Obama vs. Mccain


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[SIZE=7pt]^ What if like, a 13 year old is raped? Do you think she should be forced to have the child? Also, for all of you against abortion: Some people choose abortion because they do not want the baby. So if they don't abort it before it is born, they may neglect it when it is a child, even kill it after it is born.[/SIZE]

I'm just pro-choice, abortion is there for an option, they aren't forcing anyone to do it.


As I've already stated, unless you got sources/proof to back up your statements and facts about politicians, I suggest keeping gossip out of this topic please.
It was on the news. :|

EDIT: Oh, I just read through the topic and it seems that Aubrey Hepburn posted an internet source to support what I said about the racist preacher.

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[SIZE=7pt]^ What if like, a 13 year old is raped? Do you think she should be forced to have the child? Also, for all of you against abortion: Some people choose abortion because they do not want the baby. So if they don't abort it before it is born, they may neglect it when it is a child, even kill it after it is born.[/SIZE]
I'm just pro-choice, abortion is there for an option, they aren't forcing anyone to do it.

In my eyes, the only thing that should be said about abortion is that if you're against it, don't have one. Don't complain over other people's problems. Just deal and live with your own.

I don't think anyone should ever be forced to have a child, regardless of the way the woman became pregnant. It's her choice, and nobody else should be allowed to tell her what to do and what not to do with her body.

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Uh....I live in Canada, I think i'm impartial to the subject :)

If Canadian election-like posts can fit,

I'm Conservative :)
Naw, you're not impartial for the subject.

I'm Canadian and not able to vote, but American politics are far more interesting than Canadian politics. Not only that, they're publisized more.

Quite honestly I feel that many democrats are are voting for Mccain because they have a "bad feeling about Obama". It looks like racism to me. And to little kiddies who think Iraq did 9/11 it was Afganistan. Iraq really doesn't have anything to do with anything. So in my opinion the war is only putting us into spiralling debt and it is just endless.

What annoys me, is the fact that if dislike Obama, you'd get people screaming "RACISM WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" at every bad comment you make about them, or when you say you don't like them, which is like saying "Everyone on the net is a pedophile". If Obama was white, his economic policies would still be the same, his views most likely the same. Just like if the pedophile was off the net, they would still be a threat and still be a pedophile.

"If you don't like McCain, you're being agist.

If you don't like Hillary, you're sexist.

And if you don't like Obama, you're racist."

Which is a quote I read a while back.

Which is pretty much what I've seen all over. >_>

OK, I'm certain I've posted in this topic twice, yet it says I haven't.

Anyway, I'm in Illinois, and about 80-90% of this state is democrat (Maybe more, maybe less, but we're a majority democrat) and I'm not just following my parents. I learned the views of Obama and McCain, and I'm still supporting Obama. People should get their own choices (for abortion and such) and working families need more tax cuts than millionaires, who could probably (I'm 12, I could be wrong) afford $5 tax for every item they buy.

Tigerlily, here is just one of many links discussing Obama's connections to a radical preacher. It was BIG news when it came out a few months back, but he downplayed it all so well that you don't hear much about it presently. :/ Any search relating to "Obama radical preacher" will give you lots of results. lol
Page Link
Well that's fine and all but it's not much of a debate when some people throw statements all over the place without explaining why they feel that way or where their information came from. Hence why it's better to encourage others to do so in their own time then doing it for them. A little bit of research into why they vote for something isn't going to kill anyone.

I don't live in the states (thank god, bad recession-ish thing going on there too), but I'll say Obama, because McCain's a fat white guy.

No, I'm kidding. I wouldn't and don't vote republican. At least GB's doing something about the economy though. And war isn't all that important, okay? See the Iraq war example. The U.S. is going to have to pay for the damage now, when it's right in the middle of an economic panic.

I read up on my stuff at TheStar, a Canadian newspaper. Don't blame me if nothing's happening in America.

Well that's fine and all but it's not much of a debate when some people throw statements all over the place without explaining why they feel that way or where their information came from. Hence why it's better to encourage others to do so in their own time then doing it for them. A little bit of research into why they vote for something isn't going to kill anyone.

