Northlake Academy ~ A part fantasy, part futuristic RP


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"Flynn... we're gonna run in that situation anywhere. The money we might be taking from the bank would belong to somebody." Summer pointed out. "I don't like it, but... hey, look, there's the entrance to the town. We made it!"

Natasha returned to Gill's side after a while, sighing. "No-one around here has seen them. Any luck with your picture?"


"That's true too.." He kept pedaling, lost on what to do, when he heard Summer say that they had reached the town. He quickly looked up, and his spirits rose. "Yes! Finally! It feels like forever since I've seen brick buildings and all of the stuff in a town." He never thought he would be so relieved to see such a tiny town.

Gill shook his head. "Nope. I guess they might not be here yet. I have a good idea. Why don't we go towards the north entrance of this town? They'll be sure to go through there, so we'll hopefully catch them. The only issue is, we'll have to catch them without getting the public involved. It's a strict underground Academy rule we don't get normal citizens knowing who we are, so.."

When they were a suitable distance from the entrance Summer (not trusting the brakes) dragged her foot along the ground to come to a stop, before hopping off and wheeling the bike inside the town. "Wow. This place really is tiny." She said, raising an eyebrow. "Still, it's not Northlake or the campsite that is linked to Northlake, so..." She shrugged. "I guess we should find somewhere to ditch these bikes, as much as I like wheeling them around..."

"Not a bad idea. But how do we get them without getting the public involved?" Natasha frowned, thinking. "In fact, how do we catch them in the first place?" A pause. "As kidnapper-ish as this sounds, we'll just have to pick them off one by one and drag them back to the van." She continued, completly calm. In fact, she was actually smiling.

"Yeah.." He went ahead and stopped the bike (obviously not using the brakes) with his foot, and then got off. "Ugh. My butt hurts... Sitting on a bicycle seat for too long is just too painful." Wiping some of the dirt from earlier off his pants, Flynn glanced around. "So. Now where to...? The food bank? I kinda look all battered and homeless, and my clothes stink, so..."

"Good idea. Hey, maybe we should try to pick them off one by one, when they separate. I'm sure at some point, they'll have to stop to go to the bathroom. While the guy is waiting, you can give him *&(*O)(, and then we could drag him off. The girls will probably be easy to pick off if it's just them."

"I'm completly in agreement with you there." Summer said, wincing slightly and stretching her back. At Flynn's words she turned to look at him, wrinkling her nose. "Huh, true. But I doubt we'll be able to get food for three with just you going in there..."

"Most likely. If all else fails, you can just start a fire and we'll grab them in the resulting confusion." Natasha said, lowering her voice as people passed by. "Thing is, I don't think they're likely to separate... so where would they go?"

"Don't worry. Don't take too much offense from this, but you kinda smell too. I mean, we've been bicycling for like what, two hours? We're all sweaty and gross. Not to mention we haven't taken a bath since yesterday morning. I've never felt this gross in my life." As he unhappily looked at his feet, Flynn then realized something. "Now that I think about it.. Is there even a food bank in this town? Some towns don't even have food banks!"

"Yeah. I could just set a parking lot on fire, and it wouldn't hurt any civilians directly, although it would certainly cause some ruckus." Gill glanced around. "Ugh. We need to go discuss our plan of action somewhere where people don't pass by."

"Thank you for that amazing compliment." Summer said sarcastically, although she was smiling sheepishly. "Eh, I guess it's worth a shot... if, like you say, there is actually a food bank here." She sighed. "Guess we'll just have to wander around and have a look..."

"True. You're getting a few looks." Natasha pointed out. "But anyway, we need to shut up and get moving. This town is tiny - they might have already passed through for all we know."

"Yep." Flynn glanced around, ignoring the glances by passerbys who were likely wondering why three dirty, smelly teenagers were walking around during school hours. "This is kind of embarrassing. I really can't wait to get home. If we actually do, of course." He was beginning to feel doubtful again.

"Oops. Sorry. Well." He allowed there to be a few moments of awkward silence before announcing, "Anyway, let's get moving to the town entrance already. Come on." He spun around and began to head towards the entrance.

"About the home thing..." Summer swallowed, running a hand through her hair. "I... I don't think I'm gonna be going home." A pause. "As much as I want to, I... just don't think it's practical. To go home, that is. I don't want to drag anyone else into this..." She sighed heavily. "What about you guys...?"

Natasha couldn't help but take the lead, easily overtaking Gill as they walked to the town gates. "Hopefully, they're already in the town. I can't stand waiting around."

"I think the same.." Dropping his voice so passerbys wouldn't overhear, Flynn added, "Even if we get back into America somehow. Besides, what.. What.." He stopped for a moment, horrified by the thought. "What if we go home and find we don't have homes? I mean, what if the EU soldiers have infiltrated our homes? And what if we get home and find out out parents got taken away by the Academy or enrolled in the military?"

"Yeah. Anyway..." Gill kept walking, looking left and right, in hopes of seeing the bloody idiots already so he could hurry up and get back to the Academy campground, before the campers left to go back to the Academy. If Nat and him didn't get back in time, they'd have to drive all the way back to the Academy in the van, and plus, they'd have to endure a scolding from Mr. Rael for not being quick.

