Northlake Academy ~ A part fantasy, part futuristic RP


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Nodding in approval at Gill's idea, Nat gave Summer another quick stab of pain, pulling her up under the guise of "Come on! We've got to get outside!". Summer had no choice but to go along with Nat, especially when she held her hands together to force her outside while saying to Gill "What are we going to do about the other two? We can't really drive back to the Academy with just one of them."

The Academy? So her stupid link had been right after all... Making a small noise, Summer struggled against Nat, only managing to yell out "FLYNN!" before the older girl clamped a hand over her mouth. One which Summer screamed into when Nat gave her another shot of pain. "You little..."

Flynn jumped, having heard his name called by Summer. "What the &^%.." He began to run towards where the booth was, only to see that the three were gone. Shoot. He knew he could chase after them, but he was outnumbered by one, and who knew what that weird girl had for a power... There was no way she could have healing powers. Something about her seemed too evil for that. And the guy. God. Who knew what powers he had? Biting his lip, he quickly ran outside.

"I think we might have to just leave the other two for now. I could go back, but watergirl could kill me, and plus, we can't just leave Summer in the van alone, because.." He trailed off, wanting to say 'Because it would be lonely and I don't want her to feel sad,' but what came out was "Because she might be able to escape somehow. So we'll have to just take her and go, I guess."

"I'll explain to Mr Rael the situation when we get back to the campground. The town isn't that far, we can easily come back. Also, I know for a fact that some of our soldiers have been stationed in this stupid little place, I'll just ask them to block off the exits or something. Should keep the other two contained for a while- ah!" Nat cut off, hiding in pain as she retracted her hand - Summer had bitten her, and was proceeding to yell at the both of them. "#^]#@£& you, and the Academy! I'm not going back to that stupid - EU - prison - you guys can just-" It was Summer's turn to cut off as Nat attacked her mind yet again, causing Summer to go limp against her. "...Change of plan, we're taking her straight back to the Academy." She pushed Summer towards Gill. "Get in the van and start it up. Burn her if you need to keep her quiet, I don't even care. I need to make sure the other idiots can't escape."

Herp derp:

Name: Zack Todd

Age(14-18): 16

Gender: Male

Looks: The first thing you will notice about Zack is his hair. You can't dress it up in any way: he is a completely pure ginger. He's not ashamed of it - he'll crack slightly offensive jokes about ginger people like the next person. That's just the sort of person Zack is. He does care for his appearance, hence why his fairly long hair is generally styled in some way and clothing wise, he wouldn't be seen dead slobbing around in baggy jeans and a mucky t-shirt. While he does wear jeans and t-shirts (who doesn't?) ranging from plain to brightly patterned, he'll only wear things that are clean and you would actually want to be seen out in. /fail

Personality: Zack is the type of person that finds things very hard to take seriously. He is very much a comic relief sort of person, often to the annoyance of the people around him who want him to SHUT UP AND TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. It's not like Zack isn't a commited and focused sort of person. Once he sets his mind to something he sticks to it, right to the very end. He blames his addiction to smoking on this aspect of his personality. So yeah, Zack can be a good and determined ally in anything. You just have to be able to grit your teeth and be able to put up with his constant humourous chatter.

Power: He doesn't have one. He is the token Badass Normal.

Race: Human.

Other: Lives in this town. Oh yeah, he's gay. That is all.

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(Yay normal guy)

Gill narrowed his eyes. "Hey, wait, idiot. Hold onto her until I open the trunk. Then you can throw her in and do whatever you want. The van is like right there, it's not like the other two idiots will get very far in like 30 seconds. Besides, you're the one with the car keys."

(Have no idea on what to do with Flynn xP)

"Gill, it's called-" Natasha cut off as she pressed a button on the van key, and the lights flashed accompanied by a beeping noise. "-Long distance opening." She paused before groaning and deciding to do everything herself, opening the back of the van, grabbing Summer and tossing her roughly inside after removing her bag, dumping that on the floor. "Take over now, I think she's in too much pain to fight you if you tie her up. And for the love of God, do not let her get hold of a pencil."

In a rare moment of alone time, Zack had snuck outside of his stupid middle-of-nowhere house in this stupid tiny down for a quick cigarette break. However, he couldn't just go in the back garden - no, he had to go miles away, all so his parents didn't find out. Sighing, he took a drag as he walked along, pausing and frowning when he spotted a guy standing outside a building... That sounded like it had a fire alarm going.

"...Not my problem."