I didn't know where to find it.


The war keeps everything in Iraq, so they're not coming here to bomb the country.

I didn't know where to find it.


The war keeps everything in Iraq, so they're not coming here to bomb the country.
Well besides stating sources of information you find and state, the information you hear about is best debated too when you can back up your statements with facts that you have seen and heard on various forms of media AND then put your opinion and view on it in a way that doesn't cause gossip, rumours or any of that to happen. That's how to debate.

I have nothing against Obama, I think he is a great person, but McCain served in a war and seems like he would be the one with more experience. He served for our Country, and Obama didn't. Maybe Obama can make it for the next election.

If I could vote, I would vote McCain.

I think I already posted here. If I could vote, I'd vote for Obama.

I personally think, the economy being the way it is now (and the way it could possibly get), Obama would be better suited to handle it.

McCain's VP pick, in my opinion, was a terrible choice. Poor judgment.

Sarah Palin claims to have all this "foreign policy experience" which she doesn't. So what if Alaska is next to Russia?

Okay, I need to say this.

There are two islands located in the Bering Strait. Little Diomede and Big Diomede. Little Diomede is part of Alaska and Big Diomede is part of Russia. There's about one and a half miles of water between them. As far as I know, Sarah Palin has never been to either of the islands (if someone can find me proof that she has been there, okay, fine). So much for her foreign policy experience.


Well, I guess we can see what happens tomorrow night. This VP debate could count for a lot.

McCain's like... What?



The thought of getting stuck with Palin terrifies me D:

I think I already posted here. If I could vote, I'd vote for Obama.
I personally think, the economy being the way it is now (and the way it could possibly get), Obama would be better suited to handle it.

McCain's VP pick, in my opinion, was a terrible choice. Poor judgment.

Sarah Palin claims to have all this "foreign policy experience" which she doesn't. So what if Alaska is next to Russia?

Okay, I need to say this.

There are two islands located in the Bering Strait. Little Diomede and Big Diomede. Little Diomede is part of Alaska and Big Diomede is part of Russia. There's about one and a half miles of water between them. As far as I know, Sarah Palin has never been to either of the islands (if someone can find me proof that she has been there, okay, fine). So much for her foreign policy experience.


Well, I guess we can see what happens tomorrow night. This VP debate could count for a lot.
Why would Obama be the pick in your opinion? He's only been in the government basically for as long as he's been running.

Actually, what has he actually DONE in the first place? Tell me three things.

Plus, IMHO, Palin has more experience than Obama. She was a mayor and also a governor. She ran a whole state - Obama was just a representative of a state. And please someone tell me what he did there besides campaign?

As in the words of Rudy Giuliani, "Barack Obama is not ready. Barack Obama's never run a city, never run a state, never run an agency, never run a business, never made a payroll, has never really negotiated... Why did Barack Obama get a pass on his experience? And why is Sarah Palin's experience, which, from the executive point of view, is considerably more than Barack Obama's, under such scrutiny?" [1]

Honestly, explain to me why he has more than Palin? And she's not even at the top of the ticket!

[1] https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/02/palin.defense/

[SIZE=7pt]^ What if like, a 13 year old is raped? Do you think she should be forced to have the child? Also, for all of you against abortion: Some people choose abortion because they do not want the baby. So if they don't abort it before it is born, they may neglect it when it is a child, even kill it after it is born.[/SIZE]
I'm just pro-choice, abortion is there for an option, they aren't forcing anyone to do it.
Rape is of course much different from "I just didn't use a condom" because it wasn't on the consent of the woman. But, what does an abortion actually do for the woman besides continue the violence and pain?

Does an abortion take away the pain and the hurt? No. Abortion isn't just a simple walk in walk out procedure. There are physical and psycological risks and effects that of course they don't want you to know.

But the bottom line is that the being growing inside is a person and that person deserves to have a life. There are many reasons to do any other wrong but that still doesn't make it right.


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