don't think anyone will believe this, but once someone I know found an illegal drug in his underdesk when we changed desks in English. :mellow:

I'm serious.

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[SIZE=7pt]Uhm, [/SIZE]

Well me and my friend found little packets of drugs in the field next to our school field.

We found like ten packs, well all empty.

It all got out of hand, but when I think back to it, it was funny.


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