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Summer's eyes widened as she rolled the thought around in her head. "I... I think we're gonna cause harm to people we know whether we're at home or not, if that's the case." She said quietly. "Question is, which option hurts them less? Going home, staying away.:. or going back to the Academy?"

"I can't decide which would be better... sticking together or splitting up." Natasha mused, frowning as she thought. "On the one hand, splitting up is more efficient. On the other, one person can't take on three. Not even me."

"Well, we can't go back to the Academy now. If we do, imagine the punishment they'll have for us." He shivered at the very thought. "If we go home, we won't be safe because the Academy knows where we live. So I think our only option is to just get onto American soil and decide what to do from there." Flynn sighed. "I suppose."

Gill was about to answer, when something caught his eye: none other than the three students they were looking for. "Well, well. Look at them. They look disgusting. So, anyway, what should we do?"

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"Urgh. Thankfully, my nails are already mucked up from the woods, otherwise I wouldn't dare to touch them." Natasha sniffed, watching the three. "And isn't it obvious? We create a scene, 'help out', and then we take them back and do nothing for the rest of this trip..."

"Yeah, I guess-" Summer broke off mid agreement with Flynn as she felt a sharp sting attack her head. "Wha-" And then she broke off again, this time in a loud scream as the pain increased. She fought to stay upright, clinging to Flynn's arm tightly, but eventually the pain won out and she fell to the floor, screaming over and over again as she clutched her head.

Gill grinned at Nat, and was about to compliment her ingenious and then run over to pretend to help Summer but then he stopped dead in his tracks. That girl was cute. His mouth hung wide open, and he didn't notice it until he finally looked away, embarrassed. "Uh, um.. What are we doing again?"

(Bwahahahaha Gill isn't so cool now |D)

Flynn stared down at Summer in shock. "What happened? Are you okay?!" He was alarmed, and quickly looked at her head, expecting to see a wound. He saw nothing. Maybe it was a migraine.. No, that couldn't be it. He panicked mentally, not knowing what to do.

Nat frowned at Gill, but she wasn't looking at him due to having to focus on Summer. "I thought you were clever enough to figure something out..." Spotting that people were starting to stop take notice, Natasha hurried, running over and dropping to Summer's side, a look of concern on her face. "Hey, you okay?" She looked up at Flynn. "What happened?" Hopefully the girl's screaming will mask the British accent a little...

Summer didn't - couldn't - respond to Flynn, continuing to scream.

Flynn looked up at the girl who had just come over. "I don't know.. She just started screaming." He sighed, and muttered something that sounded like a cuss word under his breath. "It's weird. She's not bleeding or anything, and it can't be a headache, since a headache can't hurt THAT bad..."

Gill was frozen in place, simply looking at Summer with this stupid look on his face. Finally, he moved, went over to her, and said, "Hey, are y-you alright?" His face was red, and he looked like a complete idiot.

Natasha frowned. Her mind was racing with thoughts about how she could fool the other two and get them to trust her. Eventually, it hit her. If she could convince them she had powers... well, different ones to the ones she had... "I don't know, but..." Glancing up, she met Flynn's gaze, reaching out and cupping the side of Summer's face to tilt in up. Closing her eyes and looking away slightly, she broke the contact her power had with Summer... and she instantly stopping screaming, replacing the sound with deep breaths. There. Now they thought she had healing powers.

Summer gave a shaky sigh, remaining on the ground and trembling. "W-what just happened...?"

Letting out a sigh of relief, Flynn said to Summer, "You were just screaming your head off. Thank god you're fine now..." He looked at the girl who had helped them. "What did you do to her? Thanks for helping by the way." He glanced over at the other guy who had come over, and then wondered what was wrong with him. He had this look on his face, as if he was about to burst or something. Either way.

Gill's lip trembled, and when he saw Summer was alright, he couldn't stop himself from bursting out, "Thank god, you're alright!" When he realized what he had done, he quickly cupped his mouth, embarrassed. Wait, he was supposed to be acting worried anyway, so it was fine for him to act like this. "So, uh... What's your name?" He mentally hit himself, realizing only after he said that, that he already knew her name. "Oh, right. Summer.."

(bless Gill xD)

Natasha gave Flynn a small smile as she opened her eyes and removed her hand. "You really think I'm gonna reveal that to the general public?" She said quietly, getting to her feet and pulling Summer up with her. "Someone with abilities such as yourself should know better."

Summer wiped her eyes, catching Gill's gaze. Of course, this being Summer, she saw the similarities to a certain headteacher instantly and yelled out, staggering backwards. Then she paused. "...Oh god, sorry."

Why had she yelled out? Since Gill's brain was not working properly at the moment since his heart was pounding a mile a minute, he couldn't figure out she was freaked out by his resemblance to his father. "Ah. Um. Yes. Uh. Er." He quickly tried to get his composure back. "That's alright."

"Wha...?" Flynn was alarmed. How the heck did this girl know? Something inside of him felt this was a bit fishy, so he tried his best to lie. "I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, I'm sort of good at sports, but that's it." He realized how bad his lie sounded, and he really wished he had paid better attention in Survival. He vaguely remembered a lesson on how to lie if you got captured by the enemy or something, but he knew he hadn't been paying attention that day.

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