Obama vs. Mccain


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I can't stand Barrack Obama. Besides, he's a democrat. My family is on the republican side. So of course I'm going for McCain. He's the better choice the way I see it.
I agree. My Family is republican and I just have a bad feeling about obama

They are both Republican. So what? Just because McCain is Republican doesnt mean he has to do everything Bush does xP

They are both Republican. So what? Just because McCain is Republican doesnt mean he has to do everything Bush does xP
It's what i heard, like all the pics of him and bush...i wanted hilary originally, personally i don't like either one, but good thing im too young to vote :p

(ps: Palin or w/e her name is scares me... i mean, she was governer of a TOWN and then one day she was like "i want to have the fate of this county in my hands"...wow)

Uhh... No. You can't be governor of a town. You're governor of a state. She was governor of Alaska, btw.

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Will you people just stop getting upset! I get it! But it's my opineon! My family HATES abortion! So quit getting upset at me!!!!! :p :D :p :p :angry:
Well, you shouldn't just go along with your family. think for yourself.

Would it truly be good if someone who couldn't afford to take care of themselves, had a baby?

what would happen to the baby?

Come on guys do you want this topic closed? You heard Tiger lily so be respectful to other peoples thoughts =] I am agaisnt abortion but if the women was raped i guess it should stay allowed..anyways if mccain wins and makes it illegal people are still going to do it! Probally in basements or something...Just like stealing, using drugs, etc. Do people do that? Sadly, yes they do. Im a democrat and i think gay marriage should be allowed. What if you were living in a world where you were supposed to be gay/lesbian but you werent you were straight, and what if they didnt let you marry someone you love. Idk but thats my opinon..

I personally support Obama.

I agree with most of his views on things, as well as the Democratic ones.

I think same-sex marriage should be allowed. I don't see why it shouldn't be. Everyone has a right to love who they want.

On the topic of abortion, I'm slightly split. I know McCain is for banning abortion, except in cases of rape or if the child is a threat to the mother.

But I think there are more reasons than that.

I think, that if you know what you could have gotten yourself into, and you can provide for the child, abortion shouldn't be a choice. However, I feel that if you were uneducated (because some people are) or don't have money to provide for a child, then abortion should be a choice.

I also really agree with Obama on the Iraq war.

Those are the three issues right now that are most important to me.

Plus, I'm also kind of scared that...if McCain dies...we'll be stuck with Sarah Palin. From the interview I watched, she does not seem ready to be vice-president, or perhaps president.

I would not want her in there at all. >.<

She doesn't seem ready.

I personally support Obama.I agree with most of his views on things, as well as the Democratic ones.

I think same-sex marriage should be allowed. I don't see why it shouldn't be. Everyone has a right to love who they want.

On the topic of abortion, I'm slightly split. I know McCain is for banning abortion, except in cases of rape or if the child is a threat to the mother.

But I think there are more reasons than that.

I think, that if you know what you could have gotten yourself into, and you can provide for the child, abortion shouldn't be a choice. However, I feel that if you were uneducated (because some people are) or don't have money to provide for a child, then abortion should be a choice.

I also really agree with Obama on the Iraq war.

Those are the three issues right now that are most important to me.

Plus, I'm also kind of scared that...if McCain dies...we'll be stuck with Sarah Palin. From the interview I watched, she does not seem ready to be vice-president, or perhaps president.

I would not want her in there at all. >.<

She doesn't seem ready.
Agreed ;] War hasnt done anything great to us and it never will..Its the most dumbest thing i've ever heard of. Its 2008 not 1891 geez!

I don't support, nor am I voting for either one this year.

If any, I would support Obama, as I'm a lot more democratic than republican and support more of his views and beliefs.

ok i gots to apologize. I was being an extremist. I just really really do not agree with what Obama is for. I personally don't even really like mccain. let me re-phrase

I don't think abortion is right: people should have to learn from their decisions and abortion is against my religion. I think the war is keeping terrorists away from our country and that is good. Talking to a terrorist not going to make them stop hurting us so thats out of the line. About the taxes, why should people who work harder get less and people who work less get more? Illegal immigration is against the law and Obama wants to help them... as long as it is against the law that is wrong. And just the way he says things makes me think he is self-centered... i don't know that for a fact.

I am NOT an American but I would have to be on Obama's side.

It would end the wars and all innocent soldiers and their families would be re-united.

Homosexuality gives people the freedom to be who they want to be, they have the chance to fall in love the same way as straight people do.

Abortion would be legal! Nobody but the lady who is pregnant should decide whether she wants to keep the baby or not. Her body, her life, her baby - her choice.

Oh, and in case you are wondering: I AM a Christian.

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