(just have Flynn ask Zack if he's seen Nat, Gill or Summer? xD)

Flynn panicked, and after about a minute, finally decided he'd have to go after Summer. He ran as fast as his tired-from-running-all-yesterday and bicycling-all-morning legs could go, and then he realized he had no idea where exactly Gill and Nat could've taken Summer. He saw a boy smoking. Ugh. He really didn't wanna do this, but.. "Uh, have you seen a gi-" He stopped, realizing this guy might not believe him if he asked if two people ran by holding a girl. "Have you seen a girl with.." He quickly described Nat's features, and then hoped this guy could help him.

"Fine." Gill apologized mentally to Summer as he tied her up, making a pretty tight and good knot around her back. "I won't give her a pencil, promise. Anyway, I will stay here and watch her. You go find that one boy- Flynn or whatever."

The suddenness of someone else's voice startled Zack, and he ended up dropping his cigarette. "Ah, man..." Grinding it into the floor with his foot, he turned around to face the guy, recognising him as they he'd seen earlier. Hm. "Sorry, no idea who you're talking about." Zack shrugged. "Why, is she your girlfriend and she's doing a runner or something? Let her go, dude. Plenty more fish in the sea."

Summer watched as Nat nodded, took another swig from that flask of hers, before running off. She attempted to struggle while Gill tied her up, but all the events of the past few days were catching up with her and all she could do was flop back in defeat. When she realised she was beginning to cry she turned away, horrified, and to cover up the fact that she had made a small sobbing noise she asked thickly "So by any chance are you related to a certain Mr Worthington?"

*&()*&** *&&(*. Flynn mentally cursed, annoyed. He didn't have time for this. He had no choice. "Okay then. She isn't my girlfriend, idiot, and I'm only chasing her because she got kidnapped by some (*()_*(_), from some stupid Academy from (*)(&*_(." He was ticked off, and he really wanted to strangle this guy right now.

Gill cringed at the question. "Um. I'm not- Uh.." He finally decided to just tell the truth. "Okay, I am. But I hate him. He's the worst father ever. I'd rather go live with my mom back in England." Oops. That might have been too much information. Oh well. "Um.. If you're hungry, I have some food up front. I can feed it to you if you want, since you're tied up and all."

Zack's eyes widened, and he raised an eyebrow. "That," He began, "Changes the situation somewhat." He sighed, musing over what he should do. "Well, I don't know if I should get mixed up with this, but hey, I have nothing else to do. Also, now that I know about this Academy, I probably have no hoice." Zack frowned, thinking hard. "Well, I saw everyone pouring out of that cafe that was on fire. I think I saw a group of people going... that way. Could be them?"

Summer made a small noise of disgust, looking over her shoulder to glare at Gill. "Great. That makes me feel better, knowing the company I'm in. And I'm fine, thank you very much." She said sarcastically, turning away again. Okay, she was screwed, but if she could save the others by delaying the Academy... "Just so you know, I'm never gonna tell you or your dad or your EU friends where. we were heading or anything else."

Gill flinched by the tone of Summer's voice, and by her harsh words. He turned around to look at her, but saw her glare, and instantly looked away, feeling a sinking in his gut. Great. She hated him. He couldn't think of anything to say, and for a few moments, simply allowed awkward silence. Finally, he said, "Look, I hate the Academy as much as you do. I'm only in America because my dad said he'd pay me 650 pounds a month. Dunno how much that is in US dollars. Anyway."

"Great. Thanks." Flynn turned to run, when he realized the full gist of what Zack was saying. "I doubt the Academy will hunt you down. I don't think they could be watching us. Unless..." He stopped short, at a horrible thought. Oh god. What if one of the Academy workers had the power to see things from afar? Or what if one of the students did? This was so not good. "Okay. Maybe you might have to hide yourself, or come with us because there's no way normal people can defend themselves against the Academy."

"You know, that doesn't really paint you in a better light." Summer pointed out. "You're kidnapping people and basically throwing them in a prisoner of war camp or something because all you care about is money?" Summer would have said more, had Nat not returned at that moment. "Why haven't you started the van? We need to get going, Gill! You can drive, I need to phone the Academy on the way."

"'Normal people'? Gee, thanks." Zack said, acting offended before shaking his head. "And hey, I could be useful. If I go missing, people'll start looking into where I've gone, and hey, exposure." He began to run in the direction he had just pointed out to Flynn. "You're not getting rid of me now! Come on!"

With a sigh, Flynn began to run after Zack. "It's your choice, I guess. But I'll have to explain everything later. You don't know the full story quite yet." He took the lead, running as fast as he could. For all he knew, Gill, Nat, and Summer could have already gotten away... Hopefully, not in a vehicle. There was no way they could catch a car.

Gill flinched and was about to reply, when Nat returned. He quickly started the van up when she mentioned that part, and then he began to drive off, back towards the campground.

