NZT's tama blog


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Mar 30, 2008
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22nd May 2008 - 4:53pm

Welcome to my tamagotchi blog! This blog will contain updates that are very exciting and fun!

*Unfortunaly I can post any piccies since I don't have a camera, and my phone camera is HORRIBLE*

Anyways, I am running 3 v5/Familitchis.

*Blue with stars v5 characters*

1. Tororotchi

2. Mattaritchi

3. Belutchi

*Orange/Yellow pets v5 characters*

1. Mattaritchi

2. Belutchi

3. Masutchi

*Red disco lights v5 characters*

1. Sakuramotchi

2. Ahikurutchi

3. Masutchi

As you guessed, I have all the children :angry:

I have to admit, I am not a large fan of Belutchi or Mattaritchi. I always get them, so they are starting to annoy me!

Anyways, it was a short update from me (but expect more tommorow!!!!)

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*Blue with stars v5 characters gen.2*

1. Tororotchi-->ChaMametchi-->Chantotchi-->Kunoitchi

2. Mattaritchi-->Mamekatchi-->Mametchi-->Gozarutchi

3. Belutchi-->Shelutchi-->Hotteatchi-->Kunoitchi

*Orange/Yellow pets v5 characters gen.2*

1. Mattaritchi-->Bakutchi-->Sukatchi-->Gozarutchi

2. Belutchi-->Ichigotchi-->Memetchi-->Kunoitchi

3. Masutchi-->Mamekatchi-->Mametchi-->Gozarutchi

*Red disco lights v5 characters gen.2*

1. Sakuramotchi-->Shelutchi-->Hotteatchi-->Kunoitchi

2. Ahikurutchi-->Korokotchi-->Sukatchi-->Gozarutchi

3. Masutchi-->Bakutchi-->Kuchipatchi-->Gozarutchi


*Blue with stars v5 characters gen.3

1. Iwatchi-->Hoshitchi

*Orange/Yellow pets v5 characters gen.2*

1. Futabatchi-->Mattaritchi

2. Futabatchi-->Tororotchi

3. Omututchi--> Ahikurutchi

*Red disco lights v5 characters gen.2*

1. Mimifuwatchi-->Sakuramotchi

2. Mimifuwatchi-->Masutchi

3. Futabatchi-->Belutchi

As you can see, all my tamas evolved into the NINJA FAMILY with bad care. I was aiming for PETITE FAMILY but I failed. My blue stars tama married a Sunitchi and now is in the SPACE FAMILY.
