Well, in the school entrance area there's a big tree about 4ft thick and it has low branches, so the seniors go there to smoke/drink/other. 2 first years, IN MY CLASS smoke and drink, and I only know that because they sit beside me. Goodness knows who else does.
The teachers are really strict on that stuff, though a science teacher, Dr. P goes around the back of the school, beside my maths class and smokes. He comes in smelling of vodka and smoke. It's horrible.
In the textbooks, there's 'body parts' everywhere, don't get me started on a book with a wwoman who was scared and went kinda like :0 if ya get what I mean. It's sickening.
In the bathrooms, there are things like '______ has huuuge ****s =P' then under it, "No, ______ has huuuge ****s, they sag.' etc. And I've seen girls do it.
Under the stairs, there's a large cupboard, with nothing in it except cleaning supplies that aren't taken out until the end of the day. it's not locked and I've seen pairs of people go in, then come out, a little messed up and looking rather happy. I've been sent in and found condoms and white rows of something. I've reported it, but teachers don't do anything. All they've done is say, "We'll sort it." and that was at the start of the year.
Though, if things like this didn't happen, school would be duller than it is now. =/