"Hey, I'm gonna be sticking around for a while. You have plenty of time to explain." Zack called to Flynn as the other boy took the lead, running after him. A lot slower, mind you - please, everyone knows smoking affects your lungs. Eventually he skidded to a halt in the dead end where the van had been. Spotting Summer's bag, he walked over to it, calling to Flynn breathlessly "Hey... a bag..."

Nat groaned as she watched Gill, dialling the Academy without even looking at the screen. "You are really zoned out. We're not going to the campground, we're heading back to the Academy." Sighing and shaking her head, she lifted the phone to her ear. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you put me through to Mr Worthington? Tell him it's ever so slightly urgent."

Gill smacked himself. "Oh. Right. To the Academy. Sorry." He looked visibly depressed, his eyes filled with unhappiness. With a sigh, he began to drive the van towards the Academy, not looking forward to the likely 3 and a half hour drive back. Especially with Summer's harsh words still ringing in his mind. He felt like a total jerk now.

Flynn's face paled when he saw the bag. "Oh god, no.." He turned away, and muttered some profanities under his breath. "Great. They must have gotten away in a car or something. There's no footsteps in the mud, and there are car tracks, so..." He put his hands on his head, and sighed.

Nat rolled her eyes, shaking her head sadly. "Seriously, what is wrong with you? Sure, the other two escaped, but we can easily get them, especially if the brat in the back tells us-" Nat cut off as she was put through. Finally. Without so much as a 'hello', she launched straight into it. "I don't know if you know this, but three idiots escaped from the camping trip. We've got one, we're bringing her back to the Academy." A pause. "She knows. Everything."

Zack bit his lip, Summer's bag dangling from one hand. He had never been one for comforting people. "Uh... would this be a good time to tell me what's going on? I mean, dude, someone's just been kidnapped. The only thing preventing me from running to the police is the fact that there might be a crucial detail I don't know."

"Fine, fine." Flynn looked around for a moment, and then, figuring they were far enough from the main town for anyone else to hear, he said, "Okay, please don't run to the police and tell them, but me, this girl Celia, and the girl that got kidnapped, Summer- we're all from the US." He gulped, and continued on. "We're different... Because we have powers, or in Celia's case, isn't human." To prove he wasn't joking, he conjured some electricity in his hand, just enough to be seen.

Mr. Worthington answered the phone, and he listened to Nat's words. When he heard the part about how the stupid runaways knew everything, he cringed, and his face paled. "I see. We'll have to go back for the others later on. At least you have one girl. I'm sure the other two will come back for her, just like in one of those movies." With a smirk, he took a sip of the wine glass he had.

Zack swore loudly and ended up stumbling backwards, falling to the floor. He got up quickly, staring wide eyed at Flynn's hand.."I think I'll forgive you for making me drop my cigarette earlier." He said faintly. Then he frowned. "So if this other girl, Summer, has been taken... can't she just use her powers to bust out?"

"I hate those movies, but that scenario might prove useful." Nat agreed, glancing at Gill. "But yes, she knows everything, and she's not afraid to shout about it. Summer Patterson might be the most annoying brat I've ever met, and I hope we get to punish her somehow." A pause. "Do we?"

Gill cringed for a moment, thinking of what might happen to Summer. Good god, he didn't want her to suffer, and he certainly didn't want her to be killed... He tried his best to keep a neutral expression while he drove.

"Of course. The Academy will ensure Summer Patterson receives the maximum punishment. And we will make sure to find out exactly what she knows." Mr. Worthington stopped to take another sip of his wine. "The fact that she knows must mean the other two escapees know as well. We have to catch them, no matter what. The Academy will be sending more reinforcements to catch the other two. This is serious."

Flynn's eyes widened when he saw Zack fall backwards. He quickly held out a hand, and then apologized. "Sorry. I guess that might have been a bit too shocking." He laughed a bit at his horrible pun. "About Summer.. I wish." Flynn sighed. "But Summer's power is the power to draw things that come to life. I'm sure the Academy knows what her powers are, they made us tell. So there's no way they'll let her near paper, or anything she could write with or on."

"From her yellings it sounds like she knows a lot, possibly everything." Nat explained, glancing backwards over her seat. "Apparently she implied that they were heading somewhere in particular, so if the other two don't come back for her, we'll have to get where they're going out of her. I'll have to go now, Mother hasn't bothered to top up my mobile credit yet and I'm about to run out." Amd with that, Nat closed her phone without so much as a goodbye, looking at Gill. "Speed up."

"That," Zack chided as he took Flynn's hand to get to his feet. "Was a terrible pun. I'll do the jokes." He held onto Flynn's hand for a little longer than necessary before letting go to dust himself down, wincing. "Ah man. That sounds cool, but not in that situation..." He sighed. "So, what're we gonna do?"


(Sure, but wait.. What about Flynn and Zack? They're still talking, so can we maybe just timeskip Gill, Nat and Summer?